EveryBrokenWave Wonder how they will get the ice cream cart out when it is completely enveloped by fans #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Might not be able to tweet whole show. remember, @u2wanderer may have a stream. still full cell reception in the stadium. #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Standing/sitting on right side of mix a. #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave In now after some squishing. trying to find my line buddies. security non-effective. #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Easily 10 feet between fence rows. way too wide#u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Fans jumping over the fences. chaos. where is security? #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Ga line is an unholy mess. everyone just moving in a straight line. no organization at all. #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave That random guitar from earlier? the flowering rose of glastonbury. in line with @hjwallace1 and she totally called it! #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Hearing secondhand that line at the front has collapsed/broken, with some problems with security. #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave For those of you following on twitter, @u2wanderer may have a stream tonight. #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Some unknown guitar there. edge is having fun up there. #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Brief city, brief zooropa. one line each. all edge so far. #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Band soundcheck. edge does a bit of zooropa #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave wellies intro with oh canada #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave I will follow intro #u2360mtl
360FromTheEdge Montreal leaving the hotel for sound check. http://twitpic.com/5n47r0
Drea104 @atu2 @u2gigs Expect @360FromTheEdge to tweet, took pic of crowd @ hotel.
EveryBrokenWave Streets guitar, incomplete #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Beautiful day - guitar only #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Lots of media around. just spotted CBC. #U2360MTL
EveryBrokenWave Drum checking. enjoying it while i sit on the grass. now ebttrt. #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Moment of surrender #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Cobl closes at the bridge and leads into vertigo. still full reception on the cell. #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave city of blinding lights check with some interesting guitar improv #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Random guitar twanging now. #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Think i hear a bit of instrumental soundcheck. bits of pride. very quiet compared to fanjam behind me. #u2360mtl
@kayirowling Thanks for this :-) Just RTed.
kayirowling @u2gigs here’s @EveryBrokenWave with his shirt! Find him and go greet him, everyone! #U2360MTL bit.ly/oI6Zot
kayirowling @u2gigs hey! @EveryBrokenWave has taken some pics of the line! bit.ly/na5vCP bit.ly/qMekzA RT pliz?
@pmcphedran As GA is standing it does not matter. It’s first come first serve. Tickets are probably numbered to book them in the system.
EveryBrokenWave Musiqueplus playing ebttrt. one fan dancing as he eats. #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Hey, since tomorrow’s show is being streamed, anyone think it will be released for fans? #wishfulthinking #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Btw, cell reception is at full so far. #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Fanjam has started. off to check it out. #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Check of the sound system now. no actual crew or band check yet. #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Think i will stay near the back of the line to be near the sound desk. will be a new viewpoint for me. #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Crew checking the mic. saying one-two repeatedly #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Just met a fan, said she loved the site and feeling like she is there every night. absolute joy to meet you too! #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Wow, the general admission line is LONG! #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave Souvenir tent. shirts are totally different from last i saw in 2009. #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave In the midst of the media fan jam. what an atmosphere! #u2360mtl
EveryBrokenWave I can see the cla ! wish i could tweet pics with this phone #u2360mtl
evenko_en Only an hour until the party starts at the Fan Jam! Win a backstage tour with U2’s production. Details here: http://ow.ly/5zOPX #U2360MTL
Matkin (@everybrokenwave) is at the show and we will retweet him here automatically. Watch for his U2gigs shirt! #u2360mtl
Since none of us three will be around on the computer tonight during showtime we take a different approach today (cont)
EveryBrokenWave Finally parked. think i found the last spot at radisson metro! #u2360mtl
Follow all #u2360mtl tweets with our Twitter live stream here: http://u2.gs/tws

joshkcampbell @atu2 @u2gigs Here’s a multicam that I made of One Tree Hill from #U2360CHI