AraTrask Remember how everyone wanted a photo of Bono wearing a sombrero a few shows back?… @u2gigs
@EdgeFest good morning from Matt. Glad to see it worked out. I’ll give it a listen at work if the stream is saved :-)

@romarinho74 take a look here:
MOS was in the printed set, but the band must’ve run up against a curfew. Anyway, full setlist & show write-up: #U2360WPG
And @hjwallace1 confirms no MOS! That’s it folks. Only 2nd show to end on WOWY after Brissie 2. (Or 3rd counting Denver rehearsal) #U2360WPG
Is this it? No MOS?! #U2360WPG
24th is With Or Without You. #U2360WPG
23rd song of the night, start of the 2nd encore, is Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me. This has become a bit more permanent. #U2360WPG
Second encore break, will it be HMTMKMKM or UV? Obviously I’m hoping for the former. #U2360WPG
@MarsGirl75 October is in my U2 top four, with UF, Boy, and JT. (Or top five if I can count Passengers.) 1978-84 is easily my fav U2 era.
@mikadu2 19. Walk On, 20. Happy Birthday, 21. One, 22. Streets.
Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow snippet leads into 22nd song, Streets. #U2360WPG
One lacks the Hear Us Coming verse. #U2360WPG
@MarsGirl75 Fire is awesome, don’t get why it’s under-rated. I dig almost all tracks on October though; only dislike I Fall Down.
@isamoras Haha, yeah, I’m starting to expect it at some point in the gig.
But that’s just a technicality, I suppose!
Also, it’s not quuuite AI’s 50th birthday. The article that inspired it was published on 28/05/61; it coalesced into a group later in 1961.
Going to count Happy Birthday as 20th song. So starting the encore, 21st of the night, is One. #U2360WPG
@MarsGirl75 Oh man, Brick would rule so much. Would love some Fire too.
And now here’s the new encore video, the replacement for Tutu. #U2360WPG
Bono makes a speech after Walk On acknowledging Amnesty International’s 50th birthday, sings Happy Birthday for them. #U2360WPG
Closing out Walk On is the You’ll Never Walk Alone snippet. #U2360WPG
@MarsGirl75 Never ceases to amuse me how many people, even hardcore fans, keep accidentally calling it Rejoice. I wish it was Rejoice!
Following Scarlet in 19th is, of course, Walk On. What, you were expecting Alone In The Light? #U2360WPG
18th is Scarlet. Love how it keeps hanging around; it’s a gorgeous piece of music. #U2360WPG
And ending the snippetfest is Please, leading into 17th song, Sunday Bloody Sunday. #U2360WPG
Add to that Life During Wartime and Psycho Killer snippets! #U2360WPG
Aw yeah, here’s the Discotheque snippet! Go oooon guys, crank it out in full. #U2360WPG
16th is Crazy Tonight. How much Pop snippetry can they squeeze in tonight? #U2360WPG
Another snip of You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet, this time at the end of Vertigo. #U2360WPG
@skid63 I’m going to take that as a challenge for my old “Walk On after Scarlet; what, you expected ….?” joke. ;)
By the way, if you’re just tuning in, here’s the full set so far as updated on the mainpage: #U2360WPG
15th is Vertigo. #U2360WPG
@Lunnzies I’ll take The Fly ANYWHERE in the setlist!
@skid63 Me, predictable? Noooo! ;)
@u2_news Yeah, I’d rate UF and Zooropa as this tour’s two best moments.
Zooropa as normal segues into 14th, City Of Blinding Lights. #U2360WPG
And this is now the Ax show like old times; Matkin’s passed the controls over to me.
Barring the sudden appearance of, say, 11OTT, tonight’s 13th song is the best song of the night, ZOOROPA! #U2360WPG
Miss Sarajevo #U2360WPG
Heart Of Gold snippet at the end of BDay, by the way. #U2360WPG
Either @EdgeFest or @hjwallace1 screaming “Cheryl, this is for you!” Heh, hope you’re listening Cheryl! #U2360WPG
Pride #U2360WPG
RT @hjwallace1: Bono just Pulled the 2 girls beside us up on stage! #U2360WPG
@alancross Ever read this? Think you’ll enjoy it ;)
Snippet of You Ain’t Seen Nothin Yet as the intro poem
Beautiful Day follows Stay; Bono calls for a poem. #U2360WPG
And that is the word of Canada’s most eminant musical journalist folks!
@coldplayer4life Connection issues; it comes back
Ax here, Bono did seem to mumble something at the end of AIWIY, possibly LRM-ish? Going to need to check a recording afterwards. #U2360WPG
@atu2 Yeah, I (Ax) caught that in AIWIY too … couldn’t pick what it was, if it was a snippet.
Bono pays respect to Sinatra and talks about how Stay’s working title in the Zooropa sessions was Sinatra #U2360WPG
Stay (Faraway, SO Close is ninth - NOT Love Rescue Me (my bad) #U2360WPG
I think…? He started singing “Love”,, I hit Tweet, and then he stopped. Umm, you may want to disregard that last one. #U2360WPG
Love Rescue Me; full song or snippet? #U260WPG
Ax again, can’t believe I’ve never heard AIWIY live. It always returns to the set just AFTER I see them. But glad it’s back in the mix!
And Edge is having some guitar problems; no doubt distracted by @EdgeFest’s sign during this song! #U2360WPG
Eighth song of the night is All I Want Is You #U2360WPG
And that’s a snip of Where Have All The Flowers Gone? by Pete Seeger in UTEOTW. #U2360WPG
Hey, Ax here (I’m not dead!), just checking in to say this is a damn fine feed from @EdgeFest! #U2360WPG
And Until the End of the World rolls in at lucky number 7. Everyone dancing in their seats? #U2360WPG
Sixth song of the night is Elevation. #U2360WPG
Feed is back; the service being used, Twitcasting, requires a refresh by the transmitter every 30 min. WIll happen again. #U2360WPG
paovillacis @u2gigs Listening Live from Winnipeg Canada (online) I miss #U2, It sounds good!! (#U2360WPG live on )
Mysterious Ways is fifth, and presumably still in the neutered fornat. #U2360WPG
@atu2 Hahah, well we can always dream!
That would be a definite yes to the gospel addition. #U2360WPG
Fourth song of the night is Magnificent; will they keep the new gospel element? #U2360WPG
For those missing the stream, you can find it here:… #U2360WPG #U2WPG #U2360CAN
With a kickass rendition of Oh Canada mixed in that was missing from Toronto 09
Boots is third #U2360WPG
Big thanks to @EdgeFest for the first real stream of this North American leg! Hopefully there will be many more to come! #U2360WPG
I Will Follow
Even Better Tha n the Real Thing; we have stream!
Nothing live yet, but @EdgeFest is trying to get us a stream. PS, Space Oddity.…
People starting to complain about cell phone reception in the Stadium. #U2360WPG
Our article on the concert can be found here:… not long until showtime! #U2360WPG
Hey @EdgeFest, look who it is! RT @catygomes: #U2360WPG via @twitpic
@SheisCreeCBC Congrats! I hope you enjoy the show!
RT @joshayersdrums: according to U2 Manitoba is a state…which it’s not, and also Winnipeg is spelt with 2 “n’s” not one. #U2Wpg #U2360Wpg

RT @alancross: U2 spells “Winnipeg” wrong.
HeavyMonoE @u2gigs Larry plays Basil, Edge plays Sybil, Adam plays Polly, and Bono plays Manuel.
_Dream_Out_Loud @u2gigs bono is Basel. Always lying through his teeth to the paying public telling them that everything is fine.

RT @lindseywiebe: Oh, dear. #u2360wpg RT @mikeduerksen: U2 screen spells Winnipeg wrong. #fail…
Time for the question of the day! U2 have been cast in a remake of Fawlty Towers; who do they play? #U2360WPG
Evening everyone! What time is it in the world? #U2360WPG
The Fray have taken the stage; thanks @hjwallace1 #U2360WPG
RT @bigblue1ca: @ctvwinnipeg Osborne St underpass is closed and wesrbound traffic on Jubilee is backed up to Osborne. #U2wpg #U2360wpg
@EdgeFest I tried often but at 90% networks were down. Good luck and enjoy the concert :-)
@atu2 hopefully the network will be ok later. Don’t forget you must restart the stream with this service every 30 minutes @EdgeFest // Matt
EdgeFest Glad to hear feed sounds good! Conserving battery for tonight - more after 9pm local!
On a side note, I like that #U2360WPG is only one hour behind Ontario; maybe I won’t fall asleep this time!
Seems as if they are really concentrating on Magnificent with these new elements. Have rehearsed it three times so far
Amazing quality on that stream; can’t wait for tonight! Thanks @EdgeFest!
U2 checking Magnificent again. #U2360WPG
RT @monicabernadsky: Wearing popmart tour tshirt to get in the mood for tonight. Not that mood needs any boosting #U2360WPG
Robbie_J @u2gigs: little known #U2 fact. Last time they played #WPG in ’97, Edge had a bad case of the flu. He told me so after the gig. #U2360WPG
EdgeFest Bono checking now. Magnificent…