RT @hiattb: Did I mention that Turn Off the Dark got a standing ovation Friday night?
EdgeFest But the real news is… U2s First Lady is here - the REAL Mrs The Edge… He walked in with Morleigh :D pic later (on camera not phone)
RT @hjwallace1: U2 just arrived #u2360WPG Bono had his window down. Edge and Adam just waved when they got out. http://twitpic.com/54bzzi
Hey everyone, do any of you have any spare tickets? @SheisCreeCBC from Canada’s national news network will love you for it! #U2360WPG
@pearljamgirl85 Always a pleasure :)
@EdgeFest @hjwallace1 Hope you two aren’t too cold waiting in line. Did you remember your sign?
@Lunnzies I think BBC normally airs it live.
@SheisCreeCBC There are a couple of spots where you can stand outside and still see the stage/hear the band. Worth trying out.
@AntonVonDraco The Fray
@Lunnzies Probably not at this stage. Seems as if they’ve been doing it for the Achtung Baby documentary. Might show up at Glasto though
@pearljamgirl85 Not yet; nobody on stage. Just song being played over PA
All indications are that there will be a feed tonight, the first of this North American leg. Stay tuned ;-) #U2360WPG
U2 not currently on stage. What people can hear are taped versions of The Fly and Magnificent. #U2360WPG
RT @honey_child: Holy crap, I think my car may be behind U2’s fleet of fancy cars! #U2360WPG
RT @tony_chiappetta: mexican mofo flashmob at it again. We will not relent till we get full on full band MOFO http://twitpic.com/54b1r7
RT @hjwallace1: GA line. #U2360WPG http://twitpic.com/54azjw
CelticArche @u2gigs We’ve got full instruament sound checks and screen checks!
Drea104 @u2gigs @atu2 Crew doing full instrumental Zooropa, now COBL. During Zooropa were all testing videos from different songs.
RT @SheisCreeCBC: Wow! #U2 fever in #Winnipeg is fever pitch high..every U2 album sold out at Polo HMV! #U2360WPG
The crew is starting to check some songs by the sounds of it. EBTTRT, MW, Elevation, AIWIY, Pride, Zooropa. Thanks @Drea104 #U2360WPG

This may well be the best cover of Hawkmoon 269 I have ever heard: http://www.youtube.com/w…
popartist61 Hmm, looks like one could see the show from the parking lot. ;) RT @hjwallace1 Good morning The Claw! Hi GA! #U2360WPG http://twitpic.com
@hugocr10 Nope. The songs was no even rehearsed so far.
CelticArche @u2gigs It’s 10.30 here. There’s noise comming from the stadium. App 200 people in GA line. #U2360WPG
RT @hjwallace1: #U2360WPG GA line. Fun! http://twitpic.com/547el1
The question now is if U2 will be at the stadium or the Burt; and if the latter, will anybody be there to tweet during the day? :-)
tony_chiappetta @u2gigs :-) I shot that ;-) that’s my youtube channel and our posse made the MOFO signs( we had ten).
Hey #Winnipeg, try not to explode with excitement today! What time is it in the world? We’ll be with you all through #U2360WPG!
@tony_chiappetta Yes, found it via your UTEOTW footage from Winnipeg. Funny idea with so many signs just in front of him :)
CelticArche @u2gigs GA line at 164. Word has it that they’ll let us in 100 at a time. #U2360WPG

Here is a short clip of the Mofo snippet Bono did in Mexico. You can clearly see a fans Mofo sign right in front of Bono http://u2.gs/ka
RT @CelticArche: @u2gigs GA line is at about number 90 as of now. They’ve got us qued inside the parking area. #U2360WPG
Last retweet link is Until The End of The World recorded from outside the Burton Cummings Theatre in Winnipeg.
RT @hjwallace1: #U2360WPG claw watch: they’re still there working on lighting. Random flashes, checking lighting or something.
