@jpstarkey Added this to the setlist. Thanks for the heads up.
MizShelly RT @u2junkie: @MizShelly They aren’t lining up, but are signing up on the list already. @u2gigs said they were up to 65. <—WOW
@ST_U2 Better than the 46 with humidity (in Celsius; 115 in Fahrenheit) we had up here today :P
#U2360MON RT @U2Baja: “@iambradk: @u2baja Any chance we’ll get Moncton streamed officially?” We have no word of that as of right now
GA line is up to 65 already (thanks @nwox). Hope the heat isn’t as bad for them as it is here in Southern Ontario… #U2360MIN
u2wanderer ok U2. i wanna hear ’40’ ring out over Magnetic Hill next weekend. :-)
The only time U2 have played Minnesota more than once a tour was the Joshua Tree Tour. Every other time has been just one concert.