U2 East Rutherford 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360nj
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in East Rutherford with the hashtag #u2360nj. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 3012 tweets for the hashtag #u2360nj between 14 Jul 2011, 15:15 and 25 Jul 2011, 14:00 EDT

RT @MemphisMullen: Adam arrived. Edge stopped and met everyone. Bono arrived. Still waiting for Larry. U2360NJ

Adam arrived. Edge stopped and met everyone. Bono arrived. Still waiting for Larry. U2360NJ

@BeautifulDay36 You only sweat (or freeze) for the ones you love!! #U2360NJ

Stupid heat. Medics will be busy tonight. #U2360NJ

#U2360NJ This will be my 15th U2 concert...the best was @MSG, Oct 2011. One I will never forget
@ONECampaign Good luck tonight at the #U2360NJ gig and mention the link between #climatechange and #poverty in your next campaign.

#U2360NJ will be gettin there round 8. Luv U2., not crazy enough to stand in that line. Sec 139.. where the streets have no name. Enjoy!

RT @smbonneau: Sound checking BAD!!!! #U2360NJ
One year and 4 days late, I am going to see U2. #U2360NJ is going to be epic. Thank you Dublin and yes, anyone can change the world.

I wonder if @jaimearodriguez is here. He's been pretty quiet, U2-wise. Or maybe I'm just not paying attention. #U2360NJ

U2 concert in 2 hours #U2360NJ !!!

Was just interviewed by #News12 on the line for #U2360NJ. I'll be on TV, lol.

Guessing people have been drinking a lot of ice cold beer in the parking lot before the U2 concert. #ItsDamnHot #U2360NJ

Looking forward to my first U2 concert tonight. Hoping it's even better than the real thing. #U2360NJ
Getting ready to leave work and cross the river to see Bono and the guys, a year later. #U2360NJ
@harrietlr01 has tix after waiting a year for original concert. #U2360NJ

Getting a nice tan waiting for gates to open. #U2360NJ

Looking forward to my first U2 concert tonight! Hope it's Even Better Than The Real Thing! #U2360NJ

Waiting to get into the #NewMeadowlands for #U2360NJ. IT'S HOT'

Two beers deep at #U2360nj parking lot. Black Saab hatchback between J21 and J22. Come say "Hi".

About to arrive at new meadowlands w/ @harrietlr01 for U2 concert #U2360NJ

RT @u2mexico: Estimados amig@s #U2Fans, en la recta final de la gira esperamos puedan unirse hoy a las 8 pm (centro MX) para seguir el #U2360NJ

On my way to new meadowlands! #u2360nj

RT @u2mexico: Estimados amig@s #U2Fans, en la recta final de la gira esperamos puedan unirse hoy a las 8 pm (centro) para seguir el #U2360NJ

Thinking about all the U2 songs, what was the most played song this tour ? htl.li/5IXu5 #U2360NJ #U2360NJ

Paul arrived #U2360NJ

RT @U2TOURFANS: How many miles has U2 traveled this tour ? #U2360USA #U2360NJ htl.li/5IXqU

'The magic happens when you follow your instincts.' wee read then quick nap ahead of #U2360NJ www.u2.com/news/title/a... @fridaygavin #catholic

RT @u2mexico: Estimados amig@s #U2Fans, en la recta final de la gira esperamos puedan unirse hoy a las 8 pm (centro MX) para seguir el #U2360NJ

In the car heading to New Meadowlands! #U2360NJ

RT @u2mexico: Estimados amig@s #U2Fans, en la recta final de la gira esperamos puedan unirse hoy a las 8 pm (centro MX) para seguir el #U2360NJ

RT @u2mexico: Estimados amig@s #U2Fans, en la recta final de la gira esperamos puedan unirse hoy a las 8 pm (centro MX) para seguir el #U2360NJ

In the GA line now and it's a hot one. I only sweat it out for the ones I love. #U2360NJ

Estimados amig@s #U2Fans, en la recta final de la gira esperamos puedan unirse hoy a las 8 pm (centro MX) para seguir el #U2360NJ

GA line not too bad, at least there's a breeze #U2360NJ

At the parking lot of #U2360nj. One beer down. Hot as hell.

Just a few hours left until the U2 extravaganza begins! #u2360nj #u2360ny

#u2360nj It's hot as balls.

Packing up has commenced. #U2360NJ

Preparing for #U2360USA #U2360NJ U2 is blasting right now... Song is: Zooropa "You've got the right shoes to get you through the night..."

taking the sister to her first rock n' roll show and it's U2! Going to be nothing short of magic! #U2360NJ #rocknroll
Ate the food, drank the wine, everybody having a good time...#U2360NJ

Gonna be my last 360 show tonight! Kinda depressing... #U2360NJ

On line for U2 and damn it's brutally hot outside. #U2360nj

RT @u2mexico: Suena «Bad» en la prueba de sonido de #U2360NJ