She Loves You snippet, and that’s followed by Vertigo #U2Glasto
The crowd doesn’t too keen at the moment… but then Boots wasn’t exactly warmly received when it was released. #U2Glasto
And the next song of the night is… Boots. Wow, decidedly shocked they are playing this #U2Glasto
Rain rather than Space Oddity at the end of BDay. What a shock! #U2Glasto
Elevation now #U2Glasto
RT @kayirowling: Bono trending in Mexico, while #U2Glasto marches on! :3
I (Ax) am surprised they kept the Mark Kelly intro for a non-US audience. #U2Glasto
Next up is Beautiful Day. This is a lot more 360ish than I expected (in terms of song selection I mean) #U2Glasto
But this is very arcane trivia and who really cares? #U2Glasto
Tsk tsk Ax, you’re the setlistorian! How could you possibly make such a mistake? ;)
By contrast, when they used that sequence on Lovetown, it was just Streets/IWF/ISHF. #U2Glasto
By the way, when I (Ax) said opening 3 of JT Tour, I more meant Lovetown. On JT, Streets/IWF/ISHF were usually joined by Trip. #U2Glasto
On to Zooropa; it’s Stay! Please make it full band… #U2Glasto
The Movin’ On Up snippet! Yes! God I (Ax) love this. #U2Glasto
Or I could be wrong, :p #U2Glasto
Also, heh, at Anaheim 2 and Baltimore, Boots was between IWF and ISHFWILF. #U2Glasto
Bet you anything that if the Dylan rumours are true, he will come on after this song and they will do a full Stand By me #U2Glasto
Err, that should be crowd, not crows. Though crows do have good singing voices (or so I hear) #U2Glasto
So, we’ve gone from (almost) the opening 5 from ZooTV, to the opening 3 of many JT Tour shows. #U2Glasto
Crows sings the first verse as usual #U2Glasto
Followed of course by I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For #U2Glasto
What is next? Why, it’s the Bono Introduction! #U2Glasto
U2, dare you to play all of Boy. #U2Glasto
Uh, time to switch to BBC4 for me. Matt
Such amazing energy. You wouldn’t believe this song is 31 years old! #U2Glasto
Yeah, let’s keep it simple with the title people will recognise best. I’ll list it as Jerusalem in the set. #U2Glasto
Seventh song of the night is I Will Follow! #U2Glasto
I think the different visuals are just great if you’ve seen it on the 360 stage many times #u2glasto
Though tempted to just list it as Jerusalem, as that is the version put to music (by Hubert Parry). And it’s shorter. #U2Glasto
scatterolight shame no raindrops are falling on larry’s white shirt. #u2glasto
Ax here, just for the record, Streets intro snippet was William Blake’s poem And Did Those Feet In Ancient Time. #U2Glasto
Snippet was Jerusalem. Thanks everyone! #U2Glasto
The red screens give me shivers every time I see them… #U2Glasto
Some snippet at the end that I don’t recognize at all. But Bono’s voice is fantastic tonight. And of course, Streets is next. #U2Glasto
Hey, how’s that tax protest going? #U2Glasto
RT @neil_mccormick: #Glastonbury crowd singing One. Turns out #U2 don’t need The Claw & special effects. Songs & performance will do.
As much as I (Ax) enjoy my snippetry, I’m glad they played UTEOTW “straight”, without the slow mid-song snippet section. #u2glasto

RT @EveryBrokenWave: For those asking, #Pikachu at Glastonbury #U2Glasto
One is next up. Loving this return of Achtung Baby! #U2Glasto
ZooTV just is trending on Twitter.
Via @u2wanderer, back in MW that was a snippet of Independent Women by Destiny’s Child. #U2Glasto
Very rainy at Glastonbury; but then, the rain is where U2 shine at their best! #U2Glasto
Until the End of the World #U2Glasto
Still more ZooTV visuals during Mysterious Ways. Awesome. #U2Glasto
Third up is Mysterious Ways #U2Glasto
By god yes that solo is VERY Axver-approved. #u2glasto
Ax just chiming to say that I never ever get tired of The Fly live. So good. #u2glasto
This is pure ZooTV #U2Glasto
Second up is The Fly #U2Glasto
The Pokemon nerd in me is delighted to see a Pikachu flag. #U2Glasto
Even Better Than the Real Thing opens! #U2Glasto
I just want to say… @u2com, I’m very disappointed. This would have been a brilliant opportunity for to broadcast for subscribers
And Murray just won; excellent news (and timing) for UKers who are both U2 and #wimbledon fans! #U2Glasto
Hey folks, Ax here. Here is our mainpage article where the full setlist will be posted live, as it happens: #u2glasto
BBC Two feed has just gone to Glastonbury. U2 on in 10 minutes #U2Glasto
Just 40 minutes to go if my math is correct; last chance for setlist predictions! #U2Glasto
Hello hello everyone! The long awaited day of #U2Glasto is finally here! @atu2 have a great guide to watch here:
@Kim43234 I think the 2nd option more save. Not sure what they will show on web later.
@Kim43234 We will know later :)
@nielstenhave There are several streams changing from time to time. Look below the current stream. 3 different streams at the moment.
@Kim43234 Right now I see 3 different streams.
@Kim43234 Earlier there was a 2nd feed linked below the radio feed. Seems to be gone at the moment.
@PubChick This one seems to work for most people #u2glasto
If you want to follow all #u2glasto tweets you can do so here on our live twitterstream:
@cloneweb I don’t know … it’s just one I’ve found.
@peepy It works for me in Germany. Try a few times. Just had a not in your area message and with the next attempt it worked.
@atu2comSherry Seems to work here and there but not everywhere … strange.
@Achtung_Fahey Seems to be only in the movie. it’s not clear yet which song …
@xalira I hope so for everyone not so much into VPN and such stuff.
@kayirowling U2 from 10pm.
@martahU2 I don’t know. Sorry.
Glastonbury 2011 is streaming here via BBC and seems not to be limited to UK residents #u2glasto
@KimiDarlene U2 from 10pm.
@u2_news Thanks! Just added it to our setlist.
1993 is alive and well! RT @BigwaveU2: