That last tweet was a test of my mobile connectivity to the Twitter account; Matthias just set it up so I can tweet from my two concerts!
Test of matkins mobile connectivity
RT @RhoAsh: Tweeps attending #U2360SEA - @Ticketmaster email states GA entrance was changed from West Gate to North East Gate.
fernando_vh @Helene_Dunbar @u2gigs “Gloria/In te domine/Gloria/Exultate” #U2
Zooropa95 @u2gigs That list is a farce. The person who judged that was clearly a Nirvana fan. Nevermind - 1st, In Utero - 7th. AB should be Number 1!
natashcha @u2gigs @RollingStone This makes me extremely happy. I love that album. I’d go so far as to say it’s my fav
Helene_Dunbar @u2gigs October is still under-rated. Will always be my favorite.
fernando_vh @u2gigs @RollingStone Pop should be the 2nd and Zooropa should be the 3rd in this list! #U2
AfricanWellFund ATT U2 collectors tons of memorabilia on sale portion of proceeds benefits AWF Prop back issues, U2 comics and more
celticscorpion @u2gigs love Achtung. It’s tied with The Joshua Tree as my favorite U2 album. I think Achtung wins lyrically.
Zooropa ranked just the 61st best of the decade by @RollingStone Pop didn’t even rank (unless I missed it).
Achtung Baby ranked the 4th best album of the 90s by @Rolling Stone:
hjwallace1 @u2gigs Pft…they would never walk by us over there anyway. I just love that we are kids in the play pen. It’s going to be cozy. #U2360EDM
@farscape_one I really like it. They did a great job on the performance.
shenorthwilson @u2gigs check it, 11 min in to link, Wpg is more than ready…
They need the pen to cage in all of the rabid fans when the band walks by, :P @hjwallace1
hjwallace1 Another angle of the fenced in area (by Gate 6) and trucks with Claw bits. @atU2 @U2gigs #U2360EDM
SarahStoneJ333 Let’s get the Spidey single trending people! @u2gigs @atu2 #RiseAbove1
EdgeFest @atu2 @u2gigs please RT - #U2360WPG FAQ… U2 Winnipeg
Though that video is still better than all performances of In a Little While combined.
EdgeFest @atu2 @u2gigs Please RT when appropriate #U2360EDM FAQ U2 Edmonton

Don’t expect any video from me though. My camera is not very good, as you can see from YBR in Toronto 2009……
Seems like I’ll meet lots of you at #U2360MTL and #U2360TOR; awesome! Look for the guy in the U2Gigs shirt in the GA line
nwox @u2gigs I’m ready to pack, I’m ready to drive, I’m ready to say I’m glad to be alive. I’m ready, ready for #U2360WPG
hjwallace1 @u2gigs we need a new word for Excited! I’m elated and can barely focus #U2360WPG
claudiaidzik @u2gigs SO EXCITED!! #U2360WPG
On another note: somebody, please cure me of my addiction to! Their articles are far too entertaining for me!

atu2 Now I’ve seen it all: Car painted in U2 imagery…
And I will not tweet of it from this account again :P. So excited for #U2360WPG on the weekend! Are you?
If I may be personal for a moment… RT @EveryBrokenWave: Zooropa (the novel in-progress): Germination