U2 Montreal 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360mtl
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Montreal with the hashtag #u2360mtl. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 10674 tweets for the hashtag #u2360mtl between 31 Dec 1969, 19:00 and 21 Jul 2011, 02:25 EDT
RT @beth_may: &another map of interior with toilets, ATMs, first aid, etc. V helpful, thorough public info from the #U2360MTL folks. www.evenko.ca/_pdf/plan...
I am 215 in line. It's Breezy. I'm Tired. #thethingsidoforyoubono #U2360MTL
RT @SPVM: Le SPVM en entrevue à 10h sur les ondes de LCN au sujet du plan de circulation en prévision de #U2360MTL
RT @evenko: Allez-vous au concert de U2? Pour tout savoir, une seule adresse: u2.evenko.ca #U2360MTL
@helousen On ne peut pas dire combien de temps ca prend pour entrer le site, mais on vous suggère d'arriver le plut tôt possible. #U2360MTL
Pour les maniaques qui vont voir U2 ce soir, mettez-vous dans le beat en écoutant U2 sur le web: u2radio.com/live/ #U2360MTL
Le SPVM en entrevue à 10h sur les ondes de LCN au sujet du plan de circulation en prévision de #U2360MTL
Any reports on what the line at #u2360Mtl is like right now?
Allez-vous au concert de U2? Pour tout savoir, une seule adresse: u2.evenko.ca #U2360MTL
RT @MTLConcerts: 63 504 fans saw U2 at Olympic Stadium on October 1st, 1987, fifth largest crowd Stade O's ever gathered #U2360MTL
city info #u2360mtl ville.montreal.qc.ca/U2 , the faq ville.montreal.qc.ca/po... and PDF of street closures t.co/7QmJh1d
63 504 fans saw U2 at Olympic Stadium on October 1st, 1987, fifth largest crowd Stade O's ever gathered #U2360MTL
Direction U2 360 Today! Vs passerez me voir au Fan Jam dans l'espace Musique Plus!!! See ya later #U2360mtl
Selon notre correspondant sur place (!) @fcormierSRC , la foule n'est pas encore si nombreuse, loin de McCarney à Qc en 2008 #U2360MTL
@MTLConcerts #U2360MTL I remember those shows! Those acts were fantastic! Know anything about the opening act this tour?
Gonna be hard waiting until tomorrow! Must. Remain. Calm. #U2360MTL
200$ pour aller voir un show de U2 ? Non merci ! En passant, leurs albums coûte 9,99$ sur iTunes...Vive les économies ! :) #U2360MTL
#U2360mtl is there already a lot of people in line ??
Going to U2 360? Make sure you know the essentials. Visit our info page here u2.evenko.ca/en/event-i... #U2360MTL
Anyone else have a massive BONOner? #U2360mtl #U2Mtl #notme
It's finally here!!! #u2360mtl
What are the numbers looking like for the gen. admission line at #u2360mtl?
Last time I saw U2 (2001), PJ Harvey opened. In the 90s, Pixies and Primus opened for U2 in Montreal. Now, THOSE were opening acts #U2360MTL
All I hear is about #u2360mtl it's like a high school party that I'm not going to. I don't want to hear about it anymore!
+1 RT @MTLConcerts: Opening acts who would've been way cooler than Interpol: Slayer. Breastfeeders. Girl Talk. #U2360MTL
RT @u2wanderer: Dear U2...I hear rumors of something really cool on Saturday. Am I too late to request more songs from Zooropa? #u2360mtl
+ 1 RT @Verogosselin: Je vais me faire tirer des roches: j'en ai rien à cirer de #U2360mtl Merci de votre attention!
RT @U2Conference: Mes amis à Montréal: On radio CJAD 800 @ 3:15 Fri re: U2 Conference & #U2360MTL www.cjad.com/Shows/DanL...
A pas trop la tete au travail aujourd'hui... I wonder why! :) #u2360mtl
Opening acts who would've been way cooler than Interpol: Slayer. Breastfeeders. Girl Talk. #U2360MTL
Pictures of Virgin Radio VIPs with U2, here: montreal.virginradio.ca... Plus, upload your own! #u2360mtl
Over/Under on how many times we hear the Olé/Olé chant at the U2 show tonight: 3 (I'm going with the over) #cantwait #U2360MTL
RT @u2wanderer: "Wide Awake in Canada" :-) #u2360mtl
to all of u2 fans who sees U2's show tonight. I'm dedicating it to you u2radio.com/live/ - get into the mood #u2360mtl @u2radiocom
RT @u2wanderer: Dear U2...I hear rumors of something really cool on Saturday. Am I too late to request more songs from Zooropa? #u2360mtl
@Photo_Grafy It's a Beautiful Day! #U2360MTL
Pk quand quelqu'un se fou de quelque chose il prend la peine de l'exprimer moi le premier? Ca fait juste contribuer non #U2360mtl
@u2wanderer ".I hear rumors of something really cool on Saturday." pleaseeee what did U hear?? :D #u2360mtl
#ff @atu2 @EdgeFest @hjwallace1 @EveryBrokenWave @popartist61 - all should be covering #u2360mtl #u2
+1000 “@Verogosselin: Je vais me faire tirer des roches: j'en ai rien à cirer de #U2360mtl Merci de votre attention!”
Larry Mullen. Dude has best job in the world. Seriously. Journalists don't wanna talk to him, paparazzi don't wanna follow him #U2360MTL
#FF à ceux qui vont voir U2, parce qu'on va passer toute une journée!! #U2360MTL
RT @valsimard #U2360MTL: pour se rendre sur le site, le vélo est-il une option?
Dear U2...I hear rumors of something really cool on Saturday. Am I too late to request more songs from Zooropa? #u2360mtl
to all of u2 fans who sees U2's show tonight. I'm dedicating it to you u2radio.com/live/ - listen and get into the mood #u2360mtl