RT @WinnipegGordo: He’s Edge outside the Burt in #Winnipeg #U2360Wpg #U2360 http://twitpic.com/53yoy0
heyjturner Excited to shoot the big shoe tomorrow for @metrowinnipeg @u2gigs I’m also available to play drums if needed.
RT @joe_ahorro: Fun #U2 article I was interviewed for. #U2360WPG http://bit.ly/kRqV44
@SheisCreeCBC Awesome, thanks for all the links! Will you be at the show tomorrow?
SheisCree @u2gigs 1 more #U2 from Thursday night . 11:20 min in on this link http://www.cbc.ca/video/…
SheisCree @u2gigs check this out from last night. #U2360WPG
Our article on the rehearsals has been updated: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar… Thanks to @tony_chiappetta and @nwox
RT @nwox: The Fly. EBTTRT. MW. UTEOTW. SNIPPET Will you still love me tomorrow/Streets x2. One. Now Magazine remix
@nwox Where you there earlier? Can you confirm what was played? There are so many rumours swirling around!
@tony_chiappetta Can you confirm what they played today? So many rumours swirling around!
SheisCree @u2gigs “I have fought with a ton of angels held the hand with the devil…He’ll be the shelter from the storm” #U2360Wpg
Good news everyone, the tornado watch for #U2360WPG has ended! Looks like @u2360claw showed the weather who is boss!
MT @SheisCreeCBC: It’s me and my cameraman Jaison who scared the bad clouds away with our U2 music barreling down Highway 1!! #u2360wpg
@blasisaguirres I think it’s Slug, but that’s just me :P
RT @tony_chiappetta: Very quiet at theater. Drivers have all shown up. Remote audio truck doors closed . Could b a wrap. #u2360WPG
@blasisaguirres Doubt any of it will make it onto the tour. Glastonbury is a maybe for some songs like The Fly; remaster for rest.
Our report on the Achtung Baby video shoot is now live here: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar…
@U2TourHans Damn beautiful version too, eh? :)
Earlier this May in Berlin I’ve heard guitar to nearly all songs from AB from the Meistersaal. Time will tell what they’re doing /Matt
partygirlu2 @u2gigs I’m hoping for ACROBAT,it will be a dream listen to the live version!!!!
cbarghout @u2gigs @Robbie_J says they r recording a 25th anniversary Actung Baby album. U2’s Prod Mgr told me they often film stuff on the road
Oops, scratch that. RT @tony_chiappetta: @u2gigs no,the #achtung songs have not been in album order .
So @tony_chiappetta confirms AB was in order: U2 have done Zoo Station, EBTTRT, One, and Streets
Of course, that is still a rather large assumption
So based on that, the previous tweet, and assuming it’s in the tracklisting order, U2 have played Zoo Station, EBTTRT, One, and Streets
RT @tony_chiappetta: Curveball! From One into Streets !!!! Wow . Party in the parking lot !!!!!!! #u2360WPG
Hoosier2012 @u2gigs So how much is “in its entirety” so far…?
atu2 Documentary or not, if they put U2 playing ABABY in full on the remaster, they could sell it for $200 and we’d all buy.
So Cruel and Acrobat are two songs that have never been done full band before. So Cruel had just 3 acoustic performances. Dream for the doc!
“Don’t believe what you hear… don’t believe what you see…” Hey, we can dream out loud, right?
If anyone down at the Burt has a recorder/stream…. #U2360WPG
RT @hjwallace1: Screen is extended. Black clouds rolling in. Wind picking up. #U2360WPG http://twitpic.com/53uu40
Holy crap. RT @tony_chiappetta: #u2360WPG the band ripping through Achtung Baby in its entirety in the theater
@U2junkie Ditto; but hopefully we’ll get streams soon!
RT @hjwallace1: Standing with uber U2 fans from all over the world. Derry, Belfast..oving this reunion!
atu2 From Friday night TV, Bono confirms doc. w/Guggenheim —> RT @friggermortis: CBC interview with Bono! (0:10 - 1:24) http://bit.ly/iOFpEB