@melsite1 We all have broad vocabularies, so I guess in theory you could expect anything in a dictionary!
Vertigo follows
@FernandoDante Yes, Matkin’s doing tweeting for most of Wednesday’s gig since I have to work.
You know, maybe it’s good the stream conked out. With a set like that, EMS would be rushing to homes all over the world by the finish!
@Gravy1199 There was no reports of an OOC soundcheck.
So far: EBTTRT-Out of Control-Boots-Mag-MW-Elevation-UTEOTW-ISHF-Pride-North Star-BD-MS-Zooropa-City: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar…
Anyone who is missing tonight’s concert will be flabbergasted when they see the setlist later
And @u2br reports Zooropa in full. They soundchecked both a short & long version, so looks like the long version was done, woohoo! #u2360bra
And following Zooropa is one of my personal favourites; City of Blinding Lights. Mind, I’d rather hear Zooropa right now!
God I wish we could hear this. Zooropa’s three previous performances were on 8, 11, and 12 August 1993. #u2360bra
All previous performances of Zooropa only included the latter third of the song; will this one give us the slogans?
@melsite1 This is a surprise?
Zooropa… Vorspring durch technik. Zooropa… Be all that you can be. Be a winner. Eat to get slimmer.
ZOO FUCKING ROPA YESSSSS. Fourth time EVER! Oh my god oh my god oh my god. #u2360bra
Hope it’s not confusing with the 2 of us. You should see below the tweet “via U2gigs (Matkin)” or “via U2gigs (Ax)”. #u2360bra
Matkin definitely seems to be a good luck charm for these sets, haha. Was stunned when I came home and saw EBTTRT for BA 1.
Following Miss Sarajevo is only the fourth ever performance of ZOOROPA!!!! I hope Matt gets video!
The long awaited demise of In A Little While… that plus Out of Control, and I think Axver will have me tweet the sets more often :P
I figured IALW may have died, as BD is in its usual spot. Huzzah! About time. Now, does this mean Zooropa’s in? Fingers crossed. #u2360bra
I hope @meupaulo is right about that, otherwise I’ll look like a complete idiot for that last tweet :P
Reports that Miss Sarajevo is next; no In a Little WhilE!!!!!! WHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, what is next? Will it be In a Little While? Or will that be dropped to make room for Zooropa? (I hope the latter)
@Drea104 There wasn’t really one after all! He just called out their instruments after a speech about Edge.
See U2.com, this is why we need proper streams more often; look how much of a panic the fans get into!
And damn, the alt stream came and went quickly. :( Hope the original one comes back and that the guy isn’t out of battery! #u2360bra
If you’re catching up on the set, full set so far is here: http://u2.gs/sp2 #u2360bra
No word on if the revisited Celtic intro was kept
According to @u2br next song is Beautiful Day
Another stream over here, band’s up to B Day now: http://twitcasting.tv/s_… #u2360bra
Oh my, seems our stream has conked out. Fingers crossed that it comes back online… immediately after IALW if that stays in! :P
@U2comZooMods Not TOO surprising given it’s been played 13 times before! ;)
RnbwDashIsWin @u2gigs Bono = largemouth bass.
U2junkie @u2gigs I’ve only listened with all the other U2 lovers on Twitter - We become ONE giant U2 fan around the world. I love it!
North Star; what key will it be in tonight?
The prize for best fish answer goes to @wxander for Bono and the clown fish!
@ZooPony Haven’t seen any other feeds less download-intensive, sorry!
fabiobuzzo @u2gigs Edge’s an Alligator Gar, that’s all.
kayirowling @u2gigs @EveryBrokenWave for being a non-fan, I sure follow this a lot… I kinda blame you, honey :P
I wasn’t expecting that; I had Beautiful Day all typed out and my finger was hovering over Enter!
