I’ve added 3 videos of Muse opening for U2 to our Youtube channel: http://u2.gs/yt #U2360CHI

If we judge by the back prints of the shirts Mexico is put into the South America leg and not the upcoming US leg. http://u2.gs/iS

The revised clip of One Tree Hill can be found here: http://u2.gs/iP #U2360CHI

More clips from U2 in Santiago can be found at the channel of my friend terrorsittich here http://u2.gs/iQ #U2360CHI

Most videos from U2 in Santiago are now up on our Youtube channel. Find all videos in our Youtube channel here http://u2.gs/yt #U2360CHI
Just noticed my One Tree Hill on Youtube is out of sync. The local file is fine. I’ll upload a new version tomorrow. Sorry.

Here is our first clip from the Santiago show - One Tree Hill with Francisca Valenzuela http://u2.gs/iP #U2360CHI #U2360SAM
Oh, network is back. We are heading to out hotel for a well deserved beer and to work on the videos. #U2360CHI
Great start for the leg. Beautiful atmosphere. That’s why we are here. #U2360CHI
@FernandoDante I’m still stunned they played it! What next, the even more improbable return of Exit? ;)
@iambradk I’ve long since given up on ever hearing Acrobat live … I just want that Fez sample to be turned into a full performance of it.
And, of course, the full setlist and show info is here: http://u2.gs/CHs #U2360CHI
There we go folks, that’s the end of the show and all from me, Ax. Great show, great One Tree Hill! Over to Matt and his videos. #U2360CHI
@iambradk Haha, OK, we’ll see! You can say “I told you so” if it’s not played by Argentina 3. Me? I’m still bitter UF is gone.
Wasn’t it nice that U2 acknowledged New Zealand’s improbable advance to the Cricket World Cup semis by playing our song, OTH? ;) #U2360CHI
And our thanks to many people - to the people who did the multiple streams, and of course to Matt, who will have footage later! #U2360CHI
Bono also acknowledges the disaster in Japan, “our hearts and our prayers” from Santiago across the world to Japan. #U2360CHI
Bono thanks Santiago, the promoters, the label… you know what this means, 23rd and probably last is Moment Of Surrender. #U2360CHI
Alas, no Shine Like Stars in WOWY. #U2360CHI
@iambradk I don’t know, I bet you UV will be done at one or two Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo shows.
@iambradk I will concede that UV sounds better before WOWY than HMTM. But an encore of HMTM/NLOTH/Gone would be even better!
@iambradk Though I’m pretty sure I speak only for myself here, and not for Matt or Matkin.
@iambradk You don’t even want to know my opinion on One then …!
U2 seem to like awkward rock song/WOWY pairings. Remember The Fly/WOWY at some Vertigo shows? Jarring. #U2360CHI
22nd is With Or Without You. HMTMKMKM —> WOWY will never stop sounding awkward. #U2360CHI
@iambradk Almost any U2 song > Ultra Violet, if you ask me. ;)
@swsunnybird Possibly the feed, though I think the solo may’ve been a bit different.
21st song of the night, first of the second encore, is… HMTMKMKM! So glad this is still in the set. #U2360CHI
@wxander Hahaha!
Second encore break. Fill in the time by catching up on the full set so far: http://u2.gs/CHs #U2360CHI
@atu2 That would be awesome.
Brief snip of All You Need Is Love in Streets. #U2360CHI
Would’ve loved if they’d done MOTD in full there, but I’ll take any MOTD over none. Love that guitar melody. #U2360CHI
So Streets is the 20th song of the night, I’ll count MOTD as a snip of that. #U2360CHI
Turns out it was just a snippet of MOTD on guitar, seguing into the intro of Streets. #U2360CHI
First song of the encore, 19th of the night, is One. #U2360CHI
Encore break, over to Bishop Tutu and my flashbacks to Rob Sitch impersonating him on the Late Show. #U2360CHI
Walk On has the usual snip of You’ll Never Walk Alone at the end. #U2360CHI
Still got three Argentine shows at which MOTD could appear. I think it’s likely, esp if they don’t get OTH. #U2360CHI
U2log Ssssh, B. They’re playing Scarlet, man.
Bono gives his Aung San Suu Kyi speech over Scarlet. More talks than sings the “rejoice” lyric. 18th is Walk On. #U2360CHI
