Nicoawake @u2gigs U2’s show in Paris was wonderful ! Especially, they played a fabulous version of Miss Sarajevo. U2 is fantastic ! #U2360
TheAndySpears @u2gigs my highlight: The Wanderer in Nashville. #U2360 #U2360end
trojanchick99 @u2gigs that is tough. AIWIY in Seattle, Bad in Rome and UV in Pasadena
Chris_Real @u2gigs “Shine like stars”, #U2360MTL night 2. Will never ever forget that.
U2sannieGO @u2gigs i’ve got 2 #u2360highlights Zooropa & the ever so tiny snippet of THBAO. i never thought i’d see the day either would be played :)

RT @mchardie: Breaking news: Blue sky emerges over #u2360mon
Sounds like Carney have finished their set. Next up: Arcade Fire. #U2360MON
RT @neil_mccormick: Carney are unexpectedly exciting, with psychedelic heavy blues grooves. Reeve may be a better rock star than a Spider.
RT @Jason_Turner: @zanecarney you guys are good. Much impressed #u2360mon
And if I’m going to name a #U2360 highlight, well it’s got to be the amazing Zooropa. HMTMKMKM a reasonably close second though.
I do have a bit of a Snippetwatch, thanks to @harbinger384: at the East Rutherford show, MWays had a snippet of TTTYAATW. Added to set!
Hi folks, Ax here. Today’s coverage will naturally be both Matkin and I. Can’t believe this day has finally come. #U2360MON
RT @prbiker15: PLEASE - If anyone is streaming tonight’s #U2360MON tour finale, please let us know! Have a great time to all those going!
So, it’s time for our final question of the day. What has been your personal highlight of the U2360 Tour? #U2360MON
Carney is now onstage. Who wants to bet on Rise Above 1 and/or Boy Falls From the Sky appearing (with guests) during their or U2’s set? ;-)
RT @EdgeFest: To people whining about mud in Moncton. I’ll trade ya. Come do my laundry and I’ll go to #U2360MON. Part timers.
RT @Animal_Clans: The sun gets a standing ovation! #U2360MON!
If you missed it: Don’t be sad about the end of the tour. Join our new competition! Prize: Being smarter than Ax!
5 minutes until Carney take the stage. Break a leg, boys! #U2360MON
CelticArche @u2gigs Only fandom where you can talk to someone for 45 minutes and sit in a line with them for 12 hours and never know their name!
@ChristyRae75 That makes sense, but how would it apply to Moncton?
What time is it in the world, everyone? @Carneymusic is due on stage in about 20 minutes! #U2360MON
I love the U2 fan community.
RT @neil_mccormick: The Moncton claw, from backstage #U2360…
@ChristyRae75 How exactly would that work?
MT @natashcha: one would think premium price = premium content. If we want to see change we need to contact principle&livenation going fwd
We’re down to the final hours now. @u2com, @livenation, @u2 - we’d love it if you came through with a stream, even last minute! #U2360MON
MT @JacquesGallant: Spotted a girl in white pants walking in the mud, her legs covered in garbage bags. oh sweety, white, really? #U2360MON
Make no mistake, I still want a stream! And it’s been asked for weeks on, Twitter, etc. Lots of demand, not a surprise it’s wanted
Very unlikely we will get a stream now. All others announced far in advance. U2 shouldn’t be surprised by demand; fans begging for weeks now
Currently 5:20 at #U2360MON. Rumour (unconfirmed as is everything) is that @Carneymusic will be onstage within the hour.
RT @JacquesGallant: Gates have been opened for two hours, and already I can’t find my feet under the mud. #U2360MON
RT @360FromTheEdge: Always!
RT @360FromTheEdge: Moncton arrival
RT @TheAndySpears: For me, #U2360MON is taking precedence over manufactured crisis of #debtceiling
MT @EdgeFest: Don’t need to use lyrics to express our disappointment in not having a stream. Just play “SO CRUEL” on repeat indefinitely
The time that U2 steps onstage has not yet been announced. Will probably be 9PM local as usual, but not confirmed. #U2360MON
Somebody needs to do a collection of all the stream lyrics/titles! There have been some really good ones! #U2360MON #U2360CAN #U2360END
RT @U2kingdom: I love the U2 fandom #justsaying #U2360MON
RT @WendyMulherin: #U2360MON I have an iPhone! How do I do it?? Rain is letting up.. Clear sky’s on the horizon!!!
RT @U2BROTHR: Nova Scotia gas stations running out of fuel because of U2- Nova Scotia - CBC News: #U2360MON
MT @u2radiocom: Hey @360FromTheEdge dial into 1000mikes on ur blackberry & stream from the stage! We’ll it to the masses. #graspingatstraws
The gates are open and the GA line heads up to the claw for the final time. #U2360MON
RT @joe_ahorro: Happy to make it front row centre for the last #U2 show. Sad to see the tour end. #U2360MON
RT @scottyandtony: Word is that the band’s plane will land at Moncton International at 4:30 #u2360mon
The Zootopia moderators have officially enquired about there being a stream; they have received no word as of yet. #U2360MON
RT @Isa_CFS: The last night on earth! :’(#U2360MON
Now I’m going to stop with the retweets before Twitter locks me out (again). But keep on tweeting; great ones piling up at #U2360MON!
Chanel4NewsTeam @u2gigs The Unforgettable Stream
u2_news @u2gigs Mysterious Streams, Until The End Of The Stream, If God Will Send His Streams, Some Streams Are Better Than Others…
wazowski09 The rivers run but soon run dry….we need new streams tonight! #u2360MON @u2gigs @u2com
I had a dream last night that after Streets, U2 went into Perfect Day; accompanied by all of their opening acts on the tour. #U2360MON

