Third Milan show announced for the 15th October. All European dates here #U2eiTour
@Naomi_U2Sydney Should be 8pm Sydney same day if 9am Dublin/Belfast time. Best use the world clock of your smart phone to be sure.
Here’s our article on the announcement of #U2eiTour concerts in Belfast and Dublin, and an extra date for Copenhage……
@CamillaBro Think about us for the second one ☝????
@CamillaBro So you wasted another one ????
@CamillaBro #GeneralSaleDay Everything prepared here :)
We updated our tour listing with the just announced Dublin and Belfast dates #U2eiTour
Bedtime for me now. Enjoy the rest of the show everyone
bellahadid Bono doesn’t feel temperature
mysteriousdays Is Edge wearing his red flannel shirt AND also a red flannel scarf? @edgesredflannel
It is Get Out of Your Own Way
U2 is next
That’s okay, I actually have a soft spot for Stand Up Comedy…
First-listen me would agree with you, but American Soul has actually grown on me quite a bit. Boots never did.…
I think you just might be!…
Thank God…
…In that latest mention of U2, I swear that the screen on the barge said “GET ON YOUR BOOTS”“.
God have mercy on our souls…
chrisstraz @u2gigs Odds for “Life On A Distant Planet”? Same as being visited tonight by life from a distant planet?
rachelhawkins03 GOLF! Is interrupting the #grammys #grammysredcarpet OMG! Finish the dang shot! @atu2 @u2gigs @u2songs
@thombullock We go by the result, not the intent
u2songs (Spoilers)… - U2 was scheduled to play GOOYOW but they have also been rehearsing American So…
There’s more to come…
I’d guesstimate the odds at roughly 3720 to 1.…
Ugh, I’ll let Ax do the judging for that one then. I’m too tired to make a decision tonight.…
u2wanderer @atu2 According to the schedule shared with us U2 is mid-show, then an award presentation late in the show possibly Album of the Year.
Matkin here, possibly the only update for tonight though. Awards run until after 11 and I have to be awake at 5:45……