We are in. No data network anymore for me. #U2360CHI
@BeatrizFaillace You’re right. Thanks for the heads up.
@mduchek 7 past 6pm now.
So we joined the queue now for #U22360CHI
@U2TourHans @atu2comsherry mobile network is already a mess. I’m not sure if anything works from inside later. I’ll do my best.
Now it becomes clear why so many ppl already joined the queue yesterday. #U22360CHI

Queue is much much longer than expected during my last tweet. Probably around 2km and slowly moving forward. #U22360CHI http://u2.gs/iM

Mega long GA queue. I think we will not join it yet. #U2360CHI http://u2.gs/iL
u2w U2 contributes Walk On (Radio Edit) (4:29) to the “Songs for Japan” compilation available on iTunes now.
Not long left now folks! Who’s ready for #U2360CHI?
@atu2 ISHFWILF was with Edge vocals. Same as One Tree Hill.

There were quite a few Muse fans in the queue yesterday. Here is one of them. #U2360CHI #MUSE http://u2.gs/iK

One Tree Hill from rehearsal yesterday with Edge on vocals http://u2.gs/iJ #U2360CHI
@hpalvarez yes I will.
@ZooBaby91 after Bono appeared or at least was heard finally they started the Boots intro and then BD w/ B vocals but stopped in the middle.
@S_Hiroe this is not me :-) I’m sure we can meet in Brazil soon :-)
@isamoras it does not really help to freak out if you want to shake hands, take a photo or want something signed ;-)

Here is the queue footage taken at 6pm the day before the Santiago concert http://u2.gs/iH #U2360CHI
Here’s our report on what the band rehearsed in Santiago today: http://u2.gs/CHr Looking forward to tomorrow! #U2360CHI
Fans too crazy so Bono & Edge did not really stopped the cars. #U2360CHI

Interview with fan at backstage exit. About 30 people wait for the band. #U2360CHI http://u2.gs/iG
i think they might do another rehearsal with Bono but they have cut BD now. http://moi.st/1331b5 #u2360santiago
U2gigs live from Santiago http://u2.gs/live http://moi.st/1331b5 #u2360santiago
U2gigs live from Santiago http://u2.gs/live http://moi.st/13318e #u2360santiago
U2gigs live from Santiago http://u2.gs/live http://moi.st/133136 #u2360santiago
U2gigs live from Santiago http://u2.gs/live http://moi.st/133118 #u2360santiago
Elevation. We have a singer! #U2360CHI
Magnificent, Mysterious Ways. #U2360CHI