@beezee05 Matt is; Ax is in Australia. I’ve done a few setlists for them and am in Canada.
@rebjan Streets. The Canucks step onto the ice to it every home game.
@Trap_33 I’ll look forward to seeing them :)
Drea104 @u2gigs The Leafs need to play U2 more often - there were a few games where they scored right after one ;) #superstitionswhatsuperstitions
@Drea104 Originally from the Toronto area. I keep it quiet usually; I like my head where it is :)
@Trap_33 Much obliged :). I’ll take Habs over Sens (and Bruins) any day.
Trap_33 @u2gigs excellent. Not a leafs fan as I am a habs fan but since you are part of the best u2 site on the net you r okay in my book.
PS: My team is the Leafs; what is yours? #breakfromU2
And I seem to hear Desire at some point almost every game. That plus Vertigo for the Habs; Canadian NHL teams sure love their U2!
@Trap_33 I did. Love hockey; my team is the Leafs. :)
Anyone watching the Canucks-Blackhawks playoff game? You may recognize the song they play when stepping on the ice #U2inVancouver

Here’s a pretty awesomely edited video of Zooropa live; it’s quite the spectacle! http://www.youtube.com/w…