Going to #U2360MTL? No parking close to the Hippodrome. Check your route: http://bit.ly/iqYZrz Thnx @Isacordeau, @StephFerry, @sandrarinaldi
fakebono How great is this? They built a stadium in Montreal for me. At first I felt like I didn’t deserve it. The feeling didn’t last. #U2360MTL
RT @EveryBrokenWave: Going to #u2360mtl? look for the guy in the @u2gigs shirt, we will be there!

Ok, here is one more pretty close version of One Tree Hill from Chicago by @U2BROTHR http://u2.gs/kv #u2360chi
RT @atu2 Correction to setlist: I misunderstood txts earlier. Rather than You’ll Never Walk Alone, Bono sang a bit of Battle Hymn of the Rep
@sethkenvin Thanks, already got that. :) Promised Land ended Still Haven’t Found.
Via @coolian2, Mysterious Ways in Nashville had a snippet of Beyonce’s Single Ladies (haha). Added to set!

jimporett @u2gigs @atu2 My video of One Tree Hill is up. What a night! youtube.com/watch?v=gFDomC…

Another great photo of Bono taken at the Chicago show by @AraTrask here http://u2.gs/ku #u2360chi
Create your own personalised statistics of songs you have seen U2 perform live http://u2.gs/myshows #U2360

Here is another good clip of One Tree Hill from Chicago http://u2.gs/kt #u2360chi

atu2 Dear U2, more like this. Much more. “One Tree Hill” by @gregoriop on YouTube: http://youtu.be/KRRG2_Dv… #u2360chi
jimhitch ‘You say you’ll give me eyes in a world of blindness.’ Here’s the sign behind the story. #U2VU http://twitpic.com/5lmogc

AraTrask Here’s the 1st photo I’ve pulled off my card to share from the #U2360CHI show tonight. Enjoy! flickr.com/photos/dancing… @u2gigs
What a great way for me (Ax) to sign off. I’m going on holiday to New Zealand. Be good to Matt & Matkin. I’ll be back to cover 2011-07-23.
@ElevationRadio Haha, and how about some Cartoon World in Toronto?
@GnoccoFritto Yeah, I was talking full song.

