About 200m queue at the moment. Looks really relaxed. Some in the queue still need tickets #U2360ARG

The queue #U2360ARG http://u2.gs/j4

Sun burns over stadium in La Plata #U2360ARG http://u2.gs/j3

La Plata Stadium #U2360ARG http://u2.gs/j2

Another U2 cover. #U2360ARG http://u2.gs/iZ

Our tickets. #U2360ARG http://u2.gs/iY

Collecting tickets. #U2360ARG http://u2.gs/iX

The claw from above #U2360ARG http://u2.gs/iW

Queue in newspaper #U2360ARG http://u2.gs/iV

Another newspaper #U2360ARG http://u2.gs/iU

La Garra #U2360ARG http://u2.gs/iT

Anybody remember this? George Bush ‘sings’ Sunday Bloody Sunday: http://www.youtube.com/w…
@AnaVitti Yep, it was played a few times at the end of ZooTV. A brilliant rendition is on the ZooTV Sydney release
SirGazzatron @u2gigs Isn’t it about time Drowning Man was debuted on stage? Also I feel they are saving Acrobat for the final tour they ever do. :-(
@hpalvarez But it’s still fun to see what everybody would love to see played ;)
@hjwallace1 I think there’s a good chance they’ll keep it up through Mexico at least.
rsbraguinha @u2gigs They can sing whatever they want to sing: I love them anyway! I will be in heaven !!!!
Dmurraymac @u2gigs Original Of The Species
HansW_Metzger @u2gigs Babyface? No, not that. What about Wire? That would be nice… ;-)
patrickmoraes_ @U2gigs It would be fantastic if they reprised All I Want is You/Love Rescue Me. Stay and Out of control would be very welcome as well.
CoachRocks @u2gigs What about The Fly!? I can’t believe it hasn’t been played. It would go great with the production.
alljokesmustgo @u2gigs No love for Elvis Ate America? ;)
Other hopefuls: All Because of You, Zoo Station, 40, Seconds, Zooropa, Drowning Man, SYCMIOYO, Dirty Day, and Please. Anybody want Babyface?
I’m seeing lots of love for Bad, Gone, Breathe, and The Unforgettable Fire. Most random: Street Mission
hpalvarez @u2gigs I’m OK with the Chile setlist. The only change I’d make is to move Beautiful Day to the middle of the show and start with NLOTH.
@Diego_MundoSanz They probably have most of it planned out; NYD for IWF and UV for HMTMKMKM, etc. The real surprises will be on night 3.