Looks like North Star is in Transformers movie and not Mercy. Thanks @AlexLoos
@Galeongirl All You Need Is Love is already included; Ax makes sure to catch it every single time (almost every night)
I can’t promise that I (Matkin) will be here to tweet tonight; depends on what time I return from Toronto. But Ax will be here as usual!
RT @EdgeFest: Dallas also told me and @Bonogirl360 “we’re going to switch up two songs tonight”… Now what that means… Hmmm??
If I Will Follow from Glastonbury (or any other from U2’s set) suddenly becomes available on the Canadian iTunes, I’d love to know! ;-)
Also, as some of you have pointed out, Bono hummed the melody of Can’t Take My Eyes Off You in Streets at Glasto. Added to set! #U2Glasto
Glasto wasn’t 1st time Bono’s snippeted Independent Women. End MW, 2010-12-19 Perth. He struggles w/ lyrics. Thanks Alison D! Added to set.
u2w I Will Follow from Glastonbury now on iTunes UK and US: underanatomicsky.blogspot.com/2011/06/i-will…
@boltonkz No dates are set beyond the end of the 360 Tour in Moncton. Will be a while before their next tour.
CFernandez7 I just realized Beautiful Day by U2 is around ten years old. I still regarded it as “one of the new songs”. @u2gigs

10 years ago Edge said Fly hadn’t stood the test of time for the Best Of. What do you think? http://www.youtube.com/w…