Oh dear, I spoketh too soon. 20 min away from the rapture here in Ontario, and a 6.1 mag earthquake in New Zealand: http://on.doi.gov/iXW39Y
FernandoDante @u2gigs the live version of Last Night On Earth was great, especially the “looking for soul” intro & the solo. They should bring it back.
U2TourHans @u2gigs I see, matthias or/and or ax discussed that yesterday:) hope the band has eggs to play full pop-songs. That more important
@U2TourHans Matkin is late to the discussion ;-)

And now for something completely different (but still awesome): http://www.youtube.com/w…
I wonder if they’ll suggest the same hashtag for Winnipeg, Montreal, Toronto, and EDGEmonton; after all, Canada is only America Junior! :P
And what’s with U2.com wanting to use #U2360USA instead of #U2360DEN? United States is huge, makes no sense
Bono, tonight you should totally do a Last Night on Earth snippet during UTEOTW or Crazy. Just a once off would be hilarious #U2360DEN
Say that U2 buy an NHL team; what is it called?
VelcroBoatShoes @u2gigs @u2com Rapture theme set should run: Love Rescue Me, One Tree Hill, Tomorrow, Yahweh, Playboy Mansion, First Time, Scarlet, Streets
danilo_queiroz @u2gigs Some days are better than others …
Wouterkaas @u2gigs “40”
andreia_hewson @u2gigs Lemon or Red Hill Mining Town.
ErikSpiekman @u2gigs until the end of the world #endoftheworldtoday
santipsedge @u2gigs every breaking wave e north star full band
U2sannieGO @u2gigs #lastU2song “do you feel loved?” #U2
Oh, and go Kovaleinen, Webber, and Perez!
But then again, I’m the guy who wants Wake Up Dead Man played at my funeral; so maybe it isn’t all that surprising after all!
Lots of calls for UTEOTW, Streets, Acrobat, and Walk On it seems! Surprised that nobody has said MLK yet!
Since today is supposedly the end of the world, it brings us to today’s early question: What is the last U2 song you’d want to hear in life?

Happy end of the world day everyone! Here’s the perfect video for it; enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/w…
@atu2 Surprised they didn’t snippet Last Night on Earth ;-)
atu2 Bono talked for quite a while during middle of UTEOTW about tomorrow’s impending rapture. ;-)
@atu2 just scream like a teenager if you see a black van and they’ll not stop ;-)
@jorgefilipe They actually rehearsed Daddy’s Gonna Pay in September 2005 … never quite made it to a gig though.
Here’s our report and full set for the surprise private Denver gig: http://u2.gs/sdn #U2360DEN
WOWY was last song of the night, @atu2 confirms no MOS. Thanks so much m2, and to DRay9911 on Interference for your updates! #U2360DEN
@atu2 You’re probably lucky many of us just listen to the feeds and don’t watch!
@jorgefilipe Bono probably can’t, but I bet Edge can! ;)
The band’s onto With Or Without You now. Will they shock us with a closer of Shadows And Tall Trees? ;) #U2360DEN
@jorgefilipe Yeah, I reckon Anaheim and Montreal definitely, but otherwise maybe a bit rare?
@atu2 Haha, no prizes for guessing that.
@dawn9902 Haha, tomorrow they should just do a Rapture-themed setlist. UTEOTW, Tomorrow, WUDM …?
So, HMTMKMKM or UV to open the 2nd encore? Answer is: HMTMKMKM. Good. Stick with that, U2. #U2360DEN
Snip of Will You Love Me Tomorrow leads into 21st song, Streets. #U2360DEN
@U2Minnesota About 300 or so apparently.
One begins the encore. #U2360DEN
Oh, apparently it’s a different video to the old Tutu one, no more “GRRRRRREEEEAT”ness. #U2360DEN
You’ll Never Walk Alone snippet at the end of Walk On. Now over to Bishop Tutu. #U2360DEN
Do I even need to tell you what’s after Scarlet? Naturally it’s Walk On… no amazing unexpected Stories For Boys or something! #U2360DEN
18th is Scarlet. Can’t believe this is still in the set - thrilled it’s lasted so long. #U2360DEN
Crazy has Discotheque and Please snips, now the band’s onto Sunday Bloody Sunday. #u2360den
16th is Crazy Tonight, and this random giggery tonight really is crazy. #U2360DEN
Next is Vertigo. Should give a shout-out to DRay9911 on Interference and thank him for his posts from the venue. #U2360DEN
@martahU2 Haha yeah I better not jinx it! Not that I can hear much of note on it anyway…
Miss Sarajevo is unsurprisingly followed by Zooropa and then COBL. #U2360DEN
I should just not post about streams; they die a few seconds after I mention them! After BD, U2 have done Pride, Miss Sarajevo. #U2360DEN
@atu2 @sarahdesireee says “walk around to the side there is access right to the doors of the stadium which is public and sound is perfect”
There is this other stream but it’s VERY faint, hard to hear much: http://www.ustream.tv/ch… #U2360DEN
U2 are up to Beautiful Day, and @atu2 are too far away to stream now. Venue staff killjoys. :(
Via @atu2, AIWIY snippet was Worried Blues. Hope everyone there can still hear, even if they’ve been kicked to a worse spot!
If you’re catching up, U2 private Denver gig set so far: EBTTRT, IWF, Boots, Magnif, MW, Elevation, UTEOTW, AIWIY, Stay. #U2360DEN
8th was AIWIY (ended with a snip I couldn’t pick), 9th Stay. Ah bollocks, m2 of @atu2 and his stream are being kicked out of his spot!
@atu2 Was there anything between UTEOTW and AIWIY?
@atu2 UTEOTW was loud and clear.
Since most of you probably follow @atu2 or can watch the stream, I won’t update all the bloody time like normal. U2 on UTEOTW now. #U2360DEN
@comay My friend asking was at Auckland and says “i’d have cried if we were teased with zooropa and got city of blinding lights instead”.
@richardrglover I’d swear it didn’t happen in Melbourne either.
Fifth is MW and sixth is Elevation. @atu2 has got a stream going, awesome: http://ustre.am/oBC6 #U2360DEN
…so can anybody actually remember what show was 1st to have the Zooropa sample in COBL’s intro? I didn’t seem to make a note of it!
Remember the Zooropa “what do you want?” sample pre-COBL? I thought it was 1st in S Africa, but a friend’s sure 1 Aussie gig got it (cont)
Pretty similar really to this gig back at the start of tour: http://u2.gs/k7 Set so far is EBTTRT, IWF, Boots, Magnificent. #U2360DEN
Well what do you know, looks like U2 really are doing a private gig for invited guests + Special Olympians, via @atu2. #U2360DEN
#FF Every single one of you who makes each and every concert a delight, whether there is a stream or not.
@MattElford Slim to none; but I cross my fingers for it anyways. Surely would be more applicable if played in that church, XP
@atu2 Hope you get invited in; have a blast tomorrow night regardless ;)
Rehearsals for #U2360DEN that we know: Magnificent, Miss Sarajevo, Zooropa, CoBL. First 3 had multiple takes. Thanks @atu2 for the info!
atu2 We’ve been told that u2 is doing a private concert tonight for 300 people in stadium. Lots of well dressed people are being let inside. ???