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U2gigs (@u2gigs)

Matt: Berlin / Ax: Wollongong / Matkin: Toronto / Chris: NY

The below is an off-site archive of all most tweets posted by @u2gigs ever

April 13th, 2011

Anyway, that’s it from me (Ax), back over to Matkin. Hope he’s a good luck charm again for an awesome set. Bring on Zooropa again!

 via U2gigs (Ax)

And finally, soundcheck news today. As reported on @u2place: Zooropa, COBL, Vertigo, Mercy, and MW. #u2360bra

 via U2gigs (Ax)

Also, today will be Matt’s LAST 360 SHOW! I think this is his 43rd show, wow. Our friend terrorsittich will be in Mexico though.

 via U2gigs (Ax)

Hi folks, Ax here. Thanks to my work, Matkin will take you through most/all today. There prob won’t be mainpage set until I get home, sorry!

 via U2gigs (Ax)

pvree @u2gigs Same as night 2, but Miss Sarajevo for Bad, and North Star for Every breaking wave. That would be great #U2360BRA

 via Twitter for BlackBerry® (retweeted on 8:57 PM, Apr 13th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

@trainmaniac Ah. Sorry, I don’t know of any others yet.

 via U2gigs (Matkin) in reply to trainmaniac

@halloweenbeat Nothing that we know of. Last thing I saw last night said that they were waiting for the rain to slack off.

 via U2gigs (Matkin) in reply to halloweenbeat

@trainmaniac Nothing concrete; we listed some possible sources in an earlier tweet

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

alljokesmustgo @u2gigs I think U2 could surprise us with a Pop song given nobody knowing about OoC and it being the third show of a city in Sth America

 via web (retweeted on 8:47 PM, Apr 13th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

DaviNabarro @u2gigs I hope they bring UF back, really.

 via TweetDeck (retweeted on 8:47 PM, Apr 13th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

c_regis @u2gigs I guess they’ll start with Stingray. New Year’s Day will feature as it hasn’t been played yet, and also Bad will appear.

 via web (retweeted on 8:47 PM, Apr 13th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

u2suman1 @u2gigs I like bono stubble ;)

 via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 8:46 PM, Apr 13th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

And going back to the facial hair query…

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

marinapompeu @u2gigs I’m betting in Bad.

 via Twitter for BlackBerry® (retweeted on 8:45 PM, Apr 13th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

braprados @u2gigs Just got a tweet from @oifm saying they won´t stream the show via web, only on dial.

 via TweetDeck (retweeted on 8:44 PM, Apr 13th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

corianderstem @u2gigs I’m really hoping BD is permanently out as the opener.

 via web (retweeted on 8:43 PM, Apr 13th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

i_Zepeda @u2gigs gosh!! please let IALW remain dead for the resti of the tour…

 via Seesmic Desktop (retweeted on 8:43 PM, Apr 13th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

u2wanderer @u2gigs see my earlier tweet. i’m holding out for Drowning Man, Pop Muzik performed live, and MOFO. :-)

 via web (retweeted on 8:42 PM, Apr 13th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

So what setlist changes do you expect tonight? Will Zooropa stay in? Will IALW return? Will BD or EBTTRT open?

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

@c_regis Not a clue. Since it’s night 3 I’d expect it to be similar to Arg, but who knows? I hope Zooropa stays in either way

 via U2gigs (Matkin) in reply to c_regis

anaannegues @u2gigs There will be a broadcast by a brazilian radio: @oifm http://oifm.com.br/oi-fm/

 via web (retweeted on 8:38 PM, Apr 13th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

YouGrowWildS @u2gigs what about goatees?

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 8:38 PM, Apr 13th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

Your best bet is probably one of the South American stations listed here: http://www.u2.com/news/t…

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

For those asking, there is nothing concrete about non-subscribers living outside South America having a stream tonight.

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

Now I have yet another random and inane question to ask. Which do you prefer: Beards, mustaches, both, or clean-shaven?

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

…and that their favourite songs from the Passengers project are Miss Sarajevo, Your Blue Room, and Slug (yay!)

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

(especially ribs), that their top 4 songs from October are Gloria, October, Rejoice, and I Fall Down…

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

In the most unscientific of methods, U2Gigs has determined that the average U2 fan prefers Coke to Pepsi, likes barbequed food, …

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

Whether those rumours actually hold true is, of course, a different matter entirely!

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

In addition, @Sillywhite will be in attendence tonight, and unconfirmed rumours suggest the show may be recorded in some form for a release

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

U2 are signing off on a high note, with tonight’s concert being broadcast on radio in South America, and streamed for U2.com subscribers

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

It’s been a pretty good show for U2 and their fans alike; U2360 is now the highest grossing tour ever, and we got EBTTRT, Zooropa, and OoC!

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

Hey everyone, how are you all doing today? Tonight’s concert marks the end of #U2360SAM; and what a leg it’s been!

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

@LesTriplett No sure if the streams of the radio stations might be accessible from the US. You have to try.

 via Twitter for Mac in reply to LesTriplett

@MacphistoMr No, did not record anything with the iPhone.

 via Twitter for Mac in reply to MacphistoMr

@marinapompeu We’re at gate 4 but probably join the queue late :)

 via Twitter for Mac in reply to marinapompeu

@iambradk the refrain. just listen to both again and you’ll get it.

 via Twitter for Mac in reply to iambradk

@iambradk It’s Where the streets have no name :)

 via Twitter for Mac in reply to iambradk

@atu2 If they want to get really wet they should rehearse now. Really heavy rain over Sao Paulo …

 via Twitter for Mac in reply to atu2

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