Now if you know what’s good for you, aid your post-concert #U2360CHI buzz with this, One Tree Hill 1989-12-26 Dublin: http://u2.gs/fN
Incidentally, @dte421 makes a good point - this is the first time One Tree Hill has been played in North America since 1987-12-20! #U2360CHI
@pepokiss 25th anniversary of Greg Carroll’s death.
Now time for the thanks, to @joshcampbell and @danjukic for their tweets, and to @bmyers and @bethandbono for their streams! #U2360CHI
Forgive me if my love for One Tree Hill shows through my usual statistics/info run-through. #U2360CHI
OK folks, here’s the full #U2360CHI setlist and info: http://u2.gs/LM
Best way to end a gig possible. About to do the show write-up now, give me a few mins. #U2360CHI
Oh my god, well done U2, that was fucking sensational. Pull One Tree Hill out of the hat more often! #U2360CHI
I get a little giddy whenever U2 play One Tree Hill, I must admit. What, the excitable tweets already gave that away? ;) #U2360CHI
“And when it’s raining, raining hard, that’s when the rain will break my heart …” Edge goes for the solo! #U2360CHI
Actually, A Sort Of Homecoming is my favourite song in studio, but One Tree Hill live 1989-12-26, Dublin is the best U2 thing ever.
Just the fourth time OTH has been played this tour, after the 2 New Zealand shows and the Santiago show. #U2360CHI
So here’s your 25th song of the night people, the best goddamn song in U2’s catalogue per the Axver Ranking System! #U2360CHI
Edge is trying to do the opening notes of One Tree Hill! #U2360CHI
“Here’s the deal; if we screw up pretty badly, you don’t put it on the Internet.” - Bono. #U2360CHI
Snippet of One Tree Hill at the end of MOS! “Oh great ocean …” #U2360CHI
After AIWIY in Nashville, I’m not so willing to call MOS “24th and presumably last” yet tonight. ;) #U2360CHI
@jair_nomi Yes.
Fingers crossed One Tree Hill shows up after MOS? Even a snippet? Pretty please? #U2360CHI
Man, that was a bit of a tease! Some of the crowd on @bethandbono’s feed sounded ecstatic at the possibility of One Tree Hill. #U2360CHI
But turns out 24th is just Moment Of Surrender. #U2360CHI
Goddamn! He was intimating they were going to play One Tree Hill to mark the 25th anniversary of Greg Carroll’s death. #U2360CHI
He’s talking about when U2 did three nights at Soldier Field on Popmart… now thanks to 360 crew. #U2360CHI
Time for Bono’s late show speech, thank yous, etc. #U2360CHI
And yes, that was another snippet of My Kind Of Town in HMTMKMKM. (Thanks @EdgeFest for confirming my suspicion!) #U2360CHI
@Katharine0319 Haha, all the rain snippets cracked me up. He seemed to be running out of different rain songs to sing.
23rd is With Or Without You. #U2360CHI
We’re onto the 2nd encore now. Opens with Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, 22nd song of the night. #U2360CHI
Because this tour needs another wet show and more rain snippets. ;) Remember how crazily wet some 2010 Europe shows were? #U2360CHI
Aaand @bethandbono’s stream appears to be working! http://twitcasting.tv/be… #U2360CHI
Snippet of Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow leads into 21st song, Streets. #U2360CHI
One is first song of the encore, 20th of the night. #U2360CHI
Main set is done. Aung San Suu Kyi video is back tonight. #U2360CHI
18th is Scarlet, leading into 19th, Walk On. #U2360CHI
@fgnbtz Bit awkward during a gig, but try asking Matkin to do it when he does one of his pre-show chats with everyone. :)
Oh, and also the Life During Wartime snippet showed up again in Crazy. #U2360CHI
Discothèque snip later in Crazy of course, now they’re onto 17th song, Sunday Bloody Sunday. #U2360CHI
16th is Crazy Tonight. #U2360CHI
@skid63 Hah! One of my mates was there and he was surprised how many people around him sung along to Zooropa.
Vertigo is 15th. Also, I recommend reading some of @danjukic’s tweets from the venue. Some good live reporting. #U2360CHI
@skid63 …a very warm reception!
@skid63 Reports from recent gigs have been that a surprising amount of people have been into it. Surprisingly the Nashville crowd gave it…
14th is City Of Blinding Lights. Bet Matkin can’t wait to hear this in 3 days (he’s busy tonight so it’s just Ax for this gig). #U2360CHI
@sgaddy He gave one away, but he has multiples.
@RnbwDashIsWin Stuck was one of the big reasons I thought Melbourne 2 was MARKEDLY inferior to Melbourne 1.
@hjwallace1 Mofo would kill, though perhaps a bit awkward followed by WOWY (though this is true of HMTM too). Maybe next tour … sigh.
@hjwallace1 At the rare few 2nd nights, Stuck seems to crop up, Bono likes it too much, and it’s easy to play, so I reckon it’s a safe bet.
Clocking in at 13th is one of the most awesome and unexpected songs on 360, Zooropa. #U2360CHI
@hjwallace1 My bet is usual for Montreal 1, then Montreal 2 to get OOC, AIWIY, Stuck, and UV. I won’t be here to see what happens though!
Miss Sarajevo is 12th. #U2360CHI
Honestly, I think the one show with a decent shot at getting Bad in the set is Moncton. Final show needs a big song.
If you’re just tuning in or need a refresher, the full set so far is here: http://u2.gs/LM #U2360CHI
@CharlieAscarate Sort of. This one has been down more than it has been up: http://twitcasting.tv/bm…
Pride is 11th. Would love Bad to squeeze into the set for one more night at least… #U2360CHI
@swmrnbk Not to jinx things, but the current pattern indicates you’ve a good chance of hearing Stay at #U2360STL. :)
10th is Elevation. #U2360CHI
Space Oddity snip to end BDay. #U2360CHI
@hjwallace1 I wish I shared your optimism! That would be awesome.
Slotting in at ninth is Beautiful Day. #U2360CHI
@raygrabeel That would be awesome; it is a great concert closer too.
Eighth song of the night is Stay. #U2360CHI
ISHFWILF has a snippet of The Promised Land, via @joshkcampbell. #U2360CHI
@hjwallace1 Think Pride is a lock through to the end of the tour, since they didn’t play it in North America in 2009 (Chicago 1 aside).
I was hoping the spontaneous AIWIY to end the Nashville gig would’ve prompted them to bring it back in this setlist spot. #U2360CHI
7th is I Still Haven’t Found. #U2360CHI
And Boots is done; Bono is speechifying. #U2360CHI
By the way, that snippet of TTTYAATW? Its 1st live appearance of any kind since 1993-12-10. Though it was rehearsed in Turin 2010. #U2360CHI
RT @atu2 OK, our staffer @bmyers has a stream here, but buffering means it’s about 1-2 mins. behind. http://bit.ly/qJZYTK #u2360chi
@Gravy1199 Do you mean has TTTYAATW been snippeted? Nope, this is the first time.
By the way, in the absence of a stable stream, thanks to @joshkcampbell and @danjukic for tweeting the set so far! #U2360CHI
Back to usual programming: sixth is Boots. #U2360CHI
@hjwallace1 …but so little change that each little variation is more exciting than it should be!
@hjwallace1 Haha I know. I guess that’s why following the sets is such a big deal though; just enough change to keep us interested…
So that’s OOC instead of IWF. Just the third Out Of Control on 360 (and fourth of 2011, counting Glasto as well). #U2360CHI
Fifth is OUT OF CONTROL! #U2360CHI
Via @danjukic, MW had a Tryin’ To Throw Arms Around The World at the end, leading into UTEOTW. #U2360CHI
Fourth is Until The End Of The World. #U2360CHI
@claudio_vdl The last show we filmed was Mexico City in May.
And Mysterious Ways is 3rd. #U2360CHI
Looks like @bethandbono is trying to get a stream going, but it’s only been up very briefly: http://twitcasting.tv/be… #U2360CHI
OK, here’s the mainpage article with the full live set, plus crew soundcheck info: http://u2.gs/LM #U2360CHI
The Fly clocks in at second. Will have a mainpage article up in a minute. #U2360CHI
@Gravy1199 Sounds like an instant classic, haha!
We’re go in Chicago. Even Better Than The Real Thing opens. #U2360CHI
@Gravy1199 Haha, trying to get pulled up to play something obscure?
@Gravy1199 Quite.
Interpol have been on for a bit at #U2360CHI and by the sounds of it the data network is predictably shonky.