U2 Chicago 360° Tour 2011 tweet archive for hashtag #u2360chi
This is an archive of all tweets related to U2's 360° Tour 2011 concert in Chicago with the hashtag #u2360chi. We capture as many tweets as possible but can't guarantee to get them all.
We collected 2344 tweets for the hashtag #u2360chi between 24 Jun 2011, 16:57 and 19 Jul 2011, 09:11 CDT

@steputrip o well, didnt happen. Visual impairment is not a prerequisite - I was @ UC when Laura the Party Girl jammed with them. #U2360Chi

#aspergilium RT@AraTrask: Here's photographic proof Bono doused me with a stream of bottled water from tonight #U2360CHI www.flickr.com/photos/d...
Se me cumplioo escuchar Beautiful Day y With or Without you en vivo #U2360CHI *.*

Um, U2 has an astronaut post & recite song lyrics. From SPACE. An ASTRONAUT recited U2 song lyrics FROM SPACE. #U2360CHI was amazing. #boom

Still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that we got both Out of Control and One Tree Hill #U2360CHI

RT @merwithani: Apparently, it's the first time #OneTreeHill has been played live in North America since 1987. I graduated from H.S. that year. #U2360CHI.

What a show. Wow. I can't sleep. I'm listening to #U2 and missing it already. I get to see it again at Busch Stadium! #U2360CHI

Apparently, it's the first time #OneTreeHill has been played live in North America since 1987. I graduated from H.S. that year. #U2360CHI.

& we spilled out into the streets of this beautiful city. There really is nothing like being part of a U2 show here. Thanks, boys.#U2360CHI

Here's photographic proof Bono doused me with a stream of bottled water from tonight #U2360CHI www.flickr.com/photos/d...

Still high on tonights show. Cant sleep. #U2360CHI

RT @chicagotribune Greg Kot reviews U2 at Soldier Field www.chicagotribune.com/... #u2360chi

RT @atu2: U2 Set List: Chicago, July 5, 2011 www.atu2.com/news/u2-se... #u2360chi

#U2360chi highlights for me: Out of Control, Stay, Zooropa, One Tree Hill. Great show! Until the next tour...

Freaking amazed I witnessed U2 perform "One Tree Hill" for the first time live in the US since 1987! And as an unplanned encore! #U2360CHI

Freaking amazed I witness U2 do "One Tree Hill" for the first time live in the US since 1987! And it was an unplanned encore! #U2360CHI

RT @u2gigs: Best way to end a gig possible. About to do the show write-up now, give me a few mins. #U2360CHI

RT @atu2: U2 Set List: Chicago, July 5, 2011 www.atu2.com/news/u2-se... #u2360chi

Here's the 1st photo I've pulled off my card to share from the #U2360CHI show tonight. Enjoy! www.flickr.com/photos/d... @u2gigs

Sometimes I make really good (last minute) decisions. #u2360chi killed at soldier field. Best city, best band. #onelove
RT @atu2: Bono: "Here's the deal. If we screw up really badly, you don't put it on the Internet." LOL! #u2360chi

RT @mattkade: A whole "side" from Achtung, a video feed from space, Zooropa, shameless Chicago pandering & an impromptu One Tree Hill. Amazing. #U2360CHI

RT @ChristyRae75: I think that may be the loudest WTSHNN I've ever witnessed. So loud and joyous we made it rain at the end. It was like a blessing #U2360CHI

RT @AraTrask: One. Tree. HILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy fuck!! #U2360CHI

RT @adamnevins with @ericmwhite at #u2360CHI yfrog.com/h87ooqfj // great meeting u both 2nite. I had an awesome time!

#U2360CHI no pudo ser mejor, la sorpresa de hoy "One Tree Hill" y "The Fly"... #extasiado nuevamente #fb

RT @rafaguerrero14: One Tree Hill and Out Of Control? #U2360CHI was even better than the real thing!
Crazy bitch and all, #U2360CHI was the shiiiiit. Hugs to all my new awesome friends. U2 fans are the best. #onetreehill #thefly

Me cago en la puta madre, me perdí #U2360CHI espero el setlist no haya cambiado.

Love is a temple. Love the higher law. One love. But we're not the same. Carry each other. #U2360CHI
#U2360CHI was absolutely amazing. Mind = blown

I think that may be the loudest WTSHNN I've ever witnessed. So loud and joyous we made it rain at the end. It was like a blessing #U2360CHI

RT @u2gigs: "Here's the deal; if we screw up pretty badly, you don't put it on the Internet." - Bono. #U2360CHI
Todo valio la pena..se lucieron y fue mejor de lo que esperaba!definitivamente el mejor concierto al que he ido #U2360CHI

One Tree Hill and Out Of Control? #U2360CHI was even better than the real thing!
S-p-e-e-c-h-l-e-s-s!! Had the best night of my 2011!! Thank you..thank you U2 you guys are the best! @U2TOURFANS #U2360CHI

Really?! "@sarahdesireee: Looks like Glasvegas may have competition for worst opening act on this tour #interpol #someonehelpus #U2360CHI"

#u2360chi was the best U2 show ever. Out of Control!!!!

#U2360CHI (Chicago) me hace acordar a #U2360CHI (Chile) :c 25 de marzo vuelveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

RT @atu2: RT @BeautifulDay36: Chicago was the best show I've seen on this leg by far. ONE TREE HILL!!!! Does it get any better?! #U2360CHI

RT @atu2: U2 Set List: Chicago, July 5, 2011 www.atu2.com/news/u2-se... #u2360chi
RT @u2_news: 22-Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me - noticierou2.blogspot.co... #U2 #U2360 #U2360CHI #U2360USA #U2News

sueño cumplido de escuchar Zooropa, Stay y Out of Control en vivo. gracias #U2360CHI

Joshua Tree was my 1st & only U2 show until tonight. 360 was well worth the wait! #U2 #U2360CHIC

Saw @MemphisMullen stalking Larry again Chicago.. :). Awesome show tonight #U2360CHI

RT @WTSHNN I think tonight proved the special place Chicago has in U2's heart and the special place U2 has in Chicago's heart. #u2360chi

@U2TOURFANS Far better than the first time they did this show two years ago. Only song I missed? "Magnicent." #U2360CHI