And maintaining it at that level is even more critical. A short term improvement is worthless if it mains degradaton again over the longterm
I hope the folks behind keep raising it’s game. Where they go from here is critical, especially in the lull after the tour. isn’t at the level it should be yet, but it is slowly getting there. I hope it keeps raising it’s game. Where they go from here is
Of course, that’s just mine (Matkin’s) opinion. I’m sure that there is plenty of disagreement out there!
I just want to say… Duals still sucks, but I’m pleased with the improvements that is showing. The band seems aware of the problems.
(U2CT meaning U2 Concert Time!)
Classifieds, P.12: Wanted: Live stream in Mexico. When: 14 & 15 May 2011, U2CT. Barking dogs and reversing trucks welcome. #U2360MEX
me_and_U2 Mexico 1 GA #1 - Alejandra from Mexico City, started the queue 11 days before the concert - a new 360 tour record…
All 12 clips from U2’s first show in Mexico City are now available Thanks to terrorsittich! #U2360MEX

Happy Birthday and ISHFWILF from U2’s first Mexico City concert #U2360MEX
@Gerry_Rocks actually it makes a difference as snippets add something to the show often. It’s up to anyone to like it or not anyway.
Here is a bunch of photos taken by terrorsittich during the first U2 show in Mexico City #U2360MEX
Added Zooropa and Even Better Than The Real Thing to our video article #U2360MEX more to come!
Here are the first videos from the show in Mexico City by terrorsittich

Here is already the first U2 clip from Mexico City by terrorsittich. Magnificent in a new remix #U2360MEX
Magnificent during the first Mexico City show was the remix they rehearsed earlier #U2360MEX
Ax here, just wrote my article on today’s setlist: Very glad Zooropa is still in the set! #U2360MEX
@DutchU2Fan Yes, we hope to get some clips from our friend terrorsittich.
atu2 RT @rrafmn: Discotheque long snippet at the end of crazy #U2360MEX @u2mexico second snippet can’t recognize
Mind, I’d take a comfy pillow over Trump anyday. Oh yeah, and Vertigo was played. You know the drill from this point out ;)
For the rest of the night follow @rrafmn for the set and @EdgeFest for Donald Trump humour (seems I’m fired).
Thanks for all your concerns; Ax will be along to do the mainpage set within a few hours. It’s actually an early start that drives me tired
JoseMacPhisto “@u2gigs: Are you psychologically conditioned to nod off whenever ‘Stuck..’ is played?
Now I simply must go to sleep. Sorry for leaving in the middle!
Whoops, really did fall asleep there. Missed songs were Beautiful Day, Miss Sarajevo, Zooropa, and City.
Oh dear, I fear that I won’t be able to stay up much longer. My head is beginning to nod.
RT @twicsy ‘u2360mex’ just became the top Twitter pic trend on Twicsy —… #u2360mex
U2 are Stuck in a Moment They Can’t Get Out Of. The ATYCLB worship continues on Leg 7.
What will be next? A new song? Beautiful Day? A cover? A surprise?
Set so far: EBTTRT-IWF-Boots-Mag (new intro)-MW-Elevation-UTEOTW-Happy Birthday (x2)-ISHFWILF-Pride #U2360MEX
In the name of love; what more in the name of love? #U2360MEX
I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For (have you?) #U2360MEX
@u2ers Nope.
BledRunner @u2gigs @rrafmn Heard a Dj on U2mx saying internet OTA was too weak around stadium and 1st cybercafe 4 blocks away… so… :o/
2 renditions of Happy Birthday for Bono; first by the crowd, second led by The Edge (thanks @rrafmn) #U2360MEX
I love making a difference in people’s lives; don’t you?
Bono speech now? Probably ISHFWILF next if so. #U2360MEX
“You… you said you’d wait… until the end of the world…” #U2360MEX
No live set on or main page just yet; I’m been handed the keys to write one, but am a bit nervous in case I mess it up somehow! #U2360MEX
Hey, a stream would be nice. Hello? Hello! Hola? Donde esta?
Magnificent is fourth, with a new animated introduction staring Desmond Tutu. Rumours of Out of Control seem to be false
Information thus far is from @rrafmn
If so, that would make it the third song to be played remixed on the 360 tour, following Crazy Tonight and EBTTRT
Now, will Magnificent be fourth? And if so, will it be in the rumoured remixed arrangement?
RT @atu2comSherry There has been a Gibson Explorer sighting:
Of course that isn’t confirmed (but it seems likely)
First song of the night appears to be Even Better Than the Real Thing. Still hoping a stream kicks in #U2360MEX
First twitter reports indicate that Space Oddity is playing #U2360MEX
No stream is yet online so far as we know #U2360MEX
No, Streets has not opened #U2360MEX. That’s a much older recording that’s playing on the u2mxradio website.
RT @akarasuma Sadly, given the quality of our internet service providers, I think it’s highly unlikely there’ll be a feed, let alone video.
@vertigovid The webmaster, Matt (MacPhisto) lives in Germany. Axver is currently in Australia. I’m a new recruit from Canada
Anyone read The Dome by Stephen King? I’m about half-way through; quite a good read!
