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U2gigs (@u2gigs)

Matt: Berlin / Ax: Wollongong / Matkin: Toronto / Chris: NY

The below is an off-site archive of all most tweets posted by @u2gigs ever

May 26th, 2011

RT @lindseywiebe: Wow. (U2 set-up at the stadium) RT @ksawka: From the West side! #U2360WPG http://yfrog.com/h0oddibj

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

RT @fakebono Gee I wonder why? #me R/T @Billboarddotcom: American Idol finale ratings jump 17% from last year: http://bit.ly/jokqoO

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

hjwallace1 YAAAY! RT @MelWitsa Lady Claw #U2360EDM is definately arriving now http://twitpic.com/52soa4
@U2gigs @atU2 @U2comZooMods #yeg @redmontonU2

 via web (retweeted on 8:40 PM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

@thefly202005 This works for viewing them but I can’t export anything from Google search.

 via U2gigs (Matt) in reply to thefly202005

@_nathy It does only work for the last 3200. I’ve checked such options already.

 via U2gigs (Matt) in reply to _nathy

@_nathy Since Google reader is not going back the subscription to our account should be as early as possible e.g. early 2009.

 via U2gigs (Matt) in reply to _nathy

@_nathy Exactly. That’s why I’m looking for someone who might have the older ones in some useable format.

 via U2gigs (Matt) in reply to _nathy

@_nathy So I need someone who subscribed early :) I haven’t done this myself. Twitter itself only exports the last 3200 tweets.

 via U2gigs (Matt) in reply to _nathy

Is someone sucking u2gigs tweets into some software/website/whatever with export capabilities? I’m looking for the pre Oct 2010 ones.

 via U2gigs (Matt)

@Galeongirl Yes, he just joined us a few weeks ago and did some show coverage and articles since then.

 via U2gigs (Matt) in reply to Galeongirl

@Galeongirl Neither of us … Matkin is going :)

 via U2gigs (Matt) in reply to Galeongirl

atu2 Here’s the “Rise Above” performance from #idol on YouTube: http://youtu.be/_l2n0e9Z…

 via TweetDeck (retweeted on 7:30 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matt))

I hope you all enjoyed our coverage of American Idol for the first and last time ever tonight. Now I bid thee all goodnight.

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

@steputrip That’s when they had it on the East Coast anyways; I don’t know if it changes slightly in the different timezones or not

 via U2gigs (Matkin) in reply to steputrip

U2log Reeve Carney feat. Bono and The Edge - Rise Above 1 (Audio) http://youtu.be/r8-lkY_F…

 via TweetDeck (retweeted on 5:44 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

atu2 Bono & Edge Perform on American Idol with Reeve Carney http://bit.ly/jOqYJE

 via TweetDeck (retweeted on 5:30 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

Rise Above was available briefly on iTunes Canada but has now been taken down; seems it can be bought in 2 days (thanks @SarahStoneJ333

 via U2gigs (Matkin) in reply to SarahStoneJ333

I know we all moaned about the rest of the show, but waiting that long does make sense. Doing it right before the results gives max exposure

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

Unless you protect your tweets and sent a positive one, in which case I had no way of seeing it.

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

So over the course of those 2 hours I received a grand total of just 1 positive comment about #Idol. And yes, I read them all.

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

So, with that all done and over, I’d like to know: Who will I see at #U2360MTL 1 and #U2360TOR?

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

It isn’t the identical performance to what we just saw (it was released 2 hours earlier), but no doubt that TV one will crop up soon

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

For those asking, you can download the single version of Rise Above on iTunes in Canada and the USA; not sure about other counries yet

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

wxander @u2gigs only if he quits smoking again. Come on Adam…give the guy some of your gum already!

 via TweetDeck (retweeted on 4:04 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

doddi @u2gigs why is #reevecarney trending and not #bono or #edge? heck even #tomjones is trending

 via web (retweeted on 4:03 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

Okay, hell is over now. Time for me to brave the storm and chuck out the trash (including most memories of this Idol show)

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

The guy wins. But Seacrest is past the DVR mark. Again. Tsk tsk.

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

.@julesport I’ll be at Montreal 1 and Toronto

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

SarahStoneJ333 @u2gigs @atu2 LOVED Bono & Edge best part of the night would love to see Spidey live! #thingsIdoforyoubono #idol

 via web (retweeted on 4:01 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

iWhit3Boii It would be cool to see Bono and Edge playing with Steven Tyler right now @u2gigs

 via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 4:01 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

That’s the best I’ve heard Bono sing in a while. I hope that it stays this healthy!

