@EdgeFest I can’t answer this from my head. Hopefully Axver can and will pick up on this later :) Matt

Some HQ videos from Oakland are available here: http://u2.gs/kd check the channel for the others (via @panigirl) #U2360OAK
@KareyR they have three and I think all are used during this leg.
@ZooPony Thanks, just added this to our set.
Tweet archive for hashtag #u2360oak is here: http://u2.gs/u2360oak
@ZooPony I’ll forgive a lot of shitty preachy lyrics if the music and the singing sound good enough, heh.
@wxander Last songs are hit and miss for me. Love MOTD, AIWIY, LIB, WUDM… MLK, 40, Grace, Yahweh, no thanks!
@ZooPony I don’t mind (too much) political preachy, as seen on War.
And how remiss of me! Must also thank @u2radiocom for re-streaming the @u2br feed for those locked out of 1000mikes! #U2360OAK
Though before I go, I’d just like to say that I stand by my bet that The Fly (if played pre-Glasto) will debut at Anaheim 2.
@Lunnzies Hahaha, good question!
@wxander I’m a pretty serious atheist myself… can’t explain why songs like Yahweh grate on me but October doesn’t.
Full Oakland setlist and info right here: http://u2.gs/oak This is Ax signing off, see you on the 17th for Anaheim! #u2360oak
Thank you very much to @u2br for their audio stream, and to the chap on UStream for the video stream of the 1st half of the gig! #U2360OAK
Bono gives his goodnights and that’s the end of the gig. #U2360OAK
@ZooPony Yeah, I find it really honest and earnest without being pushy or cheesy. Can’t say that for some more recent stuff…
@CharlieAscarate Miss that! Shame it’s only been done 3 or 4 times this tour.
So much for those rumours of The Fly, unless a huge surprise is coming after MOS! (I think not.) #U2360OAK
Here’s the “take out your phones” moment. 25th and presumably last is Moment Of Surrender. #U2360OAK
Bono’s speechifying again; he thanks the crowd, the management, especially the crew. #U2360OAK
Hmm … *scratches head* RT @ZAGrrl . @ohshoesoh Bonohohoh!!!!!!! #U2360OAK @u2com http://lockerz.com/s/108…
@Lunnzies Haha yeah. There was a video feed with marginally better sound, but it stopped after Stay.
24th is With Or Without You. #u2360oak
@trojanchick99 Haha zing!
@CharlieAscarate I’m the opposite, wish they’d been doing HMTMKMKM from the start.
@ClaytonsKitten Haha, yeah, seems that might be it for surprises!
First song of the second encore, 23rd of the night, is Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me. #U2360OAK
Dallas apparently said there’d be a surprise in the set. The Fly? or the “Winnipeg Surprise” of no MOS? ;) #U2360OAK
No idea what that was about, too hard to tell on stream, think it’s now the 2nd encore break. #U2360OAK
Bono’s talking … seems he’s got somebody up on stage. #U2360OAK
No snip of All You Need Is Love in Streets today. Nor did One have Hear Us Coming. #U2360OAK
@CBarcaSTJ My fav snip is Discotheque … wish they’d done it more in Australia!
@wxander It’s weird really, I’m sometimes a bit bothered when Bono gets overly preachy, but not on October. I guess he did it diff back then
@wxander That’s a good point … the Jesus thing would bother me, but I just like how uptempo that original ending is.
Snippet of Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow leads into 22nd song, Streets. #U2360OAK
@wxander Common Ground version isn’t bad, but I’m a huge fan of the original. I’d be happy with either live though!
One opens the encore, 21st song of the night. #u2360oak
A few of you nominate Tomorrow as a top U2 song, and I agree. Now there’s a beautiful song I’d love to hear the band play someday.
Over to the Aung San Suu Kyi video and the 1st encore break. #U2360OAK
Walk On ends with its usual snippet of You’ll Never Walk Alone. #U2360OAK
I’m this crazy heretic who thinks October is one of U2’s five BEST albums, not worst.
Love how often people confuse Scarlet and Rejoice’s titles. I wish U2 would do Rejoice, and you all need to listen to more October! ;)
Scarlet naturally leads into Walk On, 20th song of the night. #U2360OAK
19th is Scarlet. #U2360OAK
@DutchU2Fan Just audio stream, vid stream has been offline since Stay.
Sorry, Sunday Bloody Sunday is 18th! It’s normally 17th, but that Happy Birthday earlier has bumped things along. #U2360OAK
Then Bono sings the “it’s not a hill, it’s a mountain” line, then Life During Wartime and Psycho Killer snips, then 17th is SBS. #u2360oak
Snippetry time in Crazy - here’s Discothèque. #U2360OAK
17th is Crazy Tonight. #U2360OAK
@DutchU2Fan No, none of us are there tonight unfortunately.
No idea what that “going down” snip at the end of Vertigo was. #U2360OAK
If you want to catch up on the full set so far, it’s here on our mainpage: http://u2.gs/oak #U2360OAK
16th is Vertigo. #U2360OAK
@CharlieAscarate I’m betting first song of the 2nd encore.
@ZooPony Not from the video, but I presume that’s the motivation for Bono snippeting it.