RT @wind_mill_lane: Is this the ga queue? #U2360MON
ludicrosity82 @u2gigs P.S. It should be “I Sent A Fax Through A Phone Line” #u2mon
The fan reaction for a stream has been amazing. From #U2360FAX to forum posts to Twitter, where songs and lyrics are being modified; awesome
farscape_one @u2gigs If there is no official stream, will we have an “Even Better Than the Real Stream”?
atu2comSherry @u2gigs Stream…Stream tonight…and may your dreams be realized…if the thundercloud passes rain…so let it rain on the stream
These are all awesome! RT @Hector_Alvarado: all that you can stream behind RT @Hector_Alvarado: I threw a stream through your window
And you can stream, so stream out loud. #U2360MON
Come on @u2com. Even if there will be no stream we would all like to at least KNOW that. Turn off the Dark; please! #U2360MON #U2360END
U2Baja Agree =\ “@iambradk: @u2baja @_bigwave_ @u2gigs @atu2 Surprised we haven’t heard anything from U2 HQ. #u2360fax #u2fax #u2360mon”
If you missed it earlier… don’t be sad about the end of the U2360 Tour; at U2Gigs, we’re keeping it going! #U2360END
peterostreicher @u2gigs They’re prolly pissed we broke their fax machine! :) I can just picture McG’s face! #U2260MON #U2360STREAM
SchmuliHeidings #u2360mon @u2gigs Springhill Streaming Distaster
U2dreamoutloud @u2gigs It’s fascinating how @u2com ignores those who pay for their living: the U2 fans. But no response also is one, right?!
jenheartsU2 @u2gigs @u2com still hoping for a feed, but a response either way is far better than the utter silence there’s been so far.
JustASinner @u2gigs @u2com not really surprising from usual U2 management’s behavior…
U2Minnesota Should be tweeting @livenation since they manage the tour.. RT @u2gigs: Lots of diappointment over at @u2com over the lack of response
michielovesU2 @u2gigs - I’m trying to think positive and hope @u2com are just busy making arrangements for the live feed. *fingers crossed*
Lots of diappointment over at @u2com over the lack of a response (re: stream). Many saying that a “no” would be better than nothing at all.
@Reina_de_Marte Probably a new post.
partygirlu2 @u2gigs “Oh my God, we’ve actually designed the Eiffel Tower!’” - The Edge’s first thoughts on seeing “The Claw” for the first time in 2009
RT @joe_ahorro: Over 400 in line. 11:30 am. Really wet. #u2360mon
U2sannieGO @u2gigs I’m starting a list of “stumpers” for Ax… this will be FUN!!! #U2brainteasers
RT @Dutchelevation: Unfortunately soundcheck stopped but the good news is it’s claering up and the rain almost stopped. #U2360MON
peterostreicher @u2gigs “No Stream on the Horizon” “Unknown Streamer” Ok I’ll stop now :)
Matkin’s predictions for tonight: Springhill Mining Disaster in place of Stay/Stuck, both UV and HMTM in encore, nothing after MOS #U2360MON
RT @DaleRM: U2 Tour Mgr says “crew has a few things in mind [that will be] a surprise to the band” tonight #U2360MON via…

RT @Sal_71: #U2360MON what crazy things we do for this band!…
RT @SarahStoneJ333: Would LOVE it if @reevecarney played Rise Above 1 w Bono and Edge tonight! #U2360MON

RT @Dutchelevation: @u2gigs See what I mean? #U2360MON…
Crew soundcheck continues with Moment of Surrender and Even Better Than the Real Thing (thanks again to @Dutchelevation) #U2360MON
RT @Dutchelevation: @u2gigs There’s a bit of a stream here in Moncton (literally) #U2360MON ;-)
“What time is it in the world? STREAM time!”; “Stream Bloody Stream”; “Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Stream Me”; “Stream On” #U2360MON
RT @martahU2: @u2gigs This is too cool!! #EvillyThinkingOfHowToStumpAx
Soundcheck is still underway; crew now playing Vertigo. #U2360MON
The weather in Moncton is currently rainy. It doesn’t look like that will change as the day progresses. #U2360MON
If U2 take the stage at the same time as usual tonight (9 PM local), it will be an hour earlier than the last show; set your clocks!
RT @Dutchelevation: Soundcheck 2: City of Blinding Lights (crew) #U2360MON
Don’t be sad that the 360 tour is coming to an end. On U2Gigs, we’ll keep it going with our new contest - Stump Ax!
Crew has reportedly begun their soundcheck. First up: Zooropa #U2360MON (thanks @Dutchelevation!)
@Lunnzies I know there is a fan created one floating around somewhere, bass, drums, and effects only. Guitar players use it on YouTube
@u2br Neither. The creator and webmaster, Matthias/MacPhisto is German. Axver is Australian, and the newest recruit, Matkin, is Canadian
Less than 12 hours to go and no sign of an official stream by @u2com. Don’t let us all down! #U2360MON

RT @angiesad: Space travel, really?! Does the claw count? #U2360MON #U2360END #Moncton
MT @AlexHunnings: New Brunswickers: Have a story you want #CBC to cover? Happy to do it: #U2360Mon
RT @dawn9902: Beware, gas-needing U2 fans. RT @CBNews Nova Scotia gas stations running out of fuel #U2360MON

iambradk @u2gigs @atu2 You guys see this? Beautiful.…
RT @u2videoqueen: I know my #U2 peeps will show the love for @arcadefire in #Moncton, but give some love to @Carneymusic as well.
You won’t be disappointed! RT @jovial2448: It’s been 14 yrs. since I last saw them live…cannot wait to see the 360 show #U2360MON