15th is, of course, Vertigo. #u2360bra
Looks like 14th is indeed City Of Bldining Lights. NO ZOOROPA. #u2360bra
Printed set confirms all previously unconfirmed parts of the set so far. #u2360bra
Time to stop worrying about the set. SPOILER, PIC OF PRINTED SET: http://twitpic.com/4iz2xu #u2360bra
Can’t seem to get in touch with Matt at the venue… hopefully because he’s busy filming and recording! ;) #u2360bra
@popartist61 That’s true, but Zooropa sounds fairly ready and they were gutsy enough to do EBTTRT at BA 1.
IALW, as usual, is followed by Miss Sarajevo. Could Zooropa be next? Will we know if it is! #u2360bra
Looks like In A Little While is still in the set, right after BD. Appeared to be a snip at end of BD but couldn’t tell. #u2360bra
New stream goes down… running these things isn’t easy. Trying to get in touch with Matt at venue for info. #u2360bra
RT @Fernando_TW: @u2gigs The song declamed at the BD intro is “Carinhoso”, from Pixinguinha
@wxander Heh, thanks. :)
@Twittiker2011 Not right now, no.
11th song (I assume) is Beautiful Day. Huh, it has modified version of 2009’s extended intro. #u2360bra
@EveryBrokenWave Hahaha god I know. All forgiven if Zooropa’s played though, esp if IALW dies too.
If you’re lost with all this losing-and-gaining feed insanity, catch up on what we do and don’t know here: http://u2.gs/br1 #u2360bra
Does anybody know if UTEOTW was done as usual between Elevation and ISHFWILF? After Happy Bday is Stuck In A Moment. #u2360bra
After ISHFWILF, Bono leads crowd in singing Happy Birthday to Julian Lennon. #u2360bra
@S_Hiroe THANK YOU! :D
New feed, U2 are up to ISHFWILF: http://twitcasting.tv/s_… #u2360bra
@DUANEDOOGAN Hahaha acoustic Womanfish! That would be hysterical.
@U2tour Haha, and A Day Without Me while we’re at it!
@atu2 Shall we just say the set’s Gloria, Wire, Exit, and Lemon and hope that via repetition it becomes true! ;)
Looks like songs 4-6 are Magnificent, Mysterious Ways, and Elevation. As usual, but for now unconfirmed. #u2360bra
Looks like U2.com have learnt their lesson and we can’t sneak info about the set from the discography section any more. Ha! #u2360bra
@atu2 Looks more like clutter from those of us at home!
Is anybody tweeting from the show? The #u2360bra hashtag is just a mess.
Ah shit, stream’s gone down. It died during Muse too but the guy got it back pretty quickly. #u2360bra
Third song is Get On Your Boots. #u2360bra
Some of the comments people are leaving on the stream are pretty damn silly. #u2360bra
Buffering seems to be not quite so bad on stream now (but still bad), I guess data networks are always hammered at start of show. #u2360bra
Here’s our article where I will be posting the full set live: http://u2.gs/br1 #u2360bra
The buffering on the stream is brutal, prob going to miss a billion snippets. Too many people watching! #u2360bra
Second song is I Will Follow. #u2360bra
First song of the night is… Even Better Than The Real Thing! #u2360bra
Looks like we’re go in Brazil! Space Oddity on now. Video feed here: http://twitcasting.tv/fo… #u2360bra
So, setlist prediction time? I’m going to say it’ll be like BA 1 set, but with Zooropa in the set and North Star out. #u2360bra
@ryanmoothart Yeah, he said he’d be broadcasting again. If he doesn’t and a different feed appears, I’ll link it.
@theseanmcgee Think the guy who did the Muse live feed will be doing U2 too. I’ll post the link again if he does.
@TheWolverine99 That’s probably because their last 2 albums suck. I reckon Origin Of Symmetry has some great songs.
@MuseTunisia I just think of Eurasia as a really bad Queen knock-off. But then I don’t like most Muse songs post-Absolution. OOS = awesome.
@theseanmcgee Not to me, sorry. I think of it as “Muse’s really bad Queen cover”.
I wonder if you can buy a #u2360bra at the merch stand!
Muse finished set with Cydonia; guy running video feed says “we’ll be back for U2” - I sure hope so! #u2360bra
Video feed of Muse’s set is back. They’re just starting Cydonia: http://twitcasting.tv/fo… #u2360bra
Muse snippeted The Fly’s guitar riff in Hysteria. Bah, and the feed cuts out just as the best song starts, Plug In Baby. #u2360bra
Opening for U2, Muse so far have played: Uprising, Supermassive, Stockholm, Eurasia (eww), Hysteria, and now Starlight. #u2360bra
Muse are on now opening for U2, and there’s even some fan video: http://twitcasting.tv/fo… #u2360bra
Near center position today so we might get some other perspective video #U2360BRA
@atu2 @ericocsilva it does not look too rainy anymore. Fingers crossed.
I do! “@atu2: There’s a chance we may get a live stream tonight from @aleh_ - cross your fingers. :-) #u2360bra”

Airplane formation over the claw #U2360BRA http://u2.gs/jz
@veidar45 5pm now

The claw in Sao Paulo #U2360BRA http://u2.gs/jy
Rain stopped already but sky looks like more to come #U2360BRA
So Zooropa was rehearsed fairly substantially yesterday. Anyone willing to bet on it appearing tonight? If so, short or long version?
Shirts by far most expensive here in Sao Paulo. About 35€. #U2360BRhttp://u2.gs/jxTQ

Queues are moving. We will join our queue now #U2360BRA http://u2.gs/jw
Light rain in Sao Paulo #U2360BRA

This is our queue at gate 2 #U2360BRA http://u2.gs/jv

At the Morumbi stadium #U2360BRA http://u2.gs/ju
@theraissastence sure
@u2br we are coming in a few minutes. Just in the taxi.
Article on today’s rehearsal in Sao Paulo (ZOOROPA!): http://u2.gs/zrpa4 #u2360bra

Looks like they’ve worked on a segue from Miss Sarajevo to Zooropa too. Check out this vid, inside venue: http://u2.gs/zrpa3 #u2360bra
Nah, too bad we’ve not been at the stadium today …