@markpeterboro Oh no! I was just wondering where today’s table was. Hope the laptop situation doesn’t prove too dire.
U2’s Bad from last nights New York show https://youtu.be/NtZbL93… #U2ieTour (via @gregfeingold)
@Coldplayer4life @atu2 You won’t have to wait long for bootlegs of the show to appear on @U2start and @u2torrents
#U2 have done 4 songs from Rattle & Hum this tour (equal third for most songs from an album on #U2ieTour). None of them played in NYC yet!
@sarahgleim Yes, it was second song of the encore tonight. It’s been done at 11 of the 30 shows played so far this tour.
@thombullock That at least drew on ZooTV tradition of Bono holding long note into Bullet, it just wasn’t that great. COBL/Bullet feels weird
maxtsukino and thanks to every one of the periscope/meerkat streamers… to bring us the #U2ieTour is a huge effort from your part. THANKS!!!
I hope Gloria, since it missed out back in 2005. #U2ieTour #U2 https://twitter.com/Ever…
That’s the end of the show. Full NYC2 setlist and info right here: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar… #U2ieTour #U2
Bono alternates between singing it as “people have the power” and “people got the power”. #U2ieTour #U2
@ryannichols7 I’d ditch basically any regular if it meant making Bad a nightly feature.
25. I Still Haven’t Found, back after missing two shows and probably last song of the night. #U2ieTour #U2
@ryannichols7 Yep, well predicted.
@u2girl1966 I don’t know how I remember half this stuff… suggests I’ve spent too much time in the depths of our archive!
Bono is speechifying now, talking about how the UN has said we are winning the war against AIDS. #U2ieTour #U2
I wish Bad had segued seamlessly into Streets. That was a highlight of #U2’s career back when they did it in 2001. #U2ieTour
Nice lyrical change there in Bad’s 2nd verse: “into the sunlight, never to return again”. #U2ieTour #U2
This is the first time Bad has been in the encore since the 2nd show of tour, Vancouver 2015-05-15. #U2ieTour #U2
That’s the end of the main set. During the encore break, catch up on what the band have played: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar… #U2ieTour #U2
Bono: “sing for Dr Martin Luther King - and for new voices in our neighbourhoods today” #U2ieTour #U2
Bono urges crowd to sing global message of peace: “some conflict that seems like it has no end - sing yourself there”. #U2ieTour #U2
@AdrienneQW I don’t like how he’s kept using the megaphone over the intro of Pride, but I think it fits well with Bullet’s sound.
@ryannichols7 Cheers, I like to add the soundcheck info to the database even if I’m not sure many people notice the soundcheck field!
Sounded like Bono might’ve snippeted something before Bullet’s first solo but I couldn’t make it out. #U2ieTour #U2
@ryannichols7 Oh was it? I missed soundcheck reports.
20. Bullet The Blue Sky. I still think that COBL/Bullet segue is really, really clumsy. #U2ieTour #U2
@ryannichols7 It’s been done during first two shows in every city except poor old Denver… but I expected it before WOWY if done tonight.
@atu2 In my mind it’s best when used as an intro. October/NYD was classic, but October/Tomorrow from early ’83 even better. Simply magical.
@bono_212 @ryannichols7 @U2 No matter what you say Ashley, I can’t wait for that contrived Hands snippet to end!
19. City Of Blinding Lights. Bono introduces it, then says “but first…” and Stephen Hawking video starts playing. #U2ieTour #U2
There have been no snippets yet since the intermission. No Shine Like Stars in WOWY either. #U2ieTour #U2
@atu2 Psst… you’re a song behind in your count since you called both October and EBW as 16th. ;)
Today’s show is the 1st time there have been 2 songs from October in the same setlist since 1989-11-11: http://www.u2gigs.com/sh… #U2ieTour #U2
@ryannichols7 Edge could do piano intro of NYD on E stage, walk back to main stage while playing guitar, do piano solo on main stage?
These are the two heroes Bono referenced to introduce October. #U2ieTour #U2 https://twitter.com/atu2…
Bono’s speechifying about friendship. “I was about to mention a very pretentious thing - I can’t even spell Friedrich Nietzsche!” #U2ieTour
@Tvbona Every tour since 1992 has had two North American legs, so it’s most likely!
14. Bono: “this is a song we don’t play very often”. It’s Volcano, 6th performance of #U2ieTour, back after missing 1 show. #U2
Bono has a fan on stage, Diana from Brooklyn, during MWays. “You are gorgeous!” he says. #U2ieTour #U2
@Tvbona Yeah they worked on acoustic version in Vancouver in May, and electric version at Toronto soundcheck earlier this month.
@Tvbona Both! It’s a (slight) remix of a cover Gavin did a few years ago.
U2 |LIVE NOW| Tune in now live and back in NYC #U2ieTour #meerkat mrk.tv/1CQPtxJ
@MarkCDarwin We debated that back when he 1st did it & settled on LAPOE so I’m sticking with it. But not sure he’s actually citing anything!
scatterolight throwing books. #u2msg #niceform http://t.co/Ev1QhqTLQ1
Incidentally, #U2 DID rehearse The Fly themselves, live, in Toronto. 360 style but with only one guitar. #U2ieTour
It’s intermission time with Gavin Friday’s take on The Fly. Catch up on the full set so far here: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar… #U2ieTour #U2
There you go folks, Chris Martin definitely there tonight. #U2ieTour #U2 https://twitter.com/Kevi…
UTEOTW has the Love & Peace Or Else snippet that I’m honestly not keen on including… but it’s there and we’re completists. #U2ieTour #U2
10. Until The End Of The World. There was the usual Psalm 23 snippet at the end of Raised By Wolves. #U2ieTour #U2
U2 |LIVE NOW| Stay Tuned… #U2ieTour #meerkat mrk.tv/1CQM2Hl
@mysteriousdays It’s amazing! I remember when we were grateful just for someone to text all the songs during the show.
@ryannichols7 Stuck in a spoiler you can’t get out of
ryannichols7 (unfortunate) spoiler for the e-stage set @u2gigs #U2ieTour http://t.co/qM4XXpIY10
Bono gives a shoutout to Gavin Friday, who’s there tonight. Reports say Chris Martin of Coldplay is too. #U2ieTour #U2
6. Cedarwood Road - “if you don’t visit it [the past] at all, you’re condemned to stay there” #U2ieTour #U2
@mysteriousdays The earliest live streams on Vertigo were v. improvised affairs that only 50-60 people could listen to before they crashed!
@mysteriousdays We did the first live streams on 3rd leg of Vertigo, then 360 there were streams for some but not all shows.
@RaulCamarena This is only one working now and it doesn’t sound great: http://mixlr.com/allison…
@atu2 I remember 2005-09-20, Walk On’s tour debut, gorman on Interference uploaded a clip before end of show. WE ALL FLIPPED.
Plus, low quality streams remind me of the days in late 2005 when we had our first ever live streams. They sounded underwater!
Co-signed. Even when the quality’s low, I’m grateful to be able to hear anything. https://twitter.com/U2Ba…
@atu2 Even with low quality Mixlrs, my ears are attuned to picking the regular snippets. ;) Now, an unfamiliar snip would’ve stumped me!
Sillywhite Namecheck from Bono at the end of Gloria !
@harbinger384 That’s correct. Vertigo and 360 had 1 each: Gloria in ’05 and Scarlet in ’10-11.
@duuuaaaane @atu2 I would absolutely flip if they did Rejoice. Love that song. Lucifer’s Hands’ lyrics allude to it…
Mixlrs for tonight, though dropping in and out right now: http://mixlr.com/u2br/ and http://mixlr.com/allison… #U2ieTour #U2
Clarification on that retweet of a couple of minutes ago. https://twitter.com/cqle…
Here’s our article that will have the full NYC2 set in progress: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar… #U2ieTour #U2
So apparently The Troubles is on printed set! It was last played over a month ago in Montreal on 16/06 #U2ieTour #U2 https://twitter.com/febo…
People Have The Power has just begun at Madison Square Garden. #U2 on stage in a few minutes! #U2ieTour
@StartAtlnfinity Thank you, we try our best!
@EveryBrokenWave The lazy bastard who owes you an email!
@Rlabs19 They might be, but no soundcheck reports today that I’ve seen.
@ac_83 I think it’s quite nice and fresh myself! (But did get a massive hot choc before getting into work…)