U2 Montreal 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360mtl
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Montreal with the hashtag #u2360mtl. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 10674 tweets for the hashtag #u2360mtl between 31 Dec 1969, 19:00 and 21 Jul 2011, 02:25 EDT
Tea Party kicked ass last night. Onto U2 tonight. Love music. Love #montreal #u2360mtl
My first U2 concert in montreal #U2360MTL #spannend
But all the promises we make. From the cradle to the grave. When all I want is you. #u2360MTL #BONO soooo excited
#OhYeah on a presque fini! Tres hayte de vous voir au stand @MusiquePlus #U2360mtl #fanjamevenko yfrog.com/klfaofj
@SophieLesiege Bon show! Ce soir ou demain? #U2360MTL
Everyone getting ready for U2 tonight remember to smile for the FanCam. Your print will come out better that way :) #U2360MTL
RT @u2gigs: Follow all #u2360mtl tweets with our Twitter live stream here: www.u2gigs.com/twitters...
RT @u2gigs: Follow all #u2360mtl tweets with our Twitter live stream here: www.u2gigs.com/twitters...
Follow all #u2360mtl tweets with our Twitter live stream here: www.u2gigs.com/twitters...
Billets, check. Bouteille d'eau, check. Creme solaire, check. Camera, check. Hélicoptère pour sortir de la, check. #U2360mtl
I love @u2com is bragging about #U2360MTL being the third show they've streamed...They can brag when they've streamed the whole tour
Je suis très heureux de ne pas être la personne qui devra nettoyer les toilettes après le spectacle de U2 ce soir... #U2360MTL
RT @evenko_en: Arrive early at the Fan Jam for your chance to win a backstage tour with U2’s production! Details: u2.evenko.ca/en/news#ne... #U2360MTL
RT @evenko: Allez-vous au concert de U2? Pour tout savoir, une seule adresse: u2.evenko.ca #U2360MTL
RT @CynCianci: So Bono is casually walking down Ste-Catherine this morning #u2360mtl
MONTREAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #U2360MTL
RT @u2wanderer: Dear U2...I hear rumors of something really cool on Saturday. Am I too late to request more songs from Zooropa? #u2360mtl
Getting ready for the shows listening to U2radio.com! #u2360mtl
@PL_Cloutier Déjà sur le site de #U2360mtl pour finir le kiosque @MusiquePlus il est Hot!!!
@VeroniquePrince Suggestion: ajoute #u2360mtl à tes tweets aujourd'hui :)
RT @u2wanderer: Dear U2...I hear rumors of something really cool on Saturday. Am I too late to request more songs from Zooropa? #u2360mtl
RT @Clepetar: Je me fous des anti-U2. Moi, j'aimerais bien un billet beau, bon, pas cher! #U2360Mtl
En route vera MTL pour voir #U2 #U2360mtl
RT @CynCianci: So Bono is casually walking down Ste-Catherine this morning #u2360mtl
@popartist61 Yes. I figured as much - though have not seem much in the way of reports @SarahStoneJ333 - how's the Line looking? #u2360mtl
Arrive early at the Fan Jam for your chance to win a backstage tour with U2’s production! Details: u2.evenko.ca/en/news#ne... #U2360MTL
@wxander Thanks, but I meant what the queue for GA is looking like at present. #u2360mtl
RT @CynCianci: So Bono is casually walking down Ste-Catherine this morning #u2360mtl
Just found out people have been lined up for U2 for quite some time. I'm so excited for tomorrow. #U2360MTL
So Bono is casually walking down Ste-Catherine this morning #u2360mtl
@SarahStoneJ333 Oh, that I were there! :D #U2360MTL
One GA ticket for sale for tonight $50 I'm in GA line now. Tweet me if interested #U2360MTL
To go to #U2360MTL tomorrow for 70$ or to not... #thatisthequestion
Hello, I would just like to say...ITS A BEAUTIFUL DAY!!!! U2 tonight part 1!!!!!!!!!!!! #U2360MTL
En VACANCE yesssss et on Start sa avec U2 a soir ;)) #U2360MTL,
Plus de la moitié des billets disponibles étaient à moins de 70$ @chouin_dav 200$ pour aller voir un show de U2 ? Non merci ! #U2360MTL
RT @SPVM: Le SPVM en entrevue à 10h sur les ondes de LCN au sujet du plan de circulation en prévision de #U2360MTL
En direct du métro Namur. De plus en plus de gens arrivent. Le site devrait être accessible vers 17h. Peut-être avant. #U2360MTL
Je me fous des anti-U2. Moi, j'aimerais bien un billet beau, bon, pas cher! #U2360Mtl
RT @MTLConcerts: 63 504 fans saw U2 at Olympic Stadium on October 1st, 1987, fifth largest crowd Stade O's ever gathered #U2360MTL
Impatiente mais d'abord le boulot #U2360MTL #itsgonnabeinsane!
@MTLConcerts Am I the only person in mtl who doesn't really care that much about popular acts here like #U2360MTL and Bon Jovi? :/
RT @evenko: Allez-vous au concert de U2? Pour tout savoir, une seule adresse: u2.evenko.ca #U2360MTL
RT @SPVM: Le SPVM en entrevue à 10h sur les ondes de LCN au sujet du plan de circulation en prévision de #U2360MTL
I wonder how many #Habs will be at tonights #U2360MTL concert
After 2 years of waiting #U2360MTL is finally today #cantwait
@MTLConcerts and the other 4? #U2360mtl
It's a beautiful day #U2360MTL tonight #cantwait, going to both concerts back to back nights