@S_Hiroe We have about 10 hours so it should work :)
@FernandoDante I think u2chile had a link. Something good should appear soon.
@S_Hiroe Oh yes we have :) 3 1/2 weeks I’ll never forget. Back to a more normal life and day job now …
@FernandoDante Yes we are. But as we have to check out I’m not sure if we do much on our last day.
@S_Hiroe We are leaving tomorrow in the late evening.

I’ve also uploaded two Muse tracks from the third show in Sao Paulo to our Youtube account http://u2.gs/yt #muse

All U2 clips from the third Sao Paulo show are now uploaded to our Youtube account http://u2.gs/yt #u2360bra #u2360sam
@FernandoDante Yes, will get back to you when I’m home in a few days.

More clips from the third U2 Sao Paulo show in the upload queue. Check http://u2.gs/yt in a few hours to see them all #u2360bra #u2360sam
@MetGeld Yes.

Our next clip is U2 w/ Seu Jorge covering Kraftwerks Das Model http://u2.gs/jL #u2360bra #u2360sam #kraftwerk
Bono let a kid run around the catwalk at the start of Vertigo. That’s why he said “Go, go, go” a few times.

Our first uploaded clip from tonights show is again Zooropa http://u2.gs/jK #u2360bra #u2360sam
@u2_news Thank you, added both snips. :)
@golden254 We will have setlist but not be on site in person for the NA shows.
So this was my last 360° show today. I’ve seen 7 really great shows here in South America. Eu Fui!!
By the way, remember this? http://u2.gs/666 Well, Das Model just clocked in as song 777 added to U2gigs. Heh.
@warkoholic Woops, thanks for pointing that out, it’s corrected now. :)
Hi folks, Ax here! Thrilled Zooropa is still in the set. Here is our Sao Paulo 3 write-up with set, info, etc.: http://u2.gs/br3 #u2360bra
And thanks to @u2gigs for giving me the chance to help them out this leg. Matkin out!
Buenas noches! (Or is it ‘Buenos’? I can never remember). Either way, have a great month!
Thanks for a great night, everyone. We’ll see you all again in about a month when the final leg kicks off in Mexico City! #U2360BRA
atu2 @U2comZooMods Plz pass along our muchos gracias and obrigados. :-) #U2360BRA #U2360MEX
Hey, good news everybody! Axver is back! Once he’s written up the mainpage article he’ll give you all your cookies! #U2360BRA
Either the band is collapsing and misplaying every night, or there’s been a hell of a mistake in the dying seconds of the concert #U2360BRA
Wow, my live feed suddenly warped out of all recognition! Anyone else get that? #U2360BRA
@_Dream_Out_Loud You’d better wear some kevlar then, just to be safe! :P
_Dream_Out_Loud @BallinMVP @u2gigs i may get shot for this but IALW might work as a lead-in just as a contrast to the much much much better Streets.
@StrongGirl I ate it. I was hungry.
Moment of Surrender dedicated to the victims of the shooting in Rio
Bono gives a shout out to @Sillywhite
Moment of Surrender. I think that will be it for the night, if tradition holds. #U2360BRA
Sorry, but nobody gets a cookie because I didn’t see any guesses before the song started. Now to run and hide, and take the cookies with me!
So Cruel or Drowning Man would work well in this slot I think. But now I’m just being picky. #U2360BRA
A cookie to everyone who guessed With or Without You. #U2360BRA
Can anyone guess what is next? #U2360BRA
I do like the way they use the strings from the studio version in the live setting. Haunting. #U2360BRA
Lots of debate over the best lead in to Streets. I think I know what to ask next time I tweet a concert! ;) #U2360BRA
_Dream_Out_Loud @u2bale @u2gigs disagree. Best lead-in is Bad/40 from Boston during Elevation Tour.
@Gravy1199 What is the score?
atu2 Tip: next time there’s live audio and ur fave song comes on, close door, make room completely dark (monitor off) and close eyes #u2360bra
Showime folks! #U2360BRA
I wonder if the Batman people realize that Bono is still plugging The Dark Knight? #U2360BRA
Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me, with the usual Joker shoutout; “Why so serious?” #U2360BRA
BallinMVP @u2gigs it would be nice if All i want is you (full song) went into streets like slane castle
And of course, now the aliens tour our solar system and have to dodge @u2360claw, who so inconsiderately runs them off the, err, road?
layzasr @MissLuchifer @u2gigs is a very famous prhase of here to keep us with hope and love
Bono really plugging Muse. “Make love to Muse!” #U2360BRA
u2bale @u2gigs like at slane castle from the atyclb tour all I want is you always works better with streets than anything unless it’s the opener!
marsupilamee @u2gigs Agreed! I was actually distracted from the Streets intro because I expected the full song. Ah well, still flipping fantastic.
Yup. He wants to live instead. #U2360BRA RT @EdgeFest Did Bono honestly just screw up “I want to RUN”? SUPER LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!
MissLuchifer @u2gigs translation of what he just said: I’m Brazilian and I never give up!!!
StrongGirl @u2gigs The AIWIY snippet just makes me want the whole song even more!
I have to say though, All I Want Is You works much better than Amazing Grace. #U2360BRA
@TheWolverine99 Not as high as mine were I bet :P
It was still quite beautiful to hear it. But the full song would have been so much better. They actually work nicely together #U2360BRA
Damn, just a segue. #U2360BRA
Is it the full song, or just a new segue into Streets? #U2360BRA
All I Want Is You! #U2360BRA
Nope, definitely One; can hear it in the background. #U2360BRA
Of course, we all know that this will lead into One. Unless they’ve decided to surprise us and revert to Streets. #U2360BRA
Desmond Tutu will be next
@leoescorsim Oh, I thought they’d closed that loophole.
@atu2 Must have. I’ve been inundated and distracted on my regular Twitter by the Canadian election debates :P
@jmerino82 I’m just hearing a clicking. Not running anything else and it wasn’t present until the end of Sunday Bloody Sunday. Not audience
The only question now is if Ultraviolet or Hold Me Thrill Me Kiss Me Kill Me will open encore #2
atu2 RT @U2TourHans: u2 12th nov 1997 popmart jacksonville - attendance 14 400 // u2 13th april 2011 gustavolfs video-stream atttendance 18,000
StrongGirl @u2gigs Sing it Bono ! It’s only one word…you can do it REJOICE!!! October fans are waiting. :-)There it is!!!!!! He did it.
Regardless of strange background noises, the band continue and head into Walk On. #U2360BRA
Odd clicking in the background now. #U2360BRA
Scarlet. Will he sing it tonight? #U2360BRA
@liz_lemon_ We don’t know for sure that it will be on DVD, or even CD. Could be an online download, or just an EP, or nothing at all
Bono really wants to dance. And that leads us into Sunday Bloody Sunday #U2360BRA
@salveardilla Depends on how big the fan is. Loads of people that show up at the concerts won’t tune in for a live stream or set updates
alexg_rodrigues @u2gigs the news from brazil told today that he had a problem after the last 2 days of party