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U2 Chicago 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360chi

This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Chicago with the hashtag #u2360chi. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.

We collected 2344 tweets for the hashtag #u2360chi between 24 Jun 2011, 16:57 and 19 Jul 2011, 09:11 CDT

Best way to end a gig possible. About to do the show write-up now, give me a few mins. #U2360CHI

Elton Johns Rocket Man is now playing...If i were in that crowd Id cry my eyes out !!! what an awesome edding tot he show ! #U2360CHI

And that's a wrap! Rocket Man kicking in now :) thanks for tuning in! What a end!! #U2360CHI

Final maravilhoso com Moment Of Surrender tendo como snippet a linda One Tree Hill.#U2360Chi

RT @u2gigs: Oh my god, well done U2, that was fucking sensational. Pull One Tree Hill out of the hat more often! #U2360CHI

E One Tree Hill, lindamente, fazendo jus a isso ao entrar no setlist #U2360CHI

RT @atu2: Bono: "Here's the deal. If we screw up really badly, you don't put it on the Internet." LOL! #u2360chi

Whattttttt???? OMG YES RT @atu2: 25. One Tree Hill #u2360chi

Thank you again,Beth. (#U2360CHI live on )

RT @atu2: Just awesome. #u2360chi #onetreehill

What a way to end the show! #U2360CHI

RT @u2gigs: "And when it's raining, raining hard, that's when the rain will break my heart ..." Edge goes for the solo! #U2360CHI

Continued Rest in Peace, Greg Carroll...that's one hell of an eulogy... #U2360CHI

Oh my god, well done U2, that was fucking sensational. Pull One Tree Hill out of the hat more often! #U2360CHI

RT @atu2: Bono: "Here's the deal. If we screw up really badly, you don't put it on the Internet." LOL! #u2360chi

I'm jealous of everyone at #U2360CHI you all are getting one hell of a show!

RT @u2mexico: RT @atu2: Bono: "Here's the deal. If we screw up really badly, you don't put it on the Internet." LOL! #u2360chi

#u2360CHI yet One Tree Hill makes it to the set, RIP Greg Carroll, 25 years and your spirit is still in the house! What an honour!

Ohhh one tree hill #U2360CHI #U2360mex wow !

RT @BigwaveU2: you run like a river. run to the sea #U2360CHI precious.

OMG ONE TREE HILL!!! YES!! #u2360chi

RT @u2mexico: RT @atu2: Bono: "Here's the deal. If we screw up really badly, you don't put it on the Internet." LOL! #u2360chi

@wxander so awesome !!!! Chicago deff got a special treat tonight ! #U2360CHI

Thanks for the stream plz put the cam on BONO & U2 @KimiDarlene @U2_news (#u2360chi live on )

1 more 1 more 1 more (#U2360CHI live on )

BE - A - U TI - FUL #U2360CHI

RT @u2gigs: Just the fourth time OTH has been played this tour, after the 2 New Zealand shows and the Santiago show. #U2360CHI

RT @atu2: Just awesome. #u2360chi #onetreehill

@u2mexico @atu2 ¡HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! XD XD XD!!! #u2360chi

#adamclayton is one cool mother ...ya know the rest #U2360chi

RT @u2mexico: RT @atu2: Bono: "Here's the deal. If we screw up really badly, you don't put it on the Internet." LOL! #u2360chi

RT @atu2: #magical #gorgeous #u2360chi

yes they did on vertigo tour in new zealand!!!! (#U2360CHI live on )

Chicago - ur killing me!!! (#U2360CHI live on )

RT @u2gigs: "And when it's raining, raining hard, that's when the rain will break my heart ..." Edge goes for the solo! #U2360CHI

I get a little giddy whenever U2 play One Tree Hill, I must admit. What, the excitable tweets already gave that away? ;) #U2360CHI

RT @u2mexico: RT @atu2: Bono: "Here's the deal. If we screw up really badly, you don't put it on the Internet." LOL! #u2360chi / LOOOOOL xD

One Tree Hill #u2360chi :)) oh internet, you're full of possibilities aren't you? :)

@Abelesa84 I know! Right?!?! Holy shit! #U2360CHI

RT @u2gigs: "And when it's raining, raining hard, that's when the rain will break my heart ..." Edge goes for the solo! #U2360CHI

RT @u2gigs: "And when it's raining, raining hard, that's when the rain will break my heart ..." Edge goes for the solo! #U2360CHI

Chills up and down my spine...this is so Amazing <3 #U2360CHI

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