honey_child @u2gigs I got sick in the inner circle and left. Some girl had the guts to push me for “stealing her spot”, threatened to vomit on her
atu2 Official Twitter account for #u2360mtl transit info @u2stminfo_en (English language)
atu2 Official transit info for #u2360mtl - perhaps helpful for post-concert? http://bit.ly/pTc6ND
Either way, it looks like they will be changing up part of the set tonight!
Conflicting reports about the crew soundcheck. @harbinger384 reports the Gloria bassline, @hjwallace1 says it was NYD.
There is no parking near the Hippodrome. Take public transport. Park at a metro station like Radisson and buy the U2 Pass (5.00$). #U2360MTL
@honey_child Had it yesterday. Absolute nightmare. Got squished & crushed, & heard some people got trampled. Worst GA of the tour. #U2360MTL
Remember, U2.com streams tonight’s show for paid subscribers. Broadcast starts 8:30 PM local time, 45 min earlier than yesterday #U2360MTL
RT @honey_child: Yeah, after seeing what tonight’s GA line looks like, I think I’ll hang out at the beer tent and watch the supply #u2360MTL
Pousser et escalader les barricades dans la file d’admission générale n’améliorera pas votre place. #U2360MTL
La folie d’hier a failli mener a des blessures. #U2360MTL
…Il y a assez de place autour de la scène pour tout le monde. Soyez respectueux des autres. #U2360MTL
Traitez les autres fans avec respect. Pousser et dépasser ne vous donnera pas une meilleure place… #U2360MTL
Au gens a dans la file d’attente de l’admission général, ou qui vont s’y joindre plus tard, s’il vous plait ne poussez pas. #U2360MTL
To translate my earlier tweets about security, for all the Quebec followers up there today…
#U2360MTL crew soundcheck: Gloria bass, Zooropa, COBL, Vertigo, MOS, EBTTRT, intro to NYD
MT @hjwallace1: .@evenko_en security staff making GA line worse today. Send Water & food vendors please…they won’t let us leave. #U2360MTL
Incredibly true and with incredibly valuable advice. #U2360MTL RT @atu2 From our blog: U2360 Mayhem in Montreal http://bit.ly/q8SbuP
RT @pinkfreezie: Larry and Bono working the crowd in montreal on july 8th. <3 http://twitpic.com/5nk7bw
People were almost injured in the madness yesterday. Pushing and climbing barriers in the GA line will not improve your spot. #U2360MTL
RT @tony_chiappetta: @u2gigs #U2360MTL out of fear of another repeat they r being more oppressive.
Jumping the line and pushing will not improve your position; the stage is big enough to accomodate you all. Be respectful to other #U2360MTL
If anyone in GA line or will join it later is reading, please do not push. Treat other fans with respect. #U2360MTL
Hearing from @tony_chiappetta that security is awful yet again. Guess they didn’t learn their lesson from yesterday… #U2360MTL
beth_may @U2gigs to find free JTalon shuttle: follow signs for AUTOBUS. Board buses on street just to right/behind Namur station. #u2360mtl
nevri @u2gigs Just checked #u2360chi and it is definitely the Teletubbies intro played between Zooropa and COBL…who knows why? #u2360mtl #weird
atu2comSherry @u2gigs here’s a gig stat for you - there have been 8 NASA Shuttle Missions during the U2360 Tour. :)

popartist61 I uploaded a YouTube video — U2 - Zooropa @ Hippodrome Montreal Canada 7/8/11 8/7/11 youtube.com/watch?v=1by7MK…
I only hope that the security tomorrow is improved. Was absolute chaos today; an absolute squishfest! (And not the good kind) #cheeky
RT @beth_may: if ur coming Sat take shuttle to JT- very fast, flawless, best pub trans plan I’ve seen at a stadium show #u2360mtl
Thanks to everyone who let me know that my tweets were getting through; not looking forward to my next phone bill though!
(And remember that tomorrow’s broadcast on U2.com is scheduled to start at 8:30 PM local time; about 45 minutes earlier than tonight’s).
I’ve been awake for almost 23 hours straight now, so beg pardon but I think I’m going to crash. Goodnight!
It was a pleasure to meet so many awesome fans, and I hope that my tweets from the show were able to keep those at home up to date!
Hey everyone, our belated wrap-up of #U2360MTL can be found here: http://bit.ly/q5i8BQ Sorry for the delay, tomorrow’s will also be late
EveryBrokenWave Gonna be an uncomfortable 2+ hour drive back to ottawa. shoes are filled with water! #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Wading through rivers in the streets. long lineup for metro. warm in there though #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Night all. im running for cover! #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Rain snip with edge. pouring down #u2360mtl.
EveryBrokenWave Rain starting to fall again. hear a storm is coming! #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Rain very light and stopped soon. now wowy #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Starting to rain #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave lots of people leaving. they miss hmtmkmkm #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave No all you need is love snip tonight #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave wyslmt into Streets #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave U2 take stage at 8:30 tomorrow. early broadcast #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Scarlet then walk on #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Black betty snip is UNCONFIRMED. i barely know that song! #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Disco, psycho killer, and i think black betty snips. now sbs #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave crazy #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Vertigo #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave cobl #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Zooropa #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Mr sarajevo #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Pride #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Space oddity snip. now elev #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Beautiful day #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Shout out to guy of cirque de soleil in ishf. snip of promised land. now stay #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Ok, stream down. will tweet. wellies now #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Stream by @u2wanderer ok? #u2360mtl?
EveryBrokenWave Anthem snip, plus more i didnt get. now iwf #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Mw with tryin snip then world #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Ebttrt #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Mexican waves in the stands as space oddity starts. balloons everwhere! #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Curfew at the hippodrome is 11. show will be tight if they adhere to it. no bowie yet. #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Fancam onstage #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Montreal has 8% unemployment. 19:34 in lima, peru. pixels are working again. #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Interpol is done. waiting for u2. #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Screen is on and spelling interpol. screen appears to have some pixal damage. interpol start their set. #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Or rather, someone pretending to be the guitarist is #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Interpol on stage #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave 3g network slowing down. cellular still okay (at least on koodo) #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Interpol due on around at 7:15, u2 at 8:45 #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Network might be going down. gone from full reception to half. waiting for interpol with @edgefest. #u2360mtl