U2 Chicago 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360chi
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Chicago with the hashtag #u2360chi. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 2344 tweets for the hashtag #u2360chi between 24 Jun 2011, 16:57 and 19 Jul 2011, 09:11 CDT

RT @EdgeFest: Edge while trying to work out beginning of OTH "Oh for fuck sake...". You cannot censor that when you retweet it. #U2360CHI #onetreehill

Edge while trying to work out beginning of OTH "Oh for fuck sake...". You cannot censor that when you retweet it. #U2360CHI #onetreehill


BONO COME BACK TO MEXICO!! (#U2360CHI live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )

RT @maxtsukino: Maybe this is a good moment to remember Greg Carroll... #U2360CHI

GRACIAS @BETANDBONO (#U2360CHI live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )

@dankukic-hey Dan, thx 4 the live updates! #u2360chi

In honor of U2 playing One Tree Hill tonight for the 25th anniversary of Greg Carroll's death: youtu.be/D8rDgMyToxQ #u2360chi
RT @atu2: Bono: "Here's the deal. If we screw up really badly, you don't put it on the Internet." LOL! #u2360chi

One Tree Hill played at #U2360CHI. Totally in shock. #U2 #Chicago

RT @wxander: Continued Rest in Peace, Greg Carroll...that's one hell of an eulogy... #U2360CHI

아까 음악 관련 30문답을 하다가 '내 장례식에서 연주했으면 하는 곡은?'이란 질문에 One Tree Hill을 적었는데! 오늘이 그렉캐롤의 25주기라 마지막 앵콜로 OTH을 연주햇다... 그것만 생중계로 보는데 소름이 싹 돋네ㅠㅠ #U2360CHI

Maaany thanks to @u2gigs, @EdgeFest,@joshkcampbell and @danjukic for keeping us posted! Also @bethandbono and @bmyers for streams! #U2360CHI

@bethandbono You are AWESOME!!!! A big Thank You from California for persisting. Hope you got to enjoy the show too. #U2360CHI

fantabulous night! "we run like a river to the sea & when it's raining..that's when the rain will break the heart."#U2360CHI #onetreehill

RT @u2_news: U2 360º Tour - Norteamérica U2011 - Episodio 101 - Chicago noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360CHI #U2360USA #U2N ...

OTH to end the show-nice, touch gents! Now, if only the live feeds were working for me to have heard it live:( #darn #u2360CHI

thanks especially to to @joshkcampbell & @danjukic for great tweets, and @bmyers and @bethandbono for streams. great night in #u2360chi

Eventhough I've had the joy of seeing OTH live a few times, watching the stream tonight brought tears! #U2360CHI #InLoveWithU2

@bethandbono Short but sweet - Thanks again!! #U2360CHI

@bethandbono Thank You!!! #BethROCKS #U2360CHI #onetreehill thank you thank you!!!!

Maybe this is a good moment to remember Greg Carroll... #U2360CHI

Greg Carroll will be smiling; wherever he is! Uh-mazing way to end #U2360CHI.

RT @atu2: Here's the #u2360chi setlist and recap on U2tours.com -- www.u2tours.com/detail....

U2 360º Tour - Norteamérica U2011 - Episodio 101 - Chicago noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360CHI #U2360USA #U2News #OneTreeHill

RT @acrobat09: Thank you Beth!! (#U2360CHI live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )

Hell yeah! RT @u2gigs: Oh my god, well done U2, that was fucking sensational. Pull One Tree Hill out of the hat more often! #U2360CHI

GRACIAS @betandbono (#U2360CHI live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )

Vamos todos: And I think it's gonna be a long long time, til touch down brings me round again to fin ... ♫ I`m a Rocket Man #U2360CHI bye!
RT @u2gigs: Oh my god, well done U2, that was fucking sensational. Pull One Tree Hill out of the hat more often! #U2360CHI

今日の午前中はU2ライブを追っかけて過ごしました。最後はOne Tree Hill で終了。現在の日本時刻13:19 楽しかった。#U2360CHI

Will be picking up the boot for this U2 show ASAP...kicking myself for not going and trying to get GA tickets. =/ #u2360chi

RT @u2gigs: "And when it's raining, raining hard, that's when the rain will break my heart ..." Edge goes for the solo! #U2360CHI

RT @u2gigs: Oh my god, well done U2, that was fucking sensational. Pull One Tree Hill out of the hat more often! #U2360CHI

GRACIAS BETH!!! #U2360CHI twitcasting.tv/bethandb...

RT @atu2: 25. One Tree Hill #u2360chi

Cannot believe we just got One Tree Hill.... #U2360CHI

#U2360CHI terminó… siguiente parada Montreal

Lol! That was fun watching with you all. (#U2360CHI live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )

RT @acrobat09: Thank you Beth!! (#U2360CHI live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )

RT @BELLYMONI: SE ACABO!! (#U2360CHI live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )

love all (#U2360CHI live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )

U2 surprises #U2360CHI by ending the show with One Tree Hill. #U2360MTL Will be epic. Two nights of surprises.

RT @u2gigs: Best way to end a gig possible. About to do the show write-up now, give me a few mins. #U2360CHI
beth, next time i see you, DINNER IS ON ME! (#U2360CHI live on twitcasting.tv/bethandb... )