U2 Montreal 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360mtl
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Montreal with the hashtag #u2360mtl. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 10674 tweets for the hashtag #u2360mtl between 31 Dec 1969, 19:00 and 21 Jul 2011, 02:25 EDT
#u2360mtl y a t-il-déjà beaucoup de monde ???
Je vais me faire tirer des roches: j'en ai rien à cirer de #U2360mtl Merci de votre attention!
@Edgefest Thanks for the #U2360MTL hotel suggestion. Our hotel fabulous is just that! :-)
It's a beautiful day here in Montreal #U2360MTL
RT @MariaSanz: That's crazy! RT @evenko: Sur le point d'ouvrir les portes pour la file admission générale! #U2360MTL twitpic.com/5mxbc6
RT @OliPrudhomme: Le titre U2 Montréal 2011 est disponible dans toutes les stations de métro de Montréal. (via @u2stminfo) #U2360MTL #STM
For those going to #U2360MTL tonight, swing by @BatonDecarie and see @Peteypops13 for a drink. Tell him I sent you.
Combien?RT @RussoToGo Le gars qui va voir #U2360MTL 2 soirs de suite, pcq y s'est acheté trop de billets. Bin c'est moi! Deux billets AG pou
Reissue coming this fall, so I guess U2 will play lotta songs from Achtung, which is, let's face it, their last significant album #U2360MTL
I am even better than the real thing #U2360MTL #thingsthatareNOTtrue
U2 #U2360MTL
@alexalarie tu lui as dit que c'est toi et tes 80 000 meilleurs amis?? :). #u2360mtl
Have a great time at #U2360MTL tonight @cupcakecowgrrl @harzack86 sorry I won't be there tonight
Good morning!!! Today is the day...U2 here I come:) Let the madness begin!!! #U2360MTL
Le titre U2 Montréal 2011 est disponible dans toutes les stations de métro de Montréal. (via @u2stminfo) #U2360MTL #STM
"Beautiful day" for outdoor show:) #u2360mtl
@LapinRoyal Fun will be when the show will be finished tho. That will just be hell to come back! #U2360Mtl #stm
RT @evenko_en: Sweet dreams to U2 fans! The Big Day is finally there!!! #U2360MTL
@caropaquin80 For #U2360Mtl, we will arrive in style with #Namur #stm
CJAD just interviewed us. At least I think that was them. #U2360MTL
RT @evenko: Bonne nuit aux fans de U2 ! Le grand jour est enfin arrivé!!! #U2360MTL
Wish I could give red bull to my watch so it would get to 3pm faster #U2360MTL
@LapinRoyal Whoa! That's a lot of closed streets! But that tells me that we're OK to get off at Namur. LOL #U2360Mtl
@caropaquin80 #EEEK Check this for tonight: www.evenko.ca/_pdf/plan... t.co/rXFlDRp #U2360Mtl from @beth_may
Prochain station: U2! #U2360mtl #stm
If you get a picture with a member of #U2, send it to @925theQ or FB page, we'll award 5 pics with tickets to Saturday's show #U2360MTL
ça doit faire un an que j'ai pas écouté du U2 je vais faire ça aujourd'hui ... #U2360MTL faut ben que je me prépare LOL
@LapinRoyal I KNOW!!!!!! I'm just SO EXCITED!!!! #U2360Mtl
&another map of interior with toilets, ATMs, first aid, etc. V helpful, thorough public info from the #U2360MTL folks. www.evenko.ca/_pdf/plan...
+1000 RT @LussiD U Day comme dans "U que j'vais laisser mon auto?" #U2360mtl
Hello hello.... #u2360mtl getting ready!
umm, yep. :) RT @smokinlulu: 80,000 people. I guess wearing flip flops would be a bad idea. #U2360MTL
@misterjonesmtl Tu viens pas? #U2360mtl
@u2com "live audio from Montreal" houston we've got a problem with the site,even if we're paid member,it does not recognize us #u2360mtl
aujourd'hui enfin #U2360mtl J'avais reçu mes billets pour ma fête en jan 2010... Ça va être une belle journée avec mon amoureuse :-)
Jour U: en route pour la métropole, The Unforgettable Fire à fond la caisse! #U2360MTL
Incredibly helpful map of entire site and neighborhood with road closures, shuttle info, etc for #U2360MTL ville.montreal.qc.ca/pl...
80,000 people. I guess wearing flip flops would be a bad idea. #U2360MTL
RT @evenko: Sur le point d'ouvrir les portes pour la file admission générale! #U2360MTL twitpic.com/5mxbc6
#u2360mtl We have the last pair of tickets in Montreal! Call now
In the queue. #U2360MTL www.flickr.com/photos/j...
RT @mpare41166 With Or Without You #U2360MTL
@alaindassylva Je compte sur toi, Alain. #U2360mtl
''It's a BEAUTIFUL DAY Sky falls, you feel like It's a BEAUTIFUL DAY Don't let it get away'' #U2360MTL
U Day comme dans "U que j'vais laisser mon auto?" #U2360mtl