Here are my photos from the third U2 show in Sao Paulo… #u2360bra #u2360sam
Second, videos from Sao Paulo 3 and thanks to Matt for all his work after his last 360 show:
2 new articles on U2gigs. First, Bono, Edge, Larry, and Muse’s Dom celebrate after Sao Paulo 3 with some covers:
@S_Hiroe We have about 10 hours so it should work :)
@FernandoDante I think u2chile had a link. Something good should appear soon.
@S_Hiroe Oh yes we have :) 3 1/2 weeks I’ll never forget. Back to a more normal life and day job now …
@FernandoDante Yes we are. But as we have to check out I’m not sure if we do much on our last day.
@S_Hiroe We are leaving tomorrow in the late evening.

I’ve also uploaded two Muse tracks from the third show in Sao Paulo to our Youtube account #muse

All U2 clips from the third Sao Paulo show are now uploaded to our Youtube account #u2360bra #u2360sam