Wow, we’re nine songs in and no sign of snippetry yet! Poor setlist looks nude. #u2360bra
Following one of the staples from 1987 is Pride!
And hey; speaking of fish (from a few tweets ago), what kind of fish would Bono, Adam, Larry, and Edge be?
Listening to this with my girlfriend in Mexico is the most amazing experience. Have you listened to a stream with a loved one?
I Still Haven’t Found my concise cue cards is the next song
What will U2 be introduced as tonight? Types of fish? I don’t think he has done that one yet
Time for U2 to take a well-earned breather after this scorching opening while Bono speechifies. #u2360bra
Next song is Bono’s introduction speech. Hey, it’s longer than Scarlet, MLK, and even Boots; why not count it? ;)
I (Ax) think this is one of the best UTEOTWs in aaaages. #u2360bra
So, we’ve already had Out of Conrol tonight; what other surprises can we expect? Zooropa? UV or HMTMKMKM? The painful death of IALW?
@U2comZooMods Out Of Control is a killer addition to the set!
Set so far is EBTTRT-Out of Control (!!!)-Boots-Magnificent-MW-Elevation-UTEOTW. Updated set here: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar…
Some of you are asking when MOS missed. It was cut from Brisbane, 2010-12-09, because of time constraints. Show closed with WOWY.
And next, U2 surprise us all with… Until the End of the World. Wait, why did I say surprise?
Oh, still on Elevation. Missed nothing then.
Whew, saved it! My wings are just a little extra crispy; exactly the way I like them! What did I miss?
Matkin’s polite, re: “colleague’s dismay”. I nearly typed “Smellevation” in the mainpage set. Not that I outright hate it, mind. #u2360bra
U2comZooMods Dear #Brazil, you are I.N.C.R.E.D.I.B.L.Y. loud, we are duly impressed #U2360BRA
Uh-oh, in all the excitement I forgot about my dinner. It’s still in the oven!
@spenceeastwood Along those lines, Bono wanted to drop Pride on Popmart but the rest of the band talked him into it.
And the next song is… Elevation, much to my colleague’s dismay
@Gravy1199 MOS missed Brissie 2 when they ran up against the curfew and ended with WOWY.
The latter of which was Toronto 1 in 2009; the very last time it did not appear in the set I think. Gotta feel sorry for her!
Mysterious Ways is my best friend’s favourite U2 song. Both concerts she has been to, they didn’t play it.
“To touch is to heal, to hurt is to steal, if you wanna kiss the sky then you’d better learn how to kneel”
Will they remember the solo tonight? Or has it still been Axvered? (pun quite obviously intended)
And the fifth song of the night is Mysterious Ways
One of the few concerts which Streets missed was released with the remastered Joshua Tree on DVD as Live from Paris
Some of you asked re: Streets. It missed 12 JT Tour shows and 1 Lovetown show.
To correct Matkin, MOS missed one show, so only 6 songs have been done every show since their debut.
Some people are asking for the stream link. It’s here: http://bit.ly/eH5eEf
I have to say; it’s much tweeting tonight’s set than it was during my first go in Argentina!
Magnificent is fourth
The others being One, Beautiful Day, Vertigo, City of Blinding Lights, and the other aforementioned NLOTH songs
Which interestingly, makes it just one of 7 U2 songs to be played at every concert since it’s introduction
Only the remix of Crazy Tonight and Moment of Surrender can claim the same honour from No Line on the Horizon
You know, considering how much Boots was loathed when it was released, I’m surprised it has been in the set every night
Here is the article where we are posting the full setlist as it happens: http://u2.gs/sp2 #u2360bra
@alljokesmustgo I believe that level is called “Ax totally fucking melts down”. ;)
And third, after that amazing and totally refreshed Out of Control is Get on Your Boots; back to business
