U2 Chicago 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360chi
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Chicago with the hashtag #u2360chi. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 2344 tweets for the hashtag #u2360chi between 24 Jun 2011, 16:57 and 19 Jul 2011, 09:11 CDT
#u2360chi was one of the best concerts @mpdillon & I have gone to we drank, danced, sang & had an awesome time #tuesdaysareforrocking

RT @4danlopez: Best Show EVER! #U2360CHI <-THIS.

Best words ever! RT @cjsendrinal: Three words for you: ONE. TREE. HILL. #U2360CHI was simply amazing!!

RT @AraTrask: One. Tree. HILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy fuck!! #U2360CHI

RT @U2TOURFANS: Dud you attend the show tonight what did you think #u2360CHI

Dud you attend the show tonight what did you think #u2360CHI

RT @U2_WalkOn: 23- With Or Without You #U2360CHI

RT @joshorr: Got in line at 4am, inside at 4pm, band went on at 9 and I'm finally home. One of the longest, best days of my life. #u2360chi

One. Tree. HILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy fuck!! #U2360CHI

Never sat down--stood at a railing with some supercool folks & had a great view. 360 is a *hot* show! #U2 #U2360CHIC

RT @u2gigs: Oh my god, well done U2, that was fucking sensational. Pull One Tree Hill out of the hat more often! #U2360CHI

All I have to say is WOW. One Tree Hill #U2360CHI. My video to follow soon!

RT @atu2: RT @BeautifulDay36: Chicago was the best show I've seen on this leg by far. ONE TREE HILL!!!! #U2360CHI -//- Chale, iba a ir. :(

SO. Folks are asking: How did you end up at U2? Answer: I worked it out! #U2 #U2360CHIC

Got in line at 4am, inside at 4pm, band went on at 9 and I'm finally home. One of the longest, best days of my life. #u2360chi

@Afrovox Awww, I am so glad you had a great time at the concert!!! #U2360CHI

I got to hear zooropa, Stay, hm tm km km, and one tree hill #u2360chi

One Tree Hill closed the set! “@atu2: Bono: "Here's the deal. If we screw up really badly, you don't put it on the Internet." LOL! #u2360chi

Things that happened tonight. An almost riot for crowd cutters. #u2360chi

Good thing it was perfect! RT @atu2 Bono: "Here's the deal. If we screw up really badly, you don't put it on the Internet." LOL! #u2360chi

A whole "side" from Achtung, a video feed from space, Zooropa, shameless Chicago pandering & an impromptu One Tree Hill. Amazing. #U2360CHI

Looks like a bunch of people showed up to watch a band called U2 play some songs. #U2360CHI twitpic.com/5lwn49

Dear U2: Thanks for being fuckin' ass AMAZING. XO, Afro #U2360CHI

RT @MemphisMullen: Out of Control & One Tree Hill!!!! Chicago knocks Anaheim2 out of the spot for my favorite show this leg - so far. #U2360CHI
RT @U2_NT: First press photos just in www.facebook.com/media/... #U2360CHI

@Mananya the real question is.. Are you??? I was clearly #rocking out loud. #U2360CHI

RT @u2mexico: #U2360CHI terminó… siguiente parada Montreal

#u2360chi Absolutely hands down most definitively the BEST U2 show I've ever seen! WOW! #onetreehill @atu2

@atu2 So jealous! That's one of my favorite U2 songs, never heard it live #u2360chi

A beautiful night. Best U2 show I've seen since '01. Or at least it feels that way right now. :-) #U2360CHI twitpic.com/5lwkxp

Three words for you: ONE. TREE. HILL. #U2360CHI was simply amazing!!

RT @MemphisMullen: Out of Control & One Tree Hill!!!! Chicago knocks Anaheim2 out of the spot for my favorite show this leg - so far. #U2360CHI
@EdgeFest we just got out. How AMAZING was that show????! Our man was at his finest tonight. ;) #U2360CHI

RT @u2gigs: Now if you know what's good for you, aid your post-concert #U2360CHI buzz with this, One Tree Hill 1989-12-26 Dublin: www.youtube.com/watch?v...

Well that was pretty cool. #u2360chi

U2 360 Tour 2011: Chicago, 5 luglio, One tree hill, Out of control e Trying to throw your arms!!! www.u2place.it/u2news/?... #u2360chi

Stuck At Soldier Field (And Can't Get Out Of It) Hate this shit as usual but worth it as always. #U2360CHI

U2 played Out of Control AND One Tree Hill tonight in Chicago?! Can we get a live album of tour highlights like these, please!! #U2360CHI

Amazeballs U2 show! #U2360Chi

I've now seen "Mysterious Ways" and "Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me" live. Life goal: fulfilled. #U2360CHI was awesome!

então o #U2 tocou 'one tree hill' no show de hoje... malditos sejam! #U2360CHI

Sitting on the steps of the Field Museum waiting for the throngs of people to disperse. Its nice for Soldier Field to have 1 exit! #U2360CHI

RT @BigwaveU2: you run like a river. run to the sea #U2360CHI precious.

#U2360CHI. One tree hill. Words cant express my utter joy right now. SO glad I was there!!!!!