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U2gigs (@u2gigs)

Matt: Berlin / Ax: Wollongong / Matkin: Toronto / Chris: NY

The below is an off-site archive of all most tweets posted by @u2gigs ever

March 25th, 2011

We are in. No data network anymore for me. #U2360CHI

 via txt

So we joined the queue now for #U22360CHI

 via Twitter for iPhone

@U2TourHans @atu2comsherry mobile network is already a mess. I’m not sure if anything works from inside later. I’ll do my best.

 via Twitter for iPhone in reply to U2TourHans

Now it becomes clear why so many ppl already joined the queue yesterday. #U22360CHI

 via Twitter for iPhone

Queue is much much longer than expected during my last tweet. Probably around 2km and slowly moving forward. #U22360CHI http://u2.gs/iM

 via Twitter for iPhone

Mega long GA queue. I think we will not join it yet. #U2360CHI http://u2.gs/iL

 via Twitter for iPhone

u2w U2 contributes Walk On (Radio Edit) (4:29) to the “Songs for Japan” compilation available on iTunes now.

 via web (retweeted on 8:15 PM, Mar 25th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

Not long left now folks! Who’s ready for #U2360CHI?

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

@atu2 ISHFWILF was with Edge vocals. Same as One Tree Hill.

 via Twitter for iPhone in reply to atu2

There were quite a few Muse fans in the queue yesterday. Here is one of them. #U2360CHI #MUSE http://u2.gs/iK

 via Twitter for iPhone

One Tree Hill from rehearsal yesterday with Edge on vocals http://u2.gs/iJ #U2360CHI

 via U2gigs (Matt)

@ZooBaby91 after Bono appeared or at least was heard finally they started the Boots intro and then BD w/ B vocals but stopped in the middle.

 via Twitter for iPhone in reply to ZooBaby91

@S_Hiroe this is not me :-) I’m sure we can meet in Brazil soon :-)

 via Twitter for iPhone in reply to S_Hiroe

@isamoras it does not really help to freak out if you want to shake hands, take a photo or want something signed ;-)

 via Twitter for iPhone in reply to isamoras

Here is the queue footage taken at 6pm the day before the Santiago concert http://u2.gs/iH #U2360CHI

 via U2gigs (Matt)

Here’s our report on what the band rehearsed in Santiago today: http://u2.gs/CHr Looking forward to tomorrow! #U2360CHI

 via U2gigs (Ax)

Fans too crazy so Bono & Edge did not really stopped the cars. #U2360CHI

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Interview with fan at backstage exit. About 30 people wait for the band. #U2360CHI http://u2.gs/iG

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i think they might do another rehearsal with Bono but they have cut BD now. http://moi.st/1331b5 #u2360santiago

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Elevation. We have a singer! #U2360CHI

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Magnificent, Mysterious Ways. #U2360CHI

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