ANd I’m out of questions for now; next time I’ll come prepared ;)
Let’s see… BI
Congrats to @romismyname; the answer is Pride and City of Blinding Lights. Bonus to @jmelrose for The Garbageman Can!
Let’s see, round four… name the two U2 songs which have appeared on The Simpsons!
For those who haven’t heard Eno’s Small Craft on a Milk Sea, I really recommend it. Makes me appreciate his influence on U2 so much more
Round 3 goes to @joshkcampbell (on fire tonight!). SLug’s first working title was Seibu, and it’s from Original Soundtracks 1
musicqc @u2gigs RT @U2Chile Posible streaming del #U2360MEX
Round 3 is a tough one! What was Slug’s first working title, and what was it from?
Wow, @akmcquade, @cid_carlos, @Bailey702, @sarahlloveridge, @HeavyMonoE, and @Drea104 all guessed God Part II right! Too easy it seems…
joshkcampbell Getting a shout out from @u2gigs just made my day
#U2 #winning
Round 2: “…the Sixties were the golden age of pop…”
Well done @joshkcampbell, @bkgarceau, @jmelrose, and @runaground - Sixty Seconds in Kingdom Come!
I’ll put a time limit of 2 minutes per question. Here’s a clue for the first one: It was before The Joshua Tree
u2fanfal @u2gigs I’d like to see Unknown Caller back in the setlist. I don’t think it’s a boring song.
@MemphisMullen Only a possible, but all I’ve been passed:…
Okay, first round: SSIKC
@Drea104 A month ago and I’d have actually heard it; go Ravens!
sarahlloveridge @u2fanfal @u2gigs please in full would be better…
Hey, who wants to play guess the song? I’ll abbreviate a lyric or song name, and you all get to guess what it is. Want to play?
We could be in for an interesting night tonight! Mexico… show us how loco you can be at a U2 show!
More interesting perhaps is the Please snippet also in IGCIIDGCT. Plus the riff of Unknown Caller and some Disco outside a snippet…
As you all know, rehearsels have been unusually quiet. Zooropa seems to be staying, and the Discotheque snip could be back in Crazy Tonight
Seems as if Snow Patrol is about to start the warm-up; and a welcome return to the stage it is!
musicqc @u2gigs Yesterday I was listening to the Mexico soundcheck and I’m in Brazil. That’s why I love U2 Fans! We’re always supporting each other.
CeciSierra @u2gigs Hello! Tunning and u2gigs Twitter from Uruguay #U2360Mex
popartist61 @u2gigs @atu2 Besides all the other possibles, my bet is on a Bob Marley song/snippet tonight.
mich40u2 @u2gigs Possible feed…
amandyve @u2gigs a venezuelan living in trinidad is standing by a great set list! Can’t wait 4 the miami show! Boys I’ll be there once again!
martahU2 @u2gigs Not sure, but everyone is betting on this…
@BledRunner @u2fanfal Oh yeah, Spanish is awesome (dating a Mexican, I should say so!) I meant can we change it to something positive :P
BledRunner @u2gigs From Paris with love! Also, I’m half Mexican, so my heart sings ;o)
For those asking, no word on a stream just yet. If I find one, I’ll let you know. If you find one, pass it on! :)
I’ve just been told that in Mexico, “instead of going to u2” (en lugar de ir a u2) is trending on Twitter; can we change that?
Hey world, I hear that @Ryuutakeshi needs a hug; let’s all give him a giant one from all across the globe!
Let’s hear a chorus of voices for tonight’s show in #U2360MEX!
Calling out to Germany, S. Africa, France, Russia, Greece, Sarajevo and everyone else! Stand up to rock stars and let them know you’re here!
Welcome to Japan, and @pichapichan! We have Canada, Mexico, the US, the UK, and Australia aboard. Do I hear anyone from India? Brazil?
@catygomes Oh dear; I hope that you can pull out of it!
@skottbennett I hope it was a tasty breakfast!
cherrynetuk @racso2099 @u2gigs Enjoy U2 Mexico (esp those from there I met at Slane Castle in 2001). Roll on Glastonbury!!
@kayirowling That’s definitely a highlighht; and how fitting for the first night of #U2360MEX. Lets see if Bono gives a shout-out
kayirowling @u2gigs the May 8th march in Mexico, related to the “No más sangre” (no more blood) movement
skottbennett @u2gigs Yes very eventful. I had this amazing breakfast on Saturday. That happened too! (Welcome back!)
Oh, and it’s also garbage night tonight; I must remember to take out the garbage, recycling, and compost before the concert!
…in Formula One. I’m sure there’s been more going on in the world, but I haven’t been paying attention to it. What’s your highlight?
It’s been quite an eventful few weeks since the last concert; U2 were in Berlin, the Conservatives won in Canada, and Vettel keeps winning
Hi everyone, Matkin here. I’ll be staying up late tonight to bring you all the #U2360MEX we get! What time is it in the world?
racso2099 #U2360MEX @u2gigs some showers in Aztec stadium…