Bono waiting for his scene in front of the Hansa Studios/Meistersaal in Berlin. Look at the iPad2 he got there. #u2 http://u2.gs/jV

He is my short clip of U2’s Bono taken in front of the Meistersaal / Hansa Studios in Berlin today around 5pm http://u2.gs/jU
@pimpl at least he was :-) They said all left for Dublin about 1 hour ago.
@aidanformigoni some bonus material comes to my mind first as well.
So we heard several Achtung Baby song riffs from the Meistersaal today. Lots of film equipment. Not sure what this will become in the end.
@EstebanRufino1 yes we celebrate it ;-) Just a joke … nothing happend the last 3 hours. I’m leaving now.

Edges guitar was on this table. Really. #u2 #berlin http://u2.gs/jT
Looks like they’re dine here. Lots of equipment is moved out. We were told no one of the band is inside anymore. #U2 #berlin

Bono in front of the Meistersaal in Berlin. #u2 #berlin http://u2.gs/jS
@sara_evans will be on our YouTube account later.
@sara_evans I just arrived minutes earlier. Habve some video of Bono stopping by.
Bono left now. Other probably still inside.

Whoops, first time shaked hands with Bono. He just stopped by. About 10 fans waiting. He’s in the silver car now. http://u2.gs/jR
Bono just in front of Meistersaal in Berlin. I’m on site. They prepare film scene.