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

RT @wxander @julesport There’s a really good version of him singing “Boy falls…” from GMA on YouTube: http://youtu.be/VHdJ_vBh…

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

@MizShelly Not totally sure unfortunately, but I don’t think so. HAven’t actually followed the play that much. Sherry will know though

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

Our information/article on the American Idol performance is here: http://bit.ly/l6R5xn Ax will add it to the database when he checks in :)

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

u2kat @u2gigs mine too, I was afraid I might have to go get transfusion u spoke about earlier lol

 via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 3:55 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

@Searat Looks good; no Will, but Jack is in it. And Blackbeard.

 via U2gigs (Matkin) in reply to Searat

RosangelaGrande @u2gigs Uhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu BONO and THE EDGE!!!!! Now I can finally turn off my TV in peace.

 via web (retweeted on 3:53 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

@MizShelly He plays Peter Parker/Spider-Man on the Broadway play

 via U2gigs (Matkin) in reply to MizShelly

@atu2 Thoroughly enjoyed it :)

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

trainmaniac I still prefer “A boy falls from the sky”… better than this nice “Rise Above” @u2gigs

 via TweetDeck (retweeted on 3:51 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

atu2 Wow, the “bono” search column on Tweetdeck is going insane. He should be trending soon.

 via TweetDeck (retweeted on 3:51 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

RT @atu2comSherry It’s as if they’ve mashed up the Broadway version with a U2 bside

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

It was almost worth suffering through the rest of the program for! But seriously, highlight of the night for sure

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

Awesome touch at the end on that spider web

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

My ears have stoped bleeding at last

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

Finally! Bono and Edge play Rise Above with Reeve Carney!

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

SOunds as if the stage is getting ready for Spidey! Thanks @atu2 and their sources!

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

MarsGirl75 Beyonce, dear, 1+1=2 is not algebra…. @u2gigs #idiol

 via web (retweeted on 3:42 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

This trailer for Pirates of the Carribbean 4 is the most entertaining thing I’ve seen in the last hour and 40 minutes. #Idol

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

wxander @julesport @u2gigs Now, that’s a conversation I want to listen in on! What the bloody hell would Jay-Z and Tom Jones talk about?!

 via web (retweeted on 3:41 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

TheFly360 @u2gigs ROFL!! I thought it was gonna be B & E too. “Debuting the new single…” Screw you Ryan Seacrest.

 via Mobile Web (retweeted on 3:40 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

popartist61 When did Beyonce and Shakira become the same person? #Idol

 via web (retweeted on 3:40 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

@EdgeFest At least that’s still fun; it’s a metaphor for sex!

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

sara_evans check it out @u2gigs RT @ezybakes Playing with Bono and The Edge tonight on Idol’s season finale!

 via web (retweeted on 3:38 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

“One plus one equals two.” My God, that is brilliant. How does she come up with such soul-searching lyrics? #Idol

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

Damn, thought it was Bono and Edge for a moment then. But nope; it’s Beyonce vs Idol round 2.

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

This Idol humour is painful.

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

I always liked that Rueban guy from season 2. He knocked his brother out over a turkey sandwich! #Idol

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

Is it just me, or does Carrie Underwood appear on the Idol finales fairly often? Is she contractually obligated to or something?

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

u2wingsfan @u2gigs I switch over from the Bruins game to see Lady Gaga wearing something that looks like it came from a furniture store.

 via Mobile Web (retweeted on 3:34 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

wxander @u2gigs yeah - say what you want about Carrie Underwood, but the girl’s got pipes.

 via web (retweeted on 3:33 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

@atu2 @EdgeFest @fakebono My innocent mind just got the joke. Lol!

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

90 minutes endured… how much longer must we struggle on? At least these girls can actually sing.