So much for the possible spoiler set? 17th is Scarlet. #U2360CHI
Scarlet up next #U2360CHI
Now, what next? Will it be Scarlet as at the last 12 shows, or are the rumours & possible spoiler set right about MOTD? #U2360CHI
“Libya, can you hear us?” 16th is Sunday Bloody Sunday. #U2360CHI
Crazy has snip of Two Tribes. #U2360CHI
@coolian2 Damn fucking straight.
15th is Crazy Tonight. #U2360CHI
14th is Vertigo. #U2360CHI
@spenceeastwood I especially resent it since it came at the expense of the blissfully perfect Unforgettable Fire.
13th is City Of Blinding Lights, with that cocktease intro of Zooropa and Fez samples. #U2360CHI
@atu2 True, but even when Stingray was in small print like that, the band played it.
12th is Miss Sarajevo. #U2360CHI
@ZooPony Yeah, he usually sings it that way now.
@atu2 Well not quite, that pic shows Space Oddity/Stingray at the top of the set.
Back to earth now folks … In A Little While is still with us, 11th song of the night. #U2360CHI
Crowd chants the end of Pride. #U2360CHI
Got so caught up in emotion of OTH that I forgot to note ISHF ended with snip of I Want To Know What Love Is by Foreigner. #U2360CHI
God, One Tree Hill was amazing. Bono acknowledges Victor Jara, the Chilean named in OTH, then 10th is Pride. #U2360CHI
“And when it’s raining, raining hard, that’s when the rain will break my heart …” Over to THAT amazing solo. #U2360CHI
This song kills me every time. Last year went to Tangiwai, where 151 people died in train crash, my Grandpa lived. Played this. Very moving.
Special guest for One Tree Hill, Francisca Valenzuela. #U2360CHI
“A song about the love of life and the fear of losing it” - ONE TREE HILL IS THE NINTH SONG OF THE NIGHT! #U2360CHI
@U2log Haha they are!
“On guitar and everything else, a man who doesn’t have a name!” You know speechifying means 8th is I Still Haven’t Found. #U2360CHI
Speech time in Santiago. #U2360CHI
@marceloj99 @skid63 God I know. It really kills the rockin’ pace of UTEOTW!
Bono’s faffing up/extending the “in my sorrows” verse. #U2360CHI
UTEOTW has snippet of Anthem by Leonard Cohen. #U2360CHI
7th is Until The End Of The World. Business as usual so far. #U2360CHI
OK, did Bono just snippet something in Elevation’s break? I couldn’t tell what. #U2360CHI
@ZooPony Not that I know of, sorry. The video I linked may not be too download-intensive though. My crap bandwidth’s handling it OK anyway.
6th is Elevation. #U2360CHI
MW remains neutered; Edge’s slide solo hasn’t come back this year. :( #U2360CHI
Fifth is Mysterious Ways. #U2360CHI
Most reliable live feed so far seems to be this: http://u2.gs/iN #U2360CHI
Fourth is Magnificent. #U2360CHI
Is it just me, or has Bono shouted “I’m in pain” at the end of I Will Follow ever since that shoe problem on the Vertigo Tour? #U2360CHI
Here is our article where I will be posting the full set live: http://u2.gs/CHs #U2360CHI
3rd is Boots. #U2360CHI
2nd is I Will Follow. #U2360CHI
Snippet of Sgt Pepper’s in B Day. #U2360CHI
Well well. It’s the Elbow/Boots remix intro like in South Africa. Thus, first song is Beautiful Day. #U2360CHI
Intro music playing in Santiago. Here we go! #U2360CHI
POSSIBLE SPOILER. This setlist pic is doing the rounds, but note it does say “6pm rehearsal” at the top: http://twitpic.com/4d879m #U2360CHI
@trojanchick99 Unfortunately it’s a bit too early in Australia for me to start having celebratory drinks. ;)
So Matt’s got crap data networks in Chile and you’re all bloody lucky to get coherent tweets from me since NEW ZEALAND WON THE CRICKET! Woo!
Muse played about 50 minutes. Still no data network so my stuff will come after the show. #U2360CHI
For followers who also dig Muse, the set: Plug-in Baby (woo!), Resistance, TIRO, Eurasia, Uprising, Starlight, Stockholm, Cydonia. #U2360CHI
Despite some reports recently Muse would play 60 mins, they’re done, having played 45 mins. #U2360CHI
Hi folks, Ax here. Muse are on in Santiago now, playing what I believe is an extended support slot for U2. #U2360CHI