EdgeFest Screen is going up #U2360WPG yfrog.com/h4mkgfhj
@U2junkie It is tomorrow night. The buzz just shows how excited everyone in central Canada is for the show (helped by the AB doc filming)!
RT @honey_child: Just found another awesome Free Press photo of me with Bono where I’m reflected in his sunglasses. Seriously, awesome.
RT @tony_chiappetta: The elusive Larry Mullen just graced us with some handshakes and pics #u2360WPG
RT @hjwallace1: The Merch table is inside. Big dang ole line up. #U2360WPG Getting merch then heading around to GA http://twitpic.com/53tj02
@cbarghout If you’re at the Burt, we’d love to hear any updates on what they are doing while there!

RT @cbarghout: Good news U2 fans 1000 more tickets to the Winnipeg show have been released. http://yfrog.com/h868kmej
tony_chiappetta @u2gigs @cbarghout #U2 adam clayton has arrived. Edge shortly as his security waiting out front
beezee05 @u2gigs U2 are closet hockey fans. Signs of a return of pro hockey? Jets were still in the Peg last time in town?
RT @julesport: And during that goal all I could think about was ” Messi cut off his hair”.. A girls view on #football

RT @cbarghout: More fans line up outside the Burt waiting and hoping #U2 will arrive http://yfrog.com/h0snuqpj
@petermansbridge You should totally see #U2360WPG tomorrow if able. Or at least feature it on The National and interview Bono on One-on-One!
Seriously, Winnipeg seems to ready to explode. Why has it taken 14 years for U2 to return? #U2360WPG
SarahStoneJ333 @u2gigs @hjwallace1 I daresay having the greatest bad in the world in the ‘Peg is the most excitement the’ve had in a long time! #U2360CAN
RT @BicycleValetWpg: Still curious how you are getting to #U2360Wpg. Bus? Drive? <laugh> Walk? Bike? #Winnipeg NO event parking on site.
TrailerTrsh @u2gigs Bono was at the Prince House of Blues show in Hollywood. Perhaps a rented theatre is prep for U2 to do the same. Prince was amazing.
guinsters92 @u2gigs I’m the only Brit who is aware of the achtung remaster. Definitely a promotion if you ask me. Hope UK falls back in love with them!
RT @hjwallace1: Front page of the Winnipeg free Press…Bono greets us from the paper. #U2360WPG Peace, Bono! http://twitpic.com/53sywe
RT @hjwallace1: Holy fricken hell we can see the claw from our room! @EdgeFest and just had one of those moments! #U2360WPG
@popartist61 It depends. Coldplay did 18 songs one year I think. Sting and the Police did 9.
If anyone outside of Europe is missing this excellent football match between Man U and Barcelona, see it on Sportsnet (Canada) or Fox (US)
@kevinrobers Nope. But BBC normally broadcasts Glastonbury I think, so we should be fine for coverage!
Call me a cynic, but with the rumours that last night was for Glasto and AB docu, I’m wondering if Glasto will be an AB remaster promotion
@stargazer60 Even though Glasto will probably be a much shorter set than a 360 concert? :P
RT @martahU2: U2’s Rehearsals In Winnipeg (Photos and Video) #U2360WPG http://bit.ly/jgFYa8 via @U2_NT
In footy news… RT @willbuxton Wow. Hell of a goal from Rooney. For the impartial fan, like me, this is an amazing final.
@popartist61 Even if that means a much shorter set than usual? ;-)
popartist61 @u2gigs My fantasy is that they’ll use the Baltimore show as their run-through for Glasto, we in the audience won’t mind. ;)
MT @DaleRM: Via @WeatherNetwork: A tornado watch has been issued for Winnipeg. Take care all #U2360WPG fans!