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

layzasr @u2gigs @MissBono até a Lady Gaga chama pelo The edge…Even Lady Gaga is calling for The Edge

 via web (retweeted on 3:31 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

trainmaniac @u2gigs this is even worst than watching black eyed peas opening for U2..

 via TweetDeck (retweeted on 3:30 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

@kimmyk169 Thank YOU; I’m glad you’re enjoying them :)

 via U2gigs (Matkin) in reply to kimmyk169

wxander @u2gigs Gotta make sure those sponsors get their advertising dollars’ worth!

 via web (retweeted on 3:29 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

ReneeSumner @u2gigs No, I want the REAL Edge!! Lol

 via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 3:28 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

MarsGirl75 I thought being forced to watch The Fray was the worst torture I’d force myself through for U2… This tops the cake. #idol @u2gigs

 via Twitter for BlackBerry® (retweeted on 3:28 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

grazielalima @u2gigs @u2br What must Bono and Edge be thinking about that music? Theirs ears must be bleeding too! LOL :-D

 via web (retweeted on 3:27 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

MarsGirl75 They said “you too” twice and “the edge” (of glory, gaga) and both times I looked up thinking they were on… Dang! #idol @u2gigs

 via Twitter for BlackBerry® (retweeted on 3:27 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

TheFly360 @u2gigs @EdgeFest sShes on The Edge, tell him too look out where he is in there!

 via Mobile Web (retweeted on 3:26 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

borntorocknrol1 #gaga says she’s on The Edge? I don’t like that at all @u2gigs

 via web (retweeted on 3:26 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

Surely you’d rather she sang The Bono of Glory? RT @fakebono I told them we’d only go on if Gaga opened for us. I’m not anyone’s opening act

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

“I want The Edge, The Edge, The Edge!”. Yes, Gaga, so does @EdgeFest, and every other U2 fan enduring this.

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

atu2 I have this vision of Bono & Edge getting completely blasted backstage while they wait through all of this.

 via TweetDeck (retweeted on 3:24 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

Lady Gaga; she’s the one who wears household objects right? Looks like she has a lampshade on her head tonight.

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

Hey, alright! Finally a positive comment!

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

alinedel05 @u2gigs Well, I’m watching and loving this finale! I’ve loved this show since season 5…

 via web (retweeted on 3:22 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

natashcha @u2gigs that’s the thing about idol, its a huge commercial. Ford & coca cola everywhere.

 via TweetDeck (retweeted on 3:22 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

Or if you can afford it, a Lambo. I’d trade in that Ford Focus they just got for a Caterham any day.

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

Oh there you go, Seacrest starts talking about Ford and they conveniently have the Ford logo overlaid on the CTV one. Buy Toyota.

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

Another recap. Looks like an advert for a car company more than it does a singing competition.

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

Oh, and I still haven’t received any posiive tweets about this #Idol show. If I did I would have retweeted, I swear; just for the change

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

Yay, commercials! Now I know why they call them a ‘break’!

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

u2kat @u2gigs my ears are about to bleed again

 via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 3:16 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

tnbosoxfan @u2gigs These tweets are more entertaining than the show!

 via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 3:15 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

So is there any point to the first 75 minutes we’ve all endured? Or is it all garbage for the sake of garbage?

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

theotherlogan @u2gigs Waiting this long for #bono and #edge is going to make me start drinking earlier than usual.

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 3:14 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

@EdgeFest Grey is the new black. #Idol

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

isamoras @u2gigs Where’s the fast foward button?

 via web (retweeted on 3:13 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

Oh thank God, some actual talent. Tom Jones is on stage! There is hope for my ears yet! #IDol

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

“This is the song that never ends. It goes on and on my friends. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was…” #Idol

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

These guys aren’t terrible, but if this is the best singing talent the US has to offer I fear for the future of music

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

Oh God, more country. Where did my woolen earplugs go?

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

Tom Jones cover? Best song segment of the night so far anyways (though that isn’t saying much)

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

RT @MizShelly Now keeping Idol on mute until U2 is on. I remember now why I choose not to watch it.

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

SarahStoneJ333 @u2wingsfan @u2gigs Oh they know we’re watching, they’re counting on it #thingsIdoforyoubono #thingsIdoforyouedge #idol

 via web (retweeted on 3:08 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

Say what you will about Daughtry, but he’s the only Idol cast-off that’s actually turned out half-decent. Remember Fantasia? HEADACHE!!!

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

Wait was somebody just on stage? I totally wasn’t paying attention; fixated on why I have to spend more money on songs I could use for candy

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

u2wingsfan @u2gigs I hope Bono and Edge realize what were putting up with to see them on the craptastic show.

 via Mobile Web (retweeted on 3:04 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

Sure it’s still cheap(ish), but every $0.30 counts. I could have bought 6 five-cent candies for that (before tax).