15th is City Of Blinding Lights. #u2360oak
Aww yeah, Zooropa in 14th. #U2360OAK
@skid63 Yeah, it was kind of odd that they didn’t resurrect it at least for that one gig. But I did rather enjoy Pride being out of the set!
chaley_m In the name of love… What more in the name of the love? #u2 #u2360 #u2360oak #u2360us @ Overstock.com Coliseum http://instagr.am/p/FXut…
13th is Miss Sarajevo. #u2360oak
chaley_m It’s a beautiful day! Don’t let it get away! #u2 #u2360 #u2360oak #u2360usa #360tour @ Overstock.com Coliseum http://instagr.am/p/FXuK…
And 12th is Pride. #U2360OAK
Snip at the end of BDay is Space Oddity again. #U2360OAK
RT @ClaytonsKitten @u2gigs http://u2radio.com/live/ is a mirror of u2br for those who cant get in
For the record, aforementioned guy wasn’t me, though I bet there’s a U2 bootleg out there featuring me screaming for 11 O’Clock Tick Tock.
One of my fav examples of a fan hollering over the top of a stream/bootleg is Christchurch ZooTV; this guy who keeps screaming for Gloria.
11th is Beautiful Day. #U2360OAK
@atu2comSherry Oh I don’t blame them at all; no doubt there’s a bootleg out there with me hollering out of tune over it.
Damn, there goes the video feed. u2br’s is still up though. #U2360OAK
The guys by the person doing the vid feed are singing so badly, haha. #U2360OAK
Tenth is Stay, again introduced as Sinatra. #U2360OAK
Also, @thephonebox confirms the snips in Vertigo at the Seattle gig were The Fixer and Alive by Pearl Jam. Thanks!
@thephonebox Thanks! Kept meaning to check back on that.
I just woke up and tuned into a #U2360OAK live stream and Larry just sang a bit of Perfect Day. How cool is this :) Matt
Think I might call eighth Perfect Day (snippet) / Happy Birthday, then AIWIY ninth. #U2360OAK
Now they’re playing All I Want Is You, anyway! #U2360OAK
Now Bono leads crowd in Happy Birthday for his friend John. How the hell to put this in the setlist? #U2360OAK
No way, is that Larry singing some of Lou Reed’s Perfect Day! #U2360OAK
Edge says that he remembers “at least the first hour”. #U2360OAK
Bono gets Edge to talk about drinking with Metallica & Green Day, creating their own festival. #U2360OAK
Bono now speechifying, thanking the crowd for waiting, & thanking the openers Moonalice and Kravitz. #U2360OAK
While we’re talking snips, just added All You Need Is Love to Streets from Denver, 2011-05-21. Thanks to @CBarcaSTJ for the tipoff!
Bono’s getting political in UTEOTW. “Feels like the end of the world somewhere in the world … somewhere in Tehran.” #U2360OAK
Anthem & Where Have All The Flowers Gone? snips in UTEOTW. #U2360OAK
@CBarcaSTJ Cheers, thanks, will add it to the Denver set in a minute!
@wxander Video stream seems to have somewhat clearer vocals, will see how I go with that!
@aidanformigoni Hm yeah, vid does seem to have a bit clearer vocals.
Clocking in at 7th is Until The End Of The World. #U2360OAK
But at least I can still recognise songs! 6th is Elevation. #U2360OAK
I’m not having a good day with the snips it seems. Pretty sure there was a snip or two there in MW. Norwegian Wood at end? #u2360oak
@corianderstem Honestly not sure why they even felt the need for a change, unless they were bored with the old-but-not-broken version.
Fifth is Mysterious Ways. #U2360OAK
Did Bono just snippet something there in Magnificent? Couldn’t make out what he was saying. #U2360OAK
@stubby70 I tend to be doing so much on the computer that it’s hard to watch the vid, so I just stick with the audio streams.
I really miss the old intro of Magnificent, myself. It’s my favourite part of the song. #U2360OAK
Fourth song of the night is Magnificent. #U2360OAK
I’m told there’s also a video stream here, haven’t checked it for myself: http://www.ustream.tv/ch… #U2360OAK
Mirror of u2br stream here: http://u2radio.com/live/ #U2360OAK
Here’s our mainpage article with the full set updated live: http://u2.gs/oak #U2360OAK
Third is Boots. #U2360OAK
Don’t suppose there’s a mirror of the u2br stream out there? Sucks how 1000mikes now limits listeners.
Second is I Will Follow. #U2360OAK
We’re go in Oakland. EBTTRT opens. #U2360OAK
u2br We’ll try to make another live streaming tonight! http://www.u2br.com/port… (@atu2 @u2gigs @u2_news @u2chile @u2tour)
Lenny Kravitz is done now, via @atu2. Not too long until U2! Wonder if it’ll be same set again, or if that Fly rumour comes true. #U2360OAK
@llootsteen39 Haven’t seen any word yet, and some mobile networks are already crashing.
Lenny Kravitz is on stage in Oakland at the moment, I think about a third of the way into his support set. #U2360OAK
@alljokesmustgo Alas, no idea.
@EveryBrokenWave I’ve no idea, IWF or HMTMKMKM seem likely candidates. Or yeah, MW?
So, rumour has it that The Fly MAY be played today, & that U2 are rehearsing Staring At The Sun for Glasto. I emphasise, RUMOUR.