RT @cbarghout: Crew gets stage ready for U2 show in Winnipeg. #U2360WPG http://yfrog.com/hs24kul…
RT @EdgeFest: View of The Claw from the Hotel Magnificent. #U2360WPG http://campl.us/bfQs
claudiaidzik @u2gigs oh the excitement that builds up while waiting in line for the concert…
matsimon @u2gigs The Fly, Love is blindnesse, When love comes to town (with BB) = Glastonbury show… next shows in Us/ Canada = standard setlists
@u2wanderer Which is just the way that I like it :P
u2wanderer @u2gigs U2 rumors and stories all over Canada these days lol.
Don’t get too excited over The Fly or Love Is Blindness being rehearsed yesterday. Remember it is for a documentary on Achtung Baby…
sbacio @pearljamgirl85 @u2gigs Was there, both gigs … Love for U2 is blindness
RT @u2wanderer: U2’s equipment for #U2360MON has started arriving and being stored in Dartmouth NS. Can’t be stage, maybe seating for venue?
RT @MarsGirl75: I know rehearsals are misleading but if U2 plays The Fly in #U2360WPG, I will be insanely jealous. :)
@tony_chiappetta Based on the tweet, I’m assuming photography
claudiaidzik @u2gigs i wonder what time people usually start lining for the floor seats…
pearljamgirl85 @u2gigs I can’t believe they rehearsed Love Is Blindness… I hoped for that in Rome and Turin… It’s unbelievable!!!!
@OktoberBaby67 It wouldn’t surprise me; partly because it has just one concert on the tour, partly because it hasn’t been played since ’97
RT @nwox: Security is saying no photography of the stage. I got a few. Rumors of a lottery floating in the air #U2360WPG
@OktoberBaby67 I haven’t heard about anything new; probably a standard set
RT @colindebin: Going to be in #Winnipeg for #U2 concert 2morrow. Looking forward to it! #U2360WPG
spenceeastwood @u2gigs I’m very happy for all the folks going to #U2360WPG who may be lucky enough to see The Fly and Love is Blindness debut tomorrow!!
SgtBhaji @u2gigs I’d love to take a peek at the instruction manual for the claw. Tab A in to slot what??? Did they get it from Ikea?
fernando_vh @u2gigs What?? Anniversary of my favorite album in music history? OH, YEAH! Hahahaha! #AchtungBabyAnniversary #U2 4ever!
cqleonardo @u2gigs NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICE !!!!!!!! #AchtungBabyAnniversary
AnalogWalrus @u2gigs i’m sure someone else hypothesized this, but rehearsing AB songs for Glasto w/the Glasto footage being on Achtung bonus DVD?

RT @WpgCameraMan: One crazy stage. #U2wpg. #U2360wpg http://yfrog.com/hsuwtmxj
The excitement in Winnipeg, Manitoba for #U2360WPG is palpable; even here in Kitchener, Ontario!
RT @U2_News: Bono confirma que están filmando un documental sobre “Achtung Baby” http://bit.ly/iJFgO3 #U2 #U2360WPG #AchtungBabyAnniversary
RT @WinnipegNews: If you missed it, check out our video & slideshow of #U2 meeting #Winnipeg fans: http://bit.ly/lMxJCw http://bit.ly/jDTaJa

RT @joe_ahorro: The #U2 merchandise at Canad Inns stadiums. #U2360WPG http://yfrog.com/h8bglqej
RT @ChrisDca: We’re along for a behind the scenes tour of the massive stage for U2 at Canad Inns Stadium. Watch for video later. #U2360WPG
(Thanks @atu2 and their numerous sources in Winnipeg for the info)
So U2 rehearsed yesterday in the rented theatre. Mostly Achtung: EBTTRT, The Fly multiple times, LIB, 1, MW, UTEOTW, Mag, HMTM, STreets, Ele
SheisCree @u2gigs My #U2360Wpg story almost done. Watch it on #CBC Winnipeg Late right after @CBCTheNational. :) http://yfrog.com/h0fqiutj
The_Impulse @u2gigs @U2_NT @u2fanz @atu2 the tv special started with the same past interview by Adela Micha, plus some #U2360mex fan footage.
The_Impulse @u2gigs @U2_NT @trainmaniac @u2fanz Televisa Channel 5. Still searching for a stream, probably here: http://teq.mx/cKG but not sure…
@trainmaniac Not sure. Only word we have for it is via @The_Impulse
@Biel05Augusto …because if we did, our tweetstream would be flooded beyond belief. But we do get every message addressed to us.
@Biel05Augusto Every person who follows us is also a big fan. Unfortunately we can’t follow everybody back…
u2wingsfan @u2gigs This is how EVERY Game 7 should be. I had someone tell me scoreless hockey is boring. This is far from boring.
The_Impulse @atu2 @U2NT @u2gigs … don’t know if it’ll be the full concert or just some songs. I bet for the second option, and a lot of ads.
The_Impulse @atu2 @U2NT @u2gigs tonight the #U2360mex will be aired on a mexican television channel in like… an hour and 20 minutes….
RangerPete61 @u2gigs We don’t mind if it takes you all day for the #FFs. haha
I’d ask a question at this point, but I get the feeling everybody is either too tuckered out from the work week or engrossed in #BosTBL!
So consider this a huge #FF to all of you! http://twitter.com/#!/u2…
Hey everyone, thanks for the literally hundreds of #FF’s! If we could FF all of you in return we would; but we’d be here for the whole day!

RT @trainmaniac: I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/Pb5_dU-K… Even better than the real thing (360° live version)
ksawka No #U2360WPG pics today, nothing happened and its been raining all day! @u2gigs @u2_news @EdgeFest
True patriot love… (You sing the rest!)
u2wanderer @EdgeFest Our Home and Native Land!
EdgeFest Oh Canada :)