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

When did the price of music increase from $0.99? I mean, that price is a third again of what it used to be.

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

A reminder that if you don’t want to wait for Bono and The Edge to come onstage, you can now download the song on iTunes for $1.29.

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

RT @EdgeFest OK, even my TV doesn’t want to watch this. It keeps stuttering now :D

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

borntorocknrol1 @u2gigs Is this crap going to be on for two hours?? You know Bono and Edge won’t be on until 5 minutes til it’s over.

 via web (retweeted on 3:01 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

People sure do love taking their rage out on the cameras!

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

That series of flips only to land on the guy’s stomach is the most entertaining part of the show so far

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

Oh God, a mini Seacrest clone. The last thing the world needed. There truly is a hell, and #Idol is it.

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

u2kat @u2gigs im watching tim Mc graw’s tight jeans… I guess no wardrobe malfunctions lol

 via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 2:57 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

RT @SarahStoneJ333: You know you are a hardcore U2 fan when u sit through this schmaltz to get to Bono & Edge #thingsIdoforyoubono

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

RT @hjwallace1 That’s 4 calls so far ‘U2 is on Idol!’ My friends think I’m some sort of part timer….although sweet they think of me first!

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

Soon as Bono and Edge have performed I’ll run into the pouring thunderstorm to take out the garbage. It’s safer for my health than #idol

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

AndyFC91 @u2gigs predictions on who will win idol tonight? I’m thinking Bono and The Edge. ;-)

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 2:54 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

farscape_one @u2gigs Bono = Wolverine: short, wild, hairy, better w/group than solo, heals quick, & has the catch phrase “I’m the best at what I do”

 via web (retweeted on 2:53 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

I would use the Mute button, but I’m watching with someone who actually likes Idol. I’d rather watch a documentary, but oh well…

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

Country singing now? Blech. The one genre I dislike more than rap/hip-hop. Please excuse me while I search for my cotton wool earplugs

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

One of those girls forgot to put on pants. Another one forgot her shirt. Wait, was that deliberate?

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

fernando_vh @u2gigs just pushed mute. I hate hip-hop!

 via web (retweeted on 2:49 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

By the way, no Bono or Edge yet. But there are some people on stage waving their hands like they are being attacked by mosquitoes.

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

@EdgeFest Heh. J-Lo on Idol and L-Jo watching it :P

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

AntonVonDraco RT @EdgeFest @u2gigs The Edge would be The Edge. He already is a superhero.// Yup, fighting crime with his Chuck Taylor’s & Infinite Guitar.

 via web (retweeted on 2:46 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

So many people crushing on J-Lo (that is how you abbreviate it, right?). I was never one of them. My celeb crush was always… guess :P

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

Ooo, that was a nice flash of lightning! 5 seconds before the thunder hit - how far away does that make it?

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

u2kat @u2gigs I was wondering if my ears were the only pair bleeding:)

 via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 2:43 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

So are any of these performers actually in Idol? It’s been 40 mins and we haven’t seen a finalist yet. Aren’t they supposed to be singers?

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

RT @fakebono I told Edge to think of #IDOL as like Live Aid, only this time Spider-Man is the charity. He complimented me on that analogy.

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

Mr. Tyler needs a haircut. But I am enjoying his comment recap. He’s almost as good as Ax!

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

VickyHewson @u2gigs is the ultimate outfit from Hell’s Fashion Week

 via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 2:38 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

BTW, I’m not just retweeting all the negative tweets I’ve received. I just haven’t gotten any positive ones yet! #idol

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

natashcha @u2gigs It looks like bad 90s fashion threw up all over them.

 via web (retweeted on 2:37 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

FernandoDante @u2gigs so you watched Idol before this? What is WRONG with you?

 via web (retweeted on 2:36 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

Will this song never end?

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

EdgeFest @u2gigs I want to see a sign like that which says “The Edge: GOD” or something.

 via Twitterrific for Mac (retweeted on 2:35 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

Ever noticed how much better/more bearable Brits make TV? It’s that subtle British charm (You donkey, I wouldn’t feed that to my dog!)

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

Okay, I’ll try and keep the sarcastic comments to a minimum. But this is the first episode of Idol I’ve seen since Cowell left. I miss him.

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

And yes, I am determined to channel Axver’s cynicism throughout my tweeting tonight. With a display like this it can’t be helped.