Brazil (and the internet) is out of control!
The guy doing this stream is a fucking legend. OOC sounds awesome. What a cool track, wish they’d brought it out sooner! #u2360bra
Wow, this is amazing. Are there any other surprises coming tonight?
OOC was last played on 4 December 2006. Wow, what a great song to resurrect! Just the 2nd song from Boy to be played this tour. #u2360bra
I can’t believe that I recognized that by the bassline before the guitar or Bono even started. Everyone, up on your feet and dance!
Wow, I don’t think that ANYBODY saw that blindside coming!
OUT OF CONTROL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And up second it’s… Out of Control?
You take me hiiiigher!
Maaan feel the lag on that stream. And oh yay, another night of silly comments too?
First song of the night is… Even Better Than The Real Thang! #u2360bra
True, Ax. But at least you know the difference between Wild Horses and So Cruel! :P
Here we go - Space Oddity! Stream here, let’s hope it stays stable: http://bit.ly/eH5eEf
So looks like I (Ax) will be here for most of the gig after all. But we’ll keep tag-teaming this. Matkin’s not a prat like me, after all. ;)
@coolian2 So Cruel sounds like my fridge.
@Axver Oops, so it is. What kind of moron gave me this job anyways? :P
@Drea104 I’ve only seen it once or twice in Aussie shops - I ordered it from Amazon. Cheaper that way too.
I swear, I always hear that when I listen to So Cruel. Can you think of any others?
“Took a drive in the dirty rain to a place where the streets have no name”
Am I the only one who ever thought this lyric combo works really well?
@Drea104 Hurry up and get Passengers! ;)
“What do you want? What do you want?”
DomonicCobb @u2gigs A Tie of Slug and Your Blue Room. Lyrically Slug is like a sister to Numb.
beowulfjones @u2gigs Got a soft spot for United Colours, Your Blue Room and One Minute Warning. (Especially love Edge’s lower register pickings on YBR.)
Hey Ax, Beach Sequence into New Year’s Day is nowhere near as cool as Slug into Streets ;)
My personal favourite from the album would have to be Slug, followed by Your Blue Room and Ito Okashi
I (Ax) will chime in here to answer Matkin’s Passengers question with Beach Sequence. Sublime, and how cool would it be seguing into NYD!
Sounds like everyone has some excellent food tastes. But going back to the theme of U2, which is your favourite Original Soundtracks 1 song?
alpro1974 @u2gigs I”m a veggie myself. So for me it would be the salads that go with it, and potatoes on a stick etc.
trojanchick99 @u2gigs In California we have something called a Tri-Tip roast, which is a beef roast that you barbecue. It’s awesome.
@trainmaniac I sure hope so!
I’m feeling a bit peckish at the moment, so here’s an odd question for you; what is your favourite barbequed meal? Ribs, wings, steak, etc?
Hello everyone, Matkin here! Is everybody looking forward to #U2360BRA night 2?
@popartist61 Yeah, surprised he’s still going now…
@FernandoDante Not sure if that was to schedule or not…!
@FernandoDante Think they came on at half past the hour.
Tonight, both I (Ax) and Matkin will take you through proceedings. I’ll be with you for the end and hopefully the start; Matkin the rest.
Muse just finishing up now with Cydonia, which was preceded by Stockholm Syndrome. Not long until U2! #u2360bra
@FernandoDante Well spotted! Hope that means Brazil gets the awesomeness of Citizen Erased at the 3rd show.
Stream of Muse’s support set here, they’ve just started Starlight: http://bit.ly/eH5eEf #u2360bra
Muse on now, set rather diff to last night so far: Plug In Baby, Resistance, TIRO, Feeling Good, Uprising. #u2360bra
Stage preparing for Muse at the moment #U2360BRA
Still raining in Morumbi #U2360BRA

