All videos from the first La Plata are now uploaded to our YouTube channel http://u2.gs/yt Some Muse to come later #U2360ARG

Newspapers after first La Plata show #U2360ARG http://u2.gs/ji
Got to say, I (Ax) think EBTTRT is a far, far superior opener to Beautiful Day. Plus EBTTRT/IWF is a great opening combo. Great choice!
@atu2 I was in UF for the music; Bono can’t hit lots of notes now. Think it says something that I found a way to headbang to UF! ;)
@terryweaver IALW = In A Little While.
Today the tour’s worst song, IALW, reached more total plays (48 on 360) than one of the tour’s best songs, UF (stranded on 47). Sigh! #U2360

All other clips are uploading over night. Check our Youtube channel to see them http://u2.gs/yt #U2360ARG #U2360SAM

Here is the proof of what I’ve tweeted a bit earlier. North Star from the first La Plata show http://u2.gs/jh #U2360ARG #U2360SAM
@Wouterkaas Yes, I liked it a lot during the show. Did not really expected it already today anyway.
North Star was probably the most fucked up version I’ve ever seen. Bono after it: Was that a key change, The Edge? Oh, you’re professional!

So here is our first clip from La PLata. The brand new opener Even Better Than The Real Thing http://u2.gs/jg #U2360ARG #U2360SAM
Here’s the full La Plata 1 setlist and stats: http://u2.gs/LP1 #u2360arg (still very surprised they opened with EBTTRT!)
Setlist and show write-up will be on U2gigs in just a few minutes from now, too!
Hi folks, Ax here, sorry I missed the gig (work ugh). Looks like Matkin did a great job though, and Matt will have vids soon!
North Star WAS on the printed setlist. RT @u2_news http://twitpic.com/4f62gr
RT @u2360claw Good night from Buenos Aires. Glad I get to hang out for the weekend, used to getting torn apart unceremoniously in 3-2-1…
RT@u2360claw Good night from Buenos Aires. Glad I get to hang out for the weekend, used to getting torn apart unceremoniously in 3-2-1…
EBTTRT is a great opener. Have some videos ASAP. Great show with Bono on the round during MOS.
I’m still thrilled that they played Even Better Than the Real Thing; first time since 9 June 01! http://www.u2gigs/show11…
Ax will be back with you for the next few concerts; and his usual post-concert summary should be up shortly. Good night!
Still no confirmation on the presence or absence of North Star between ISHF and BD; hopefully we can get that to you soon
I’m 90% certain that Matt was at the show, so we should have some video! The final confirmed setlist is:
And everybody who tuned in and kept company with thoughtful and insightful tweets.
Thanks again to @trainmaniac, @atu2, @RollingStoneAr, @Portal_Observa, @topicdeldia, @NAagencia, @clarincom…
Thanks to everybody who tuned in tonight; I hope I didn’t do too badly on my first night behind the wheel!
@rcrdtbdrld Yes
Moment of Surrender finishes off; just 22 songs for the first night in Argentina. Maybe 23 if we can confirm North Star
Via @atu2, With or Without You. Based on every other concert thus far, Moment of Surrender will probably follow and close off the night
EBTTRT-IWF-GOYB-Mag-MW-Elevation-UTEOTW-ISHFWILF-BD-IALW (blech!)-MS-COBL-Vertigo-Crazy Tonight-SBS-Scarlet-Walk On-One-Streets-HMTMKMKM
@trainmaniac We can hope (well, except for Ax maybe :P)
It’s Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me. Ultraviolet has not been played four or five concerts in a row now; has it been dropped?
So… is it Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, or Ultraviolet (Light My Way) tonight?
@julesport Thank you :)
ZooBaby91 @u2gigs I think the majority would prefer you go so far as to abbreviate Veritgo to just V, and keep the blech. It is truly more important.
Yep, second encore. The spaceship with the whistling aliens is now on screen
I guess that will lead into the second encore, unless we have a surprise after Streets
MotD had a brief snippet between One and Streets a la Chile according to @RollingStoneAr
RT @EdgeFest I am going to tweet the entire setlist for #u2360winnipeg in Welsh.
EBTTRT-IWF-Boots-Mag-MW-Elevation-UTEOTW-ISHFWILF-BD-IALW (blech!)-Miss Sarajevo-COBL-Vertigo-Crazy Tonight-SBS-Scarlet-Walk On-One-Streets
Streets; no word on if Mothers of the Disappeared bridged it and One
Darn, I finished my Subway. I want more food!
According to @NAagencia the Madres de Plaza de Mayo are onstage
@atu2 reporting that we’ve entered the first encore with a rendition of One. Will MOTD bridge it into Streets again?
@ZooBaby91 I’ll run out of room soon :P
@livefromaplace It’s about Chile, Argentina, and El Salvador; see the Wikipedia article (I wrote it ;).
So far: EBTTRT-IWF-Boots-Mag-MW-Elevation-UTEOTW-ISHFWILF-BD-IALW (blech!)-Miss Sarajevo-COBL-Vertigo-Crazy Tonight-SBS-Scarlet-Walk On
Scarlet followed by Walk On
Oops, that last tweet was meant to be a retweet via @RollingStoneAr; my bad!
La pantalla vuelve a subir mientras comienza Sunday Bloody Sunday. Bono recorre la pasarela exterior
I’m going to discount North Star until we get some actual confirmation on it
EBTTRT-IWF-Boots-Mag-MW-Elevation-UTEOTW-ISHFWILF- BD-IALW (blech!)-Miss Sarajevo-COBL-Vertigo-Crazy Tonight-SBS
The big question now is whether it is followed by Scarlet or Mothers of the Disappeared; or both?
Sunday Bloody Sunday follows
A big thanks so far to @trainmaniac, @atu2, @RollingStoneAr, @Portal_Observa, and @clarincom for all the updates so far! Much appreciated!
Alberto_Fanjon @u2gigs When i saw the first acronym I couldnt believe it!!!
@ZooPony My disgust at it continuing to be played ;)
Crazy Tonight [U2360 Remix]
Worth noting though that the U2.com interactive tweet thingy does NOT list North Star; that one is still very iffy
I hope all those acronyms aren’t too confusing!