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

I hate to sound like I care anything about fashion, but… what on EARTH are those girls wearing?

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

writerunblocked @u2gigs Freddie Mercury is rolling over in his grave. Help us all.

 via web (retweeted on 2:29 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

The thunderstorm outside sounds better than that Queen cover did.

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

Searat @u2gigs I will watch it just for them

 via Qwitter Client (retweeted on 2:28 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

.@EdgeFest Yes, this is. I’d offer you my hands, but I already chewed them off and stuck them in my ears.

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

A_Monsalve @u2gigs Edge = Batman / Larry = Robin / Bono = JOker / Adam = 2 Faces

 via web (retweeted on 2:27 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

scatterolight Ditto for U.S. store http://bit.ly/iB74aB RT @u2wanderer: and Rise Above 1 officially purchased through iTune… (cont) http://deck.ly/~HJFv8

 via TweetDeck (retweeted on 2:27 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

A fairly horrendous cover of Fat Bottomed Girls is now making my ears bleed. Jack Black is actually the saving grace of it…

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

I wonder if @u2360claw is jealous of the Idol stage tonight

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

Sing it, man. RT @fakebono Backstage at Idol. The %&#!$% things I do to put people in the seats.

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

EdgeFest @u2gigs The Edge would be The Edge. He already is a superhero.

 via Twitterrific for Mac (retweeted on 2:24 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

Here’s our article on the Idol appearance, which will be updated when Bono and Edge appear on stage: http://www.u2gigs.com/ar…

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

@sara_evans The program has started but they aren’t on stage yet. No idea when they will show up.

 via U2gigs (Matkin) in reply to sara_evans

TheFly360 @u2gigs Edge would be Spiderman because he is the nerd of U2.

 via Mobile Web (retweeted on 2:17 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

u2w Rise Above 1 feat. Bono and Edge now available on iTunes. http://tinyurl.com/3gdox…

 via web (retweeted on 2:09 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

Wait for it to be included on the next U2.com fanclub release ;-)

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

u2wanderer and Rise Above 1 officially purchased through iTunes Canada. That was far too easy.

 via web (retweeted on 2:05 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

AfricanWellFund ATT U2 collectors new items added old Prop issues, 7” vinyl & more AWF gets portion of all proceeds http://bit.ly/k2cIUM

 via web (retweeted on 2:04 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

u2wanderer @u2gigs Larry = Batman Edge = Superman Adam = Green Lantern Bono = Wonder Woman. :-)

 via web (retweeted on 2:03 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

trainmaniac @u2gigs ninja turtles!

 via TweetDeck (retweeted on 2:03 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

therod730 @u2gigs the fantastic 4!

 via web (retweeted on 2:02 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

MT @EdgeFest @atu2 I hope my feed works for you guys on Sunday :) Sure going to try :) I will of course Tweet out the URL and test

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

But since this appearance is for Spider-Man, it begs a new question for tonight: if U2 were superheroes, which ones would they be? #U2 #AI

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That is if this thunderstorm doesn’t cut our power during the show.

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

Hey everyone; American Idol (which I swear I am watching only for Bono and Edge) is on in 2 minutes. Catch it on FOX (US) and CTV (Canada)!

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

hjwallace1 .@U2gigs As long as @U2comZooMods and @u2com use #U2360WPG the word will get out! It’ll make it easier when we are searching from GA too.

 via web (retweeted on 12:47 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

EdgeFest @hjwallace1 @U2gigs @U2comZooMods @u2com I can’t stress enough that the standard abbreviation for Winnipeg by ALL CANADIANS is WPG ;)

 via web (retweeted on 12:46 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

Drea104 @u2gigs Not sure if you got Anthem snip, though I can’t remember which song it was. “There’s a crack in everything” including my memory ;)

 via Twitter for BlackBerry® (retweeted on 12:06 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

hjwallace1 YAAAAAAY! ooooh The Claw! #U2360WPG RT @ksawka @u2gigs @EdgeFest #U2 #U2360WPG http://yfrog.com/gzefzuaj

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CrisSky @u2gigs Found this video on youtube! Even Better Than The Real Thing from Denver. Pro Quality! http://www.youtube.com/w…

 via web (retweeted on 12:05 AM, May 26th, 2011  via U2gigs (Matkin))

@hjwallace1 Most of the replies that I got wanted #U2360WPG

 via U2gigs (Matkin)

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