ksawka @u2gigs check out the progress! #U2360WPG #U2 http://yfrog.com/h4htsqmj

scatterolight niiice view - this vid has the full Love Rescue Me from #U2360SLC last nite (+ AIWY) http://youtu.be/_XjJb2Zw…
Not U2 related but still rather amusing. RT @richmintz Tell me this isn’t a Simpsons joke. http://twitpic.com/52g7f0 #Scotland
Hi folks, Matkin here. Apologies for last night; as Ax guessed I did indeed pass out, but no alcohol was involved!

ksawka #U2 setting up in #winnipeg! @u2gigs http://yfrog.com/hsy76qe…
U2’s Salt Lake City show had It’s Only Rock ‘n’ Roll (But I Like It) as snippet in Vertigo #U2360SLC
@atu2 Yeah, “too”, i.e. in addition to what we posted and the live updates from @LookoutsGirl that I’d already mentioned.
@GnoccoFritto Thanks! Added to the setlist.
U2’s Salt Lake City setlist from todays show is here on our page: http://u2.gs/slc #U2360SLC
spenceeastwood I don’t know how to describe it. Wow. just wow. Perfect. Amazing. Breathtaking. Wonderful. Best night of my life #U2360SLC
Bryan_Packer Amazing show! Thanks #U2! #U2360SLC http://lockerz.com/s/104…
@thephonebox Never. They always add it to the set just after I see them, or drop it just before I do!
Matt should be here soon to clarify if the band followed it perfectly or not, & I will be back soon as I can. @atu2 have live updates too.
Damnit, work needs me to head offline. I’ve posted the set on the mainpage, full from printed set: http://u2.gs/slc #U2360SLC
Note that Love Rescue Me was not on the printed setlist. Nor Happy B’day obviously. Otherwise band sticking to printed set. #U2360SLC
9th is Love Rescue Me, 10th is Happy B’day by Bono for Bob Dylan, 11th is Stay. #U2360SLC
There you go - eighth is AIWIY again! I like it sticking around in the set. Just wish Melbourne had got it last year. #U2360SLC
@SeattleB Alas, no luck so far.
Sixth is Elevation, 7th is UTEOTW. For those who haven’t looked at spoilers, what’s next - AIWIY? ISHFWILF? Bad? Something else? #U2360SLC
Haha, to those of you asking, I suspect Matkin’s passed out from tiredness, not alcohol. His typing stayed too good for the latter! ;)
But fifth is MW. #U2360SLC
Sorry folks, I (Ax) am working at the moment and Matkin may’ve passed out, so updates might not be as prompt as usual. #u2360slc
Third and fourth were Boots and Magnificent as usual. #U2360SLC
Here is our mainpage article where the setlist will be posted in full as it happens: http://u2.gs/slc #U2360SLC
u2peacegirl @u2gigs Sorry, gotta say Go Sharks! Need game 6! #nhl #SJSharks
I Will Follow
Even Better Than the Real Thing
Space Oddity
Lol! RT @FakeBono Shite! We’re running late because the Fray put Edge to sleep. Larry is waking him now. With a drumstick. #U2360SLC
Lots of interesting and varied flora that U2 could be!
RT @wxander @u2gigs Adam’s a Calla Lily, Bono’s an Iris, Larry’s a SnapDragon and Edge is a Screaming Blue Daisy :D #U2360SLC
RT @atu2comSherry @u2gigs and I’ll take this moment for tomorrow night and say GO BRUINS!
I’ll just take a brief moment to be partisan before the concert: GO CANUCKS! #gocanucksgo #nhl #canucks #U2360SLC
ReneeSumner @u2gigs Angel’s Trumpet flower
alljokesmustgo @u2gigs now to see if they can expand the Discotheque tease a bit longer than last time and eventually we might hear the whole thing!
rickr91 @u2gigs U2 would be a Clerodendrum ugandense. Shades of white and blue, just like zooropa ” abluer kind of white” !!
ClaytonsKitten @u2gigs U2-tulips of course. Adam would be pristine white, Larry a soft violet, Bono a FIERCE pink, showing off ofc, and Edge would be red.
musicqc @u2gigs Sunlit tulips as in @360fromtheedge tweet.
popartist61 @u2gigs Well, since this is what I saw for myself in Denver, no need to stay up then… ;)
Time for tonight’s question! If U2 were flowers, what kind would they be? #U2360SLC
Setlist for tonight’s concert. Obviously contains spoilers: http://lockerz.com/s/104… (thanks @Julie_Hanks)
What time is it in the world? #U2360SLC
Hey SLC? Sorry about having to cop The Fray. Signed, U2gigs and most of our followers. Hey Fray fans? Enjoy your minority. ;)

RT @uumike The view from Suite C2, Row 1. #U2360SLC http://yfrog.com/h2a7kce…
Ax here just to note that The Fly has a history of being soundchecked by the crew even when U2 have no intention of playing it.
RT @atu2comSherry @atu2 I paid $10 for those Achtung Baby shirts when they came out in 1992. #inflation #vintage #U2360

atu2 No doubt that an Achtung Baby remaster is coming soon. They’re selling AB shirts on this tour: http://flic.kr/p/9LDZWW
ZooPony @u2gigs It was also sound checkd on 5/20, by crew before Denver show [http://j.mp/l1Ocl5] so may not mean anything since it was the crew…
Also keep in mind that U2 may soon be soundchecking songs/combinations not currently in the show for Glastonbury; don’t get too excited, :P
Don’t get too excited, anybody; remember that was the crew soundchecking, and they did a lot in Aus that never made it into the shows
From @LookoutsGirl, we’re told that the crew also soundchecked SBS, guitar bits of NYD and Vert, The Fly (partial) and “something acoustic”
@nwox Going by the Twitter replies we got, WPG
spenceeastwood @u2gigs (regarding soundchecks) The sound was really great. And that was just the crew. Can’t imagine how awesome the show will be tonight.
RT @patrickfunk: Just met #Bono! #U2360SLChttp://twitpic.com/52305h
GnoccoFritto @u2gigs also Pride, Beautiful Day, MOS, EBTTRT and Space Oddity intro
spenceeastwood @u2gigs I don’t know if it was a NEW intro per se, but you could distinctly hear the “What do you want?” from the album song several times
(Thanks @Drea104 and @VegasTraveler for the info)!
Yes, soundcheck was definitely by crew; U2 didn’t arrive until about an hour ago. #U2360SLC
Zooropa (with new/extended intro?) + City of Blinding Lights soundchecked today, probably by crew #U2360SLC
scatterolight That’s a rad photo. Claw in the mountains. #U2360SLC RT @holstenstrasse: http://bit.ly/jLWbDk

RT @ksawka U2 in Winnipeg! Set up! http://yfrog.com/h3axaph…