harrykantas I’d like to preemptively apologise to anyone standing close to me during #U2TheJoshuaTreeTour2017, cause I am going to LOSE it during EXIT!!
U2start The new song rehearsed yesterday is called The Little Things That Give You Away. Thanks to Nuno Moreira for the info. #U2JT30 #JT30
@adammajorcsik A very long time to go yet!
Our belated recap of yesterday’s rehearsals u2gigs.com/article1153.ht… #U2JT30
MOTD just Bono and Edge, on electric guitar. Includes El Pueblo Vencera.
Last retweet is an older clip, sharing for those who like to hear it :)
TheSambrose Sneak peak err sounds of @U2 rehearsal twitter.com/u2360gradi/sta…
TheeEdge @EveryBrokenWave I was thinking This is Where You Can Reach Me Now lol
The sound of many gulls! Perhaps a new take on Unknown Caller? Matkin. #U2JT30
(No, this is not serious).
LtotheMillsy Free U2 rehearsal… Sunday Bloody Sunday #BCPlace #Vancouver https://t.co/UvPUyt6OHu
If I’m not mistaken, this is the first ever clip of Red Hill? #U2JT30
15 seconds of Red Hill Mining Town! Thanks Leonardo! #U2JT30 twitter.com/cqleonardo/sta…
Reports that at least a portion of Red Hill has been done #U2JT30
From Interference: “snippets” of Bullet and the riff from New Years Day. Streets done at least twice. #U2JT30
Reports say Miss Sarajevo has been rehearsed. A new song seems on the cards (see previous retweet for clip). #U2JT30
cbcian OK, how cool is this: walking to get coffee & Robson St filled with the sound of #U2 rehearsing in BC Place. Longest coffee break ever.
PBear1979 U2 rehearsal in progress @atu2 pscp.tv/w/a9fjFzFXTEVS…
ryanvivianlive My @U2 Concert Stats! u2gigs.com/myshows/29413 Shows/Songs/Setlists @u2gigs @atu2 #U2 #U2TheJoshuaTree2017 #U2JT30 @U2start
tawny_cat My personal U2 concert statistics @ https://t.co/wQEF4yMNDp: u2gigs.com/myshows/29417 via @u2gigs
Reports so far: very interesting stuff! #U2JT30
Robbie_J @EveryBrokenWave @atu2 @mattmcgee our Lanois interview on making the JT, this weekend on Ongoing History. 2 episodes because it’s awesome