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U2 East Rutherford 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360nj

This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in East Rutherford with the hashtag #u2360nj. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.

We collected 3012 tweets for the hashtag #u2360nj between 14 Jul 2011, 15:15 and 25 Jul 2011, 14:00 EDT

@BookJacquie @manda903 #u2360nj: diana ross in central park was another one.

Cooling centers set up for GA line for #U2360nj.

Ayayayay!, dicen que en la prueba de sonido de #U2360NJ está sonando (o sonó) Bad.

@PhilippeVayssac That's the Sweetest Thing I've heard on this One Beautiful Day in New York. Enjoy U2 till you feel Numb =) #U2360NJ

@manda903 @yankee32879 Both good ones! My 1st was Emerson Lake and Palmer for some odd reason no one in my family remembers #u2360nj

@BookJacquie Erasure. 19*mumblemumble* #u2360nj

@BookJacquie #u2360nj: technically, miles davis.

U2 CONCERT TONIGHTTT w/mommmma!! :D Can't wait!! #U2360NJ

Getting ready for U2 tonight! The boys first concert. Can't wait! #u2360nj What was your first conert?

Magic at the meadowlands tonight! #u2360NJ U2 Angel Of Harlem (Slane Castle Live) HD via @youtube

On the way to #U2360NJ. Can't wait.

RT @u2mexico: Suena «Bad» en la prueba de sonido de #U2360NJ

Suena «Bad» en la prueba de sonido de #U2360NJ

RT @ryankentm: Doesn't Bono have a song with @rihanna and Jay-Z? Rihanna is playing NJ tomorrow, U2 is there tonight. #ImJustSayin #U2360NJ

People in line flipping about hearing Bad! Eeeee! #U2360NJ

What time is it in the world? #U2 #U2360NJ Quito: 8.00 PM Wednesday :)

More BAD - also hanging with the U2mart.com guy - love that site #U2360NJ

dont know what song i want to hear tonight but its goign to be a blast. # #U2360NJ

RT @U2TOURFANS: How many miles has U2 traveled this tour ? #U2360USA #U2360NJ

@scatterolight have fun! it should be an amazing show! #U2360NJ

cant wait to see U2 to in the swap #U2360NJ

Sound checking BAD!!!! #U2360NJ

We're at new Meadowlands for U2 360... Waiting since 8AM, doors open at 5PM but we'll be inside THE RING! #U2360NJ Thank Daniel @D_Hong

u2360nj Its a beautiful day!!!!! So excited

I can't stop the dance. Maybe this is my last chance. #U2 #U2Quotes #U2360NJ

will drop @hellosigit in Downtown NYC and go to New Meadowlands stadium for U2 with @insomnisa #U2360NJ

How many miles has U2 traveled this tour ? #U2360USA #U2360NJ

thanks to @u2br it's great you'll try to broadcast #u2360nj ( )

RT @U2Argentina: Photo: Todo listo para el despegue! U2 360° Tour New Jersey! #U2 #U2360NJ #U2360NYC

RT @u2_news: What time is it in the world? SHOWTIME!!! #U2 #U2360 #U2360NYC #U2360NJ

Just left the office and am headed to Penn Station to catch the train to #u2360nj ! :D

Hearing soundcheck is already making the 7am wakeup/96 degree parking lot line worth it. #u2 #u2360nyc

Can hear the techs practicing- city of blinding lights #U2360NJ

Prueba de sonido en #U2360NJ

So excited for U2 show tonight at Meadowlands! Will tweet photos later. #U2360NJ

En este momento suena el soundcheck #U2360NJ

#u2360NJ soundck Zooropa, COBL. Might be tape though. Who would play in 90F+ if you didn't have to?

In line for GA #U2360NJ. SOUNDCHECK! Zooropa! Pls @360fromtheedge play "The Refugee"!!!

On the GA line, maybe 350 in line #U2360NJ

#U2360NJ even if it is crew it still sounds great sitting out here waiting!

#u2360NJ crew sound check - Zooropa

Rocking out #U2360NJ tonight!

Off to NYC for pre gaming for #U2360NJ !!!!

Leaving for #U2360NJ in about 1.5 hours. Should be a great show.

Wristbanded. And waiting. :) have a said how I love the cooling tent and free water! Thanks meadowlands #U2360NJ

very talented musician playing "Pride" #u2360nj

RT @Derbie7: All my tweets will be U2 related today, you've been warned ;) #U2360NJ

Only 7 hours to go. #U2360NJ #U2360NYC

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