EBTTRT-IWF-Boots-Mag-MW-Elevation-UTEOTW-ISHFWILF-North Star (unconfirmed)-BD-IALW (blech!)-Miss Sarajevo-COBL-Vertigo
Vertigo follows as usual
atu2 Sounds like COBL now… RT @RollingStoneAr: Increíble juego de luces en la pantalla convertida en un panal gigantesco #u2
Hearing from @siders_mus that North Star was between ISHFWILF and Beautiful Day; unconfirmed for now
Heh, @RollingStoneAr seems a little envious of the fan on stage!
Set so far: EBTTRT-IWF-Boots-Mag-MW-Elevation-UTEOTW-ISHFWILF-new song and/or Beautiful Day-IALW (blech!)-Miss Sarajevo
RT @clarincom Pasaron “I Still havent found”…”Beatifull Day”, “In i little while” .y “Miss Sarajevo”
RT @clarincom Bono bailó en el escenario con una chica en “In a little While”
@atu2 A night filled with guesswork, eh? :P
@trainmaniac Heh, thanks; I’m mostly relying on Google Translate at the moment :P
Bono brings a girl onstage
Bono snippets Blackbird in Beautiful Day it sounds like
EBTTRT-IWF-Boots-Magnificent-MW-Elevation-UTEOTW-ISHFWILF-BD; not sure if there was a song between ISHF and BD
Not sure if Beautiful Day is the 9th or 10th song
trainmaniac @u2gigs Beautiful Day… i was right :D
Soon as we get confirmation we’ll let you know
atu2 One thing I’m learning from monitoring tweets is that F**k is the same in any language. ;-)
Unsure what the 9th song is. @Portal_Observa says it is a birthday song? Not sure who for
RT @agatxus Increíble!!! RT @seak13: More pictures !!http://twitpic.com/4f50j… #U2360ARG #U2360SAM
Is anybody else wondering where they will slot in Beautiful Day? If they don’t play it, it will be the first time since it’s introduction
Crowd sings the first verse
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For is next
Setlist so far: EBTTRT-IWF-Boots-Magnificent-Mysterious Ways-Elevation-UTEOTW
Up seventh is Until the End of the World
hjwallace1 @u2gigs Up is down, black is white. Anything could happen. Drowning man?
Talk about an exciting (and confusing) night! I wonder if we can expect any other changes.
6. Elevation
Mysterious Ways is played 5th. Last time it wasn’t played was Toronto 1 in 2009
@AllU2 Too bad it’s my first time with this. Hopefully I won’t screw every fan up! :P
@Almond87 I think that is an apt reaction :P
If what we’ve got so far is accurate (and with all the confusion it may not be) the set thus far is Oddity into EBTTRT-IWF-Boots-Magnificent
Looks like 4 is Magnificent
@trainmaniac I’m hoping so; I believe that Matt is there. No connection for him unfortunately
1. EBTTRT 2. IWF 3. GoYB
@trainmaniac Where are you getting the setlist info from?
Via @trainmaniac and @RollingStoneAr: Space oddity is back, followed by Even Better Than the Real Thing and I Will Follow
If EBTTRT is being played, it will be the first time in almost a decade. Last performance was 9 June 01 in Boston
Even Better Than the Real Thing; may be first or third, not sure yet #U2360ARG
Okay, so I’m seeing various reports so far. I think we can discount Acrobat, and it’s doubtful that Space Oddity would follow BD-IWF
@AllU2 Matt is there but he has no cell phone connection
It seems that Space Oddity is back as the intro
We’ll keep looking for a live stream; fingers crossed that we will find one!
(Unconfirmed but likely): RT @adrian_vel beautiful day!!! #u2360arg
For those asking, no streams have cropped up yet. This one may connect at showtime: http://www.livestream.co… #U2360ARG #U2360SAM
Last question from me before the show: What time is it in the world? Let’s see where everybody is tuning in from tonight! #U2360ARG
Oops, I think I just retweeted myself! Lots of love for Gloria, October, and (surprisingly) Rejoice, and Brick!
Muse is just over. We get more classic music over the PA. No idea why that is
Annicca @u2gigs October is actually one of my favourite albums and I wouldn’t want to be without it. I love Gloria, Tomorrow and October.
partygirlu2 @u2gigs Gloria =)
ie. What is your favourite song from the forgotten U2 album, October?
Okay, next question: Gloria, I Fall Down, Brick, Rejoice, Fire, Tomorrow, October, Shout, Stranger, Scarlet, or I Fall Down?
I mean, I could watch Survivor or put on the Blue Man Group, but what would be the point in that?
I can’t think of a better way to spend this Wednesday night than sharing the concert with you all.
RT @trainmaniac uprising, supermassive, starlight, plug in baby… pelo menos estas para já, na setlist de hoje #muse
@hjwallace1 Touche :P
RT @Boonaaa Muse On! En #U2360ARG !!! http://twitpic.com/4f408v
And yes, to those who’ve asked, the top of the Claw is missing tonight. Looks they couldn’t fit it under all the wires and such
We may have a live stream here when U2 takes the stage: http://www.livestream.co… Worth keeping an eye on.
Interesting choices so far; The Cure, The Script, BB King, Bruce Springsteen, Muse, and REM among others. I’ll throw Bryan Adams out there.
JasonThomas9 @EdgeFest @u2gigs Zootv cola, makes you ready for the laughing gas…
So it seems that the average U2 fan prefers Coke to Pepsi. Next question: Who would you love to see U2 do a duet with live?
Hey, we’re on a spaceship, right? RT @weathernetwork NASA’S Messenger spacecraft grabs images of Mercury from orbit. http://bit.ly/eeCY7b
@RICHYMUSERNO1 Wish I could tell you, but I don’t have a stream of it. Matt will probably have the set afterwards
V511 @u2gigs With a Shout, Rejoice! I am at One with Coca-Cola. It Is Magnificent and moves in Mysterious Ways. It is a Miracle Drug.
RT@JohnnyVOXX Muse on stage!!! #u2360ARG
I’ve been retweeting political comments and news stories on my personal account 5 days straight; so excited to vote on 2 May!
So, not long until show time now. What kind of excitement is going on in your lives right now? Here in Canada we’re in an election
@i_Zepeda Yes; Matt posted a picture of it earlier.

RT @hjwallace 1 Getting prepped by watching the Vid for EBTTRT: http://youtu.be/Yrch66gd… I haven’t watched in SO long. Still makes me diz
trojanchick99 @u2gigs They don’t trust us Americans with glass. But fountain trumps all.
But U2 seemed to feel that it would have been one irony too much for the song, so they declined the offer.
Funny story about U2 and Richard Branson; he wanted to use Even Better Than the Real Thing in an ad for Virgin Cola to promote it over Coke.
spenceeastwood @u2gigs Coke for sure!! It’s Even Better Than The Real Thing! ;)
duuuaaaane @u2gigs what about Pepsi Max? Remember Vanilla Coke?
Coke is winning by a landslide so far; I’m more of a Pepsi fan (especially Pepsi Lime, Mmmm-mmmm!), but can we agree that glass beats cans?
@U2Baja Depends on the container for me; both taste so much better in glass than they do in plastic or in cans
@zhivvy Absolutely ;)
Count so far is 5 Coke to 2 Pepsi, and one split on location. Will keep you updated on the votes ;)
@EdgeFest Hey, no answering questions before I get to ask them! :P
So, now to ask what is quite possibly the most controversial question ever posed to U2 fans: Coke or Pepsi?
@EdgeFest Thank you!
EdgeFest @u2gigs watch for something here: u2valencia.com/MOS/index.php?…
Here’s hoping we get a stream tonight. If you find one, please pass it on!
I'll do my best to bring some material after the show. Matt
As Bolero plays over the PA I turn off my phone. No data network. Hope others cover the set /Matt