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U2gigs (@u2gigs)

Matt: Berlin / Ax: Wollongong / Matkin: Toronto / Chris: NY

The below is an off-site archive of all most tweets posted by @u2gigs ever

June 2nd, 2011

EdgeFest Great cartoon from Edmonton Journal - U2 Canadian style http://twitpic.com/55zeph

 via Twitpic (retweeted on 8:16 PM, Jun 2nd, 2011  via U2gigs (Matt))

@U2dreamoutloud It always worked the other way around so far. It might be that Marc is just busy at the moment to post what he already got.

 via U2gigs (Matt) in reply to U2dreamoutloud

vwayner Bono’s speech about rugby, hitchhiking & #Oilers http://www.youtube.com/w…
#U2360EDM #yeg #redmonton #u2

 via web (retweeted on 3:10 PM, Jun 2nd, 2011  via U2gigs (Matt))

@U2dreamoutloud Just upload them and I’m sure Marc will add them incl. the required gallery folder.

 via U2gigs (Matt) in reply to U2dreamoutloud from Berlin, Berlin

snjohns @u2gigs Snippet post AIWIY: Needle and the Damage Done. Might’ve been a Rockin’ in the Free World snippet later on as well.

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:18 AM, Jun 2nd, 2011  via U2gigs (Ax))

steven_li Thanks for the show U2!! You guys really know how to put together an epic rock concert to remember. #U2360EDM

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:37 AM, Jun 2nd, 2011  via U2gigs (Matt))

So, @hjwallace1 has just tweeted that it was the same set as Winnipeg. That’d be confirmation the acoustic song was indeed Stay. #U2360EDM

 via U2gigs (Ax)

That’s it for today, folks. Write-up and setlist here (Stay remains unconfirmed): http://u2.gs/edm #U2360EDM

 via U2gigs (Ax)

As usual, WOWY and MOS are rounding out the show. #U2360EDM

 via U2gigs (Ax)

There you go, those of you who predicted HMTMKMKM will be happy you’re right - it’s 22nd, first song of 2nd encore. #U2360EDM

 via U2gigs (Ax)

First encore is - shock horror - One followed by Streets. As normal, that makes them 20th and 21st songs of the night. #U2360EDM

 via U2gigs (Ax)

@U2sannieGO Seriously! Scarlet and Rejoice could barely be more different if they tried.

 via U2gigs (Ax) in reply to U2sannieGO

Via @atu2, confirmation that I Will Follow was indeed the 2nd song as thought. #U2360EDM

 via U2gigs (Ax)

I’m starting to think that only 1 out of every 10 reports of Scarlet correctly identifies it as “Scarlet” rather than “Rejoice”.

 via U2gigs (Ax)

As promised, here I am at the end of the main set with songs 16-19, which are the usuals: Crazy Tonight, SBS, Scarlet, Walk On. #U2360EDM

 via U2gigs (Ax)

@skid63 The random Tutu sampling just about makes me cringe.

 via U2gigs (Ax) in reply to skid63

Last tweet is around the wrong way, sorry! 14th is COBL / Singing snip, 15th is Vertigo. #U2360EDM

 via U2gigs (Ax)

14th is Vertigo, 15th is COBL with Singing In The Rain snip, and I think I’ll just report the rest of the main set when it ends. #U2360EDM

 via U2gigs (Ax)

@llootsteen39 Nope … surprisingly hard to get any info at all. I’m bored stiff.

 via U2gigs (Ax) in reply to llootsteen39

Zooropa clocks in at 13th. #U2360EDM

 via U2gigs (Ax)

Still waiting for some actual confirmation that 2nd was IWF and 9th was Stay …! #U2360EDM

 via U2gigs (Ax)

12th is Miss Sarajevo. #U2360EDM

 via U2gigs (Ax)

@EdgeFest @hjwallace1 Another question - was Stay after AIWIY as usual, or did they do something else acoustic?

 via U2gigs (Ax)

@skid63 Yeah, they opened some of the 2009 European gigs. I saw them open in Paris and at one of the Dublin shows.

 via U2gigs (Ax) in reply to skid63

Oh, and @atu2 says Heart Of Gold snip in BDay. Like in Winnipeg. #U2360EDM

 via U2gigs (Ax)

Ninth was an acoustic song (so probably Stay), and then tenth is Beautiful Day. #U2360EDM

 via U2gigs (Ax)

Seventh was UTEOTW. Then speech (Bono talks about ice hockey). Eighth is All I Want Is You. Ninth is… hopefully we’ll know soon! #U2360EDM

 via U2gigs (Ax)

@comay I think the intro is the best part of the song, so cutting that was never going to sit too well with me, heh.

 via U2gigs (Ax) in reply to comay

Sixth is Elevation as expected. #U2360EDM

 via U2gigs (Ax)

@EdgeFest @hjwallace1 Any chance either of you can confirm if 2nd song was I Will Follow?

 via U2gigs (Ax)

And MW is in fifth like normal. Next two should be locks as well, but will AIWIY keep sticking around in 8th? I hope so. #U2360EDM

 via U2gigs (Ax)

I’d blame the new remix. RT @dstaples: “Magnificent” Not so much really. Just OK live. #U2 yeg

 via U2gigs (Ax)

I love the hashtag, by the way. I keep reading it as “U2 360 Electronic Dance Music”. Is that when they play Crazy Tonight x24? #U2360EDM

 via U2gigs (Ax)

By the way, here’s our usual article with all we know about the set, updated live: http://u2.gs/edm #U2360EDM

 via U2gigs (Ax)

OK, via @dstaples, it appears we can tick off Boots. #U2360EDM

 via U2gigs (Ax)

What we KNOW so far: EBTTRT, a Boy song, ??, Magnificent. What it probably is: EBTTRT, IWF, Boots, Magnif. Expect usual set. #U2360EDM

 via U2gigs (Ax)

@u2kat Muse were too busy doing their own tour of Australia to support U2 here, heh. Their own 2 Melbourne shows were quality.

 via U2gigs (Ax) in reply to u2kat

With no feed and with none of us able to go to this show, it looks like tonight may be an awkward one for getting the setlist…!

 via U2gigs (Ax)

People, if there were a stream, do you think I’d be trying to guess at songs on the basis of vague tweets? ;)

 via U2gigs (Ax)

By the sounds of a tweet from @dstaples, the band are probably on I Will Foll ow. Or possibly OOC. But almost certainly IWF. #U2360EDM

 via U2gigs (Ax)

@pepokiss Still pissed that Australia got Jay-Z rather than Muse.

 via U2gigs (Ax) in reply to pepokiss

First song of the night is Even Better Than The Real Thing. Really glad they’ve stuck with this as an opener. #U2360EDM

 via U2gigs (Ax)

RT @corianderstem: @atu2 @u2gigs Fun Lovin’ Criminals on Popmart were AWFUL.

 via U2gigs (Ax)

@U2Jerseygirl It seems I’m the only person who enjoyed Glasvegas in Dublin. OK, their stage presence sucked but I like their music.

 via U2gigs (Ax) in reply to U2Jerseygirl

Aaaand @hjwallace1 reports Space Oddity! Hope @EdgeFest can get a feed happening … fingers crossed! #U2360EDM

 via U2gigs (Ax)

@atu2 I’ve been to about a billion gigs by now and they are the ONLY time I have ever actually sat down and ignored an opener completely.

 via U2gigs (Ax) in reply to atu2

While we’re talking U2 openers, prob the best I’ve had was Kaiser Chiefs; perhaps the only one I’ve seen actually get the U2 crowd excited!

 via U2gigs (Ax)

@uumike I still can’t get over the fact that Smashmouth supported U2.

 via U2gigs (Ax) in reply to uumike

@atu2 As for worse U2 openers though, I’d much prefer to sit through The Fray than Republic Of Loose. By god they were bad, Dublin ’09.

 via U2gigs (Ax) in reply to atu2

@atu2 I don’t know, soon as I slag off something, people usually rush to its defence, but The Fray? Fans conspicuous by their absence!

 via U2gigs (Ax) in reply to atu2

@atu2 No, just going by tweets! I think we’ve had 2-3 positive tweets re: The Fray (vs a million negative) since they were announced.

 via U2gigs (Ax) in reply to atu2

@ScottSextastic Could have been the techs. Dallas rehearsed Electric Co.’s riff in Australia in 2006, long after it was dropped from set.

 via U2gigs (Ax) in reply to ScottSextastic

Think this is the last show supported by The Fray? 98% of our followers breathe a sigh of relief, esp those with upcoming gigs. #U2360EDM

 via U2gigs (Ax)

The Fray are done, by the way. Should be about 30-40 minutes until U2 are on. #U2360EDM

 via U2gigs (Ax)

All we know about the soundcheck is that the crew did Zooropa & COBL, and U2 did the new version of Magnificent. #U2360EDM

 via U2gigs (Ax)

Looks like it’ll be just me, Ax, covering tonight’s show. The Fray are on at the moment, so hopefully not too long until U2. #U2360EDM

 via U2gigs (Ax)

EdgeFest Worries about network tonight at #U2360EDM - doubt I will get a feed out tonight guys :( I am so sorry. Will if I can!!!

 via txt (retweeted on 4:01 AM, Jun 2nd, 2011  via web)

Edmontonsun Photogallery: U2 lands in Edmonton #u2360edm #yeg edmontonsun.com/2011/06/01/pho…

 via Tweet Button (retweeted on 1:13 AM, Jun 2nd, 2011  via U2gigs (Matt))

I hope everybody in Edmonton is taking the light rail to the gig. Some of the trains are of the type “Siemens-Duewag U2”. #U2360EDM

 via U2gigs (Ax)

RT @AngieRodrigues: U2 is on the ground in Edmonton.They arrived around 4:16pm at the EIA’s shell hangar #U2360edm http://yfrog.com/hsortcj

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

mykidsmom383 Less than 1 hr till they open the gates! Woot! #U2360edm yfrog.com/h386029428j

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:11 AM, Jun 2nd, 2011  via U2gigs (Matt))

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