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U2gigs (@u2gigs)

Matt: Berlin / Ax: Wollongong / Matkin: Toronto / Chris: NY

The below is an off-site archive of all most tweets posted by @u2gigs ever

May 27th, 2011

That last tweet was a test of my mobile connectivity to the Twitter account; Matthias just set it up so I can tweet from my two concerts!

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

Test of matkins mobile connectivity

 via txt

RT @RhoAsh: Tweeps attending #U2360SEA - @Ticketmaster email states GA entrance was changed from West Gate to North East Gate.

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

fernando_vh @Helene_Dunbar @u2gigs “Gloria/In te domine/Gloria/Exultate” #U2

 via web (retweeted on 10:38 PM, May 27th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

Zooropa95 @u2gigs That list is a farce. The person who judged that was clearly a Nirvana fan. Nevermind - 1st, In Utero - 7th. AB should be Number 1!

 via web (retweeted on 10:38 PM, May 27th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

natashcha @u2gigs @RollingStone This makes me extremely happy. I love that album. I’d go so far as to say it’s my fav

 via web (retweeted on 10:27 PM, May 27th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

Helene_Dunbar @u2gigs October is still under-rated. Will always be my favorite.

 via web (retweeted on 10:26 PM, May 27th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

fernando_vh @u2gigs @RollingStone Pop should be the 2nd and Zooropa should be the 3rd in this list! #U2

 via web (retweeted on 10:25 PM, May 27th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

AfricanWellFund ATT U2 collectors tons of memorabilia on sale http://bit.ly/iVAHTM portion of proceeds benefits AWF Prop back issues, U2 comics and more

 via web (retweeted on 10:24 PM, May 27th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

celticscorpion @u2gigs love Achtung. It’s tied with The Joshua Tree as my favorite U2 album. I think Achtung wins lyrically.

 via Twitterrific (retweeted on 10:07 PM, May 27th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

Zooropa ranked just the 61st best of the decade by @RollingStone http://bit.ly/k6bHPR. Pop didn’t even rank (unless I missed it).

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

Achtung Baby ranked the 4th best album of the 90s by @Rolling Stone: http://bit.ly/k2AqBc

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

hjwallace1 @u2gigs Pft…they would never walk by us over there anyway. I just love that we are kids in the play pen. It’s going to be cozy. #U2360EDM

 via web (retweeted on 9:49 PM, May 27th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

@farscape_one I really like it. They did a great job on the performance.

 via U2gigs (Matkin) in reply to farscape_one

shenorthwilson @u2gigs check it, 11 min in to link, Wpg is more than ready cbc.ca/video/#/News/L…

 via Mobile Web (retweeted on 9:42 PM, May 27th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

They need the pen to cage in all of the rabid fans when the band walks by, :P @hjwallace1

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

hjwallace1 Another angle of the fenced in area (by Gate 6) and trucks with Claw bits. @atU2 @U2gigs #U2360EDM http://twitpic.com/531if7

 via Twitpic (retweeted on 9:41 PM, May 27th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

SarahStoneJ333 Let’s get the Spidey single trending people! @u2gigs @atu2 #RiseAbove1

 via Twitter for BlackBerry® (retweeted on 9:40 PM, May 27th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

EdgeFest @atu2 @u2gigs please RT - #U2360WPG FAQ http://www.laurenrobb.co… U2 Winnipeg

 via web (retweeted on 9:40 PM, May 27th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

Though that video is still better than all performances of In a Little While combined.

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

EdgeFest @atu2 @u2gigs Please RT when appropriate #U2360EDM FAQ http://bit.ly/masKx4 U2 Edmonton

 via web (retweeted on 9:37 PM, May 27th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

Don’t expect any video from me though. My camera is not very good, as you can see from YBR in Toronto 2009… http://youtu.be/vpk8U8Gx…

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

Seems like I’ll meet lots of you at #U2360MTL and #U2360TOR; awesome! Look for the guy in the U2Gigs shirt in the GA line

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

nwox @u2gigs I’m ready to pack, I’m ready to drive, I’m ready to say I’m glad to be alive. I’m ready, ready for #U2360WPG

 via twidroyd (retweeted on 12:43 AM, May 27th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

hjwallace1 @u2gigs we need a new word for Excited! I’m elated and can barely focus #U2360WPG

 via UberSocial (retweeted on 12:34 AM, May 27th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

claudiaidzik @u2gigs SO EXCITED!! #U2360WPG

 via web (retweeted on 12:31 AM, May 27th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

On another note: somebody, please cure me of my addiction to Cracked.com! Their articles are far too entertaining for me!

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

atu2 Now I’ve seen it all: Car painted in U2 imagery http://youtu.be/NCsGu4HU…

 via TweetDeck (retweeted on 12:27 AM, May 27th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

And I will not tweet of it from this account again :P. So excited for #U2360WPG on the weekend! Are you?

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

If I may be personal for a moment… RT @EveryBrokenWave: Zooropa (the novel in-progress): Germination http://bit.ly/ke9yPq

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

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