Rain #U2360BRA http://u2.gs/jH

Light rain #U2360BRA http://u2.gs/jG

Ppl prepare for rain #U2360BRA http://u2.gs/jF

Day 2 at Morumbi stadium #U2360BRA http://u2.gs/jE
Here are my photos from the first Sao Paulo show: http://u2.gs/saopaulo1ph… #U2360BRA #U2360SAM
@MemphisMullen @aleh_ @atu2 which network you’re on makes the different sometimes.
Is anyone checked in at the Mercure in Berrini? Pls contact me.

6 clips from the first Sao Paulo show are now available on our YouTube channel http://u2.gs/yt #U2360BRA

More clips are in the upload queue. Check our YT channel http://u2.gs/YT for them later #U2360BRA

Here is our first clip from the Sao Paulo show - Where The Streets Have No Name with yellow and green balloons http://u2.gs/jD #U2360BR

Very emotional moment as Bono goes down to his knees to remember the school massacre victims during MOS #U2360BRA http://u2.gs/jC
U2 made a tribute to the 13 kids killed at massacre at secondary school projecting their names on the screens during moment of surrender
@wxander people are different here which was good for all shows so far.
@LOQUILLOPANAMA yes, we have seen this on the news in Rio de Janeiro 2 days ago … got it filmed.
Here is a shout for Kiki. We talked a while before the show. Hope you enjoyed your first U2 concert as we did in your hometown #U2360BRA
@golden254 no, the tour comes to an end for me next Wednesday here in Sao Paulo.
@wxander quite good one with this crowd even with a standard setlist. They’re really into it even at the back where we were today.
Internet is slow in our place so it will take a while until the first clips are available #U2360BRA
Glad to see there were some feeds. Network died for me before Muse #U2360BRA
Great atmosphere, Edge and Adam jumping like crazy during Crazy and yellow and green balloons during Streets. #U2360BRA
Got some clips from the front of the mixing desk. Not so easy with a wild crowd in front but that’s what we wanted. #U2360BRA
Big big chaos to get away from the stadium but we got a cab now #U2360BRA

Balloons during Streets #U2360BRA http://u2.gs/jA
@wxander Hah awesome! My parents are pretty cool and took me to my first gig around when I turned 6. Alas that was January ’93, not Nov ’89.
Also, massive, massive thanks to @s_hiroe, @foribeiro, and @virninham for their streams. Efforts very appreciated! #u2360bra
I (Ax) will hand over to Matt and his videos now. I’ll try on another #u2360bra with all of you tomorrow!
That’s all for today, folks. Full setlist and info here: http://u2.gs/br1 #u2360bra
@wxander Goddamn you lucky sod! I was waaayyy too young to even go to Lovetown Wellington in 1989. :(
@wxander I’ll be honest and say I care little about anything other than the music, which is why I’m not much for overblown stadium tours.
@wxander Don’t worry, so am I… I actually had to check the site to recall that stat. Off memory I was going to say it was last done in 09!
All the feeds seem to have perished but they’re onto 24th and presumably last, Moment Of Surrender. #u2360bra
@wxander He’s done it five times this tour, last time was at Auckland, 2010-11-25.
@atu2 @popartist61 Heh, I barely even noticed any visual changes between Europe ’09 and Australia ’10. Not what I pay attention to, I guess.
Shine Like Stars, of course, is still missing in action. Now Bono is speechifying. #u2360bra
22nd song of the night, first of the 2nd encore, is Hold Me, TMKMKM. My fav song in the set in the absence of Zooropa or UF! #u2360bra
Time for the encore break… of course, if you looked at the setlist, you’ll know what’s coming next in the rotational slot. #u2360bra
Choose your stream now; this one’s back too: http://twitcasting.tv/s_…
Snippet of Help leads into 21st song, Streets. #u2360bra
20th song of the night, first of encore, is One, and we have another new feed: http://twitcasting.tv/vi… #u2360bra
@halloweenbeat Haha, somebody once tried to get people to pay her to record bootlegs of U2 concerts. That proved controversial!
Alas, there goes the feed again, but anything’s better than nothing! #u2360bra
Woohoo, this feed’s back! http://twitcasting.tv/s_… 18th is Scarlet, now 19th Walk On.
You know what I think sucks most about not having audio feed/reliable tweeter? Lack of snippet info. Sets look naked without them. #u2360bra
16th was Crazy Tonight, and now the band are up to 17th, Sunday Bloody Sunday. #u2360bra