MarkCDarwin @U2gigs @atU2 @U2start HBO will air a doc on the #U2ieTour on Nov. 7th and broadcast the Nov. 14th Paris show as per @HBOPR .
Adam and The Edge crash @atu2 party. Great photos by Ayaz Asif… #U2ieTour
Adam and Edge crashing @atu2 party in New York… video via @JeffReinhart77 #U2ieTour
So Edge and Adam sprang a big surprise at today’s @atu2 party. We’ve posted a brief article about it:… #U2
mattmcgee So right now The Edge and Adam Clayton are playing at my U2 website’s 20th anniversary party. No words for this. #atu220
@EveryBrokenWave I’ve added the set to the site and am writing it up now!