bcplace Guests coming to BC Place for @u2 and @MumfordAndSons with GA Floor Tickets, enter GATE E! Note also the bag policy… https://t.co/9hwZ87jUhF
U2santos @u2gigs @u2songs The “maybe the time is right, maybe tonight” bridge was done a handful of times in 1982 & 83, but… https://t.co/KgQpsgcLjq
wilco8691 @u2gigs @DonnaLouisa1968 My original ticket Rotterdam ’87 ???? https://t.co/xpO6L5JktV
Ax is back in Australia? Woohoo, I can sleep again while he covers rehearsals!
u2songs #4days until #U2TheJoshuaTree2017 and on the 4th day of U2ness, we give you the 4 recording studios The Joshua Tree… https://t.co/JXg9bKtRgM
Richard_hammond @u2gigs My Original ticket from 1987 https://t.co/YiibdoRpC2
MarkCDarwin @u2gigs Front page of Minneapolis newspaper on 11/4/87. https://t.co/qM0Uotecnq
MarkCDarwin @u2gigs Front of St. Paul newspaper after 11/3/87 @U2 show. Note my friend,, Greg, visible with arms folded. I was… https://t.co/5ysQ4n4YfQ
MarkCDarwin @u2gigs For old school @U2 fans, this is how you got front row tickets in ’87 ????. From the front page of a St. Paul… https://t.co/OYM8NbSoWq
MarkCDarwin @u2gigs My front row ticket for my first time seeing @u2 live 11/3/1987. https://t.co/hLoWxZCuVL
Manyi5 U2 - Exit, Gloria /live/, Denver, Colorado, USA, 8.11.1987, ( Rattle And. youtu.be/QGAQ4uXeH1c via @YouTube @mattmcgee @u2gigs #Exit #U2
jmelrose @u2gigs @atu2 Already got my shirt picked out for Chicago 6/3/17… from 10/29/87: https://t.co/V4ciNCPfQN
u2gator Found this gem cleaning out my garage this week. 30 years of the Joshua Tree. Can’t wait for Friday@u2songs… https://t.co/eGetzUYQZ8
iamaU2fan Wonder if the boys in @u2 know about this Vertigo Coexist sign in Los Angeles. #u2 #U2JoshuaTreeTour2017 https://t.co/HBL35TvgRs
SuzeManic @u2gigs @DonnaLouisa1968 Original Irish Joshua Tree tickets on right.. https://t.co/xeWjWtLxpE
EveryBrokenWave What song will open the Joshua Tree tour 2017? #U2 #U2JT30 #BCPlace
Nice! I’m jealous! RT @DonnaLouisa1968: @u2gigs Original JT tickets 1987 ???? https://t.co/pBVDNIHgeC
markpeterboro @Wake486 @u2gigs @timneufeld @atu2 You might find this useful onlineonthehorizon.com/ga-guide/ written by @joe_ahorro
@mattmcgee Agreed #TheJoshuaTree2017
mattmcgee I think this will be *the* song of #TheJoshuaTree2017 tour this summer. I’m sure U2 fans don’t need anything more t… https://t.co/plu63QeGKC