U2 East Rutherford 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360nj
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in East Rutherford with the hashtag #u2360nj. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 3012 tweets for the hashtag #u2360nj between 14 Jul 2011, 15:15 and 25 Jul 2011, 14:00 EDT

Stuck on RT17 in traffic!! Makin our way to meadowlands #U2360NJ

Photo: Todo listo para el despegue! U2 360° Tour New Jersey! #U2 #U2360NJ #U2360NYC tumblr.com/xcf3lu167p

RT: Wishing I could be in NJ tonight. #U2360 #U2360NJ #U2360USA #HavingMajorU2Withdrawals #PityPartyForOne #Sigh

RT @kraftwerk76: "@u2mexico: [Foto] ¡Chéquense esta vista del interior del estadio! #U2360NJ corner.bigblueinteracti... corner.bigblueinteracti... ...

RT @u2mexico: [Foto] ¡Chéquense esta vista del interior del estadio! #U2360NJ corner.bigblueinteracti... corner.bigblueinteracti...

"@u2mexico: [Foto] ¡Chéquense esta vista del interior del estadio! #U2360NJ corner.bigblueinteracti... @sabrinaroier">corner.bigblueinteracti...

Doesn't Bono have a song with @rihanna and Jay-Z? Rihanna is playing NJ tomorrow, U2 is there tonight. #ImJustSayin #U2360NJ

[Foto] ¡Chéquense esta vista del interior del estadio! #U2360NJ corner.bigblueinteracti... corner.bigblueinteracti...

Ready to hit the tracks... Going by train to the U2 Concert on New Jersey from Connecticut #U2360NJ

headed to the stadium! #u2360nj

RT @u2_news What time is it in the world? SHOWTIME!!! #U2 #U2360 #U2360NYC #U2360NJ twitpic.com/5t2hod

#U2360NJ tonight... Tickets check, water checks. Blasting out U2 songs now...
RT @U2TOURFANS: U2 fans are you ready for NJ/NY show ? #U2360NJ #u2360USA Follow the stream live htl.li/5IXhh

Let me in the sound, Let me in the sound, Let me in the sound, sound, Let me in the sound, sound, Meet me in the sound!! #U2360NJ

Headed to the stadium in a few #U2360NJ

If your friend isn't cutting the line, then he would save his spot at the end, No?! #U2360NJ

NJ turnpike sucks. Working our way to #U2360NJ

Line cutters already and people with attitude! #U2360NJ

twitpic.com/5t2vrq Beating the heat at #U2360NJ. GA line. Security says about to give out wristbands

RT @u2ers: Ready for U2 in New Jersey? Follow all the informations with us here! All coments with hashtag: #U2360NJ

@Flora22NYC I will be tweeting from U2 at Meadowlands tonight! Woot! Follow me girlfriend. #U2360nj
I couldn't imagine back in the 80s when I wore down my Joshua Tree cassette that I would go see U2 with my husband in 2011. #U2360NJ
Wow...just 10 days till the end of #U2360 -- SHOW #107 tonight at the New Meadowlands Stadium in East Rutherford #U2360NJ
RT @u2ers: Ready for U2 in New Jersey? Follow all the informations with us here! All coments with hashtag: #U2360NJ

RT @U2TOURFANS: Follow tonights show via owl.li/5IXaF #U2360NJ full show streams and photos live tonight

RT @U2TOURFANS: U2 fans are you ready for NJ/NY show ? #U2360NJ #u2360USA Follow the stream live htl.li/5IXhh

Ready for U2 in New Jersey? Follow all the informations with us here! All coments with hashtag: #U2360NJ
It's gonna be hot and steamy at the Meadowlands tonight. #U2360NJ

RT @U2TOURFANS: U2 fans are you ready for NJ/NY show ? #U2360NJ #u2360USA Follow the stream live htl.li/5IXhh

You're the Real thing, You're the Real thing, You're the Real thing.....Even better than the Real thing!! #U2360NJ

RT @U2TOURFANS: U2 fans are you ready for NJ/NY show ? #U2360NJ #u2360USA Follow the stream live htl.li/5IXhh

RT @U2TOURFANS: Follow tonights show via owl.li/5IXaF #U2360NJ full show streams and photos live tonight

RT @U2TOURFANS: U2 fans are you ready for NJ/NY show ? #U2360NJ #u2360USA Follow the stream live htl.li/5IXhh

U2 fans are you ready for NJ/NY show ? #U2360NJ #u2360USA Follow the stream live htl.li/5IXhh

RT @ryankentm: Off to @NMStadium for #U2360NJ ... the Clawed Spaceship is taking off tonight.

#U2360NJ lot J just opened for GA but cash only. Bring a Benjamin

#U2360NJ have GA tix, meadowlands emailed last night we come to lot J. Now they say not opening till 2pm. How did GA'ers get there?

RT @u2_news: What time is it in the world? SHOWTIME!!! #U2 #U2360 #U2360NYC #U2360NJ twitpic.com/5t2hod

Excited for #U2360NJ tonight! Waited 2 yrs for this show!

All my tweets will be U2 related today, you've been warned ;) #U2360NJ
7 hours 45 mins til #U2 takes the stage :) #u2360NJ Don't think I've been to the new Meadowlands yet.

RT @u2_news: What time is it in the world? SHOWTIME!!! #U2 #U2360 #U2360NYC #U2360NJ twitpic.com/5t2hod
RT @u2_news: What time is it in the world? SHOWTIME!!! #U2 #U2360 #U2360NYC #U2360NJ twitpic.com/5t2hod
RT @smbonneau: Don't expect any kind of data signal tonight folks #U2360NJ
RT @U2TOURFANS: Follow tonights show via owl.li/5IXaF #U2360NJ full show